Realistic Game

Chapter 282: Ink cartridge, level 3!

  Chapter 283 Cartridge, third order!

  "Where is the boundary between matter and element?"

  Mo Lan pondered this question.

  "Suddenly I discovered that the difference between elements and matter is not that big.

  The wind element can be easily transformed into air, and the water element can be easily transformed into water.

  诶, no, I can convert elements into matter, but I don’t seem to have the ability to transform matter into elements again. "

  Mo Lan suddenly woke up.

   "Even the element of wind that I converted into air just a second ago, I can't restore it to the element of wind.

  And other air cannot be transformed into wind element. Water is so, fire is so, it seems that it is all so. "

  Mo Lan thought about following this train of thought, and suddenly he was completely speechless.

  "The body of a phoenix bird has substance, but it is also composed of fire elements, which shows that the body of a phoenix bird possesses two characteristics at the same time.

  And the phoenix bird has a high probability of being able to change between the fire element and the body. "

  Mo Lan thought very excitedly.

   "Yes, if I can decipher the method of mutual transformation of matter and element, many, many, many will no longer be a problem.

  Energy is not a problem. Everything in the world is composed of elements. As long as it is broken down into elements, it is endless energy, and as long as the speed of decomposition into elements is fast enough, there is no need to worry about the slow speed of obtaining the elements.

Arcanist is not a problem. As long as he transforms his body into an elemental body and possesses the characteristics and advantages of both a physical body and an elemental body, the limitation of the physical body's inability to withstand magic can be completely lifted. It is magic in itself, how can it not be able to withstand it? What about the magic? "

  Mo Lan thought about this, but shook his head again.

  "The idea is indeed very beautiful, but I want to realize it. There is not a sample, and there is not a reference object."

  Mo Lan recalled the Phoenix Bird before, and then looked at his own Fire Spirit.

   "The third-order fire spirit does not have a substantial body, so it looks like it does not have the fourth-order.

  Then this should be a realm that can only be reached at the master level, and I want to catch the master fire elemental life."

  Mo Lan rubbed his nose.

  "Let’s wash and sleep, think of a way to transform water into water and wind into air for reverse research.

  Maybe you get some inspiration from studying the composition of water and the formation of air? "

  Mo Lan knew in his heart that the chance of success in this way is actually very small. There are no samples, no data, and no experience. There are only two cases that barely match each other, and the success may be only one in a million.

  "Isn’t the essence of researchable being to find that possibility out of a million impossibility?"

  The corner of Mo Lan's mouth slightly raised, and he recorded the subject of matter and element in his notebook.

  Mo Lan will not rush to start. No matter how important it is, he can’t lose his order. If he can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, he has to take it step by step.

  Now the focus of the association’s work is on the elemental engine and the mobile mage tower. After the completion of this project, it will not be too late to gather the strength of the association’s elite to research this topic.

  After writing down the incident, Mo Lan killed the lava giants one by one, taking out their intact and broken lava cores.

  The only Tier 4 lava core has been smashed into gravel, Mo Lan summons the fire spirit, placed it between the intact lava core and the broken lava core, and tried to swallow it with the fire spirit.

After a while, Mo Lan shook his head disappointedly.

   "No, it doesn't matter whether a complete Tier 4 lava core can work or not, at least Tier 3 lava cores and broken Tier 4 lava cores will not work.

  According to this speculation, I am afraid that the complete Tier 4 lava core is useless. "

  Mo Lan frowned slightly.

  "If you want a fire spirit to advance, do you have to find a four-ringed fire spirit to swallow it? What is the most primitive method of the fire spirit?"

  After thinking for a while, there is no conclusion, Mo Lan shook his head, and closed his eyes to look at the ink cartridge in his mind.

  The progress bar at the bottom of the ink cartridge has been directly increased by one section.

  "On this scale, maybe a few more waves will be enough. Maybe you can just brush the ink cartridge to the fourth order all at once.

  Third-order ten thousand, four-order one hundred thousand, fifth-order one million hiss, hope it is not this algorithm. "

  Mo Lan suddenly had a toothache.

   "Forget it, don't think so, the second-tier transcendent core can memorize two fourth-ring spells, allowing me to instantly cast two fourth-ring spells without any cost.

  The third level is three, maybe the fifth-ring and sixth-ring spells can be released.

  The four rings are four. Even if you can’t remember the seven ring spells, can you always remember the six ring spells?

   Directly memorize four sixth-level spells without paying any price. Four sixth-level spells can be cast instantly.

  This function alone is enough to let me kill a six-ring mage in seconds, not to mention the computing power that is like a computer.

  It's just a little experience point, it's worth it. "

   Mo Lan immediately felt a lot better, and then turned to look at the battlefield, remembering every angle and detail of the battlefield before leaving this area.

   Floating at low altitude, looking for new magma crevices, Mo Lan's mind was also recalculating the battle just now.

  This is the habit of Mo Lan, or it is the habit of most wizards. After the battle is over, the battle is fully deduced, looking for the best way to learn, improve, and become stronger.

  Of course, many people have this habit, and they regret it after the fight. "I should just take his crotch directly, oh, what did I do? I won’t do it next time!"


  Mo Lan continued to deduce, probably after going through it all, he began to sum up silently, but in the end he returned to his current most powerful spell.

  "When fireball is launched, it uses high-pressure fire element jets to obtain power, just like a balloon deflated. Although it has a very high speed, it can deflate, and its power will not be enough when it explodes.

   But if you don’t do this, the power will be preserved, but the fireball thrown out is very slow and easy to be avoided and intercepted.

  At least half of the power of the fire element acceleration is Without acceleration, this fireball technique is abolished, and the power of the fire element is useless. "

  Mo Lan was lost in thought.

  This fireball technique is his most powerful attack spell at present. If the power of this spell can be doubled, it almost means that Mo Lan's strongest attack power has doubled.

   Mo Lan was pondering, and soon he found a new magma gap and a new lava behemoth.

  Led ashore, four-ring ground stab, six-ring fireball, and four-ring ground stab, to end the battle.

  Sweeping magma gaps one after another, and killing magma behemoths batch by batch, Mo Lan releases six-ring fireball every time, and each time it releases it is different and has been changed. It is used for testing and collecting data.

After a while, Mo Lan found that the progress bar under the ink cartridge was full when the wave of lava monsters was half killed.

  As soon as the progress bar is full, the ink cartridge starts to rotate at a high speed. During the high-speed rotation, the lines on the third side of the ink cartridge are gradually illuminated.

  With the clearing of the progress bar, the lines on the third side are fully illuminated.

  Ink cartridge, third order!

  (End of this chapter)

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