Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1010: Break into the central area

Seeing that man's face, Lu Yu thundered like thunder.

Because this person was the abnormal doctor who was killed by Lu Yu last time in the hollowed out mountain research base.

"He... why is he still alive?"

Lu Yu clearly remembered that when a shot exploded, the bullet passed through his head, and even the plasma bounced out.

Damn it!

Can live like this?

Nima, this is not a non-human species camouflaged by Bumpman on the earth...

It is almost certain that the other party died on the spot, but what happened to the doctor below who had come back to life?

He was alive and kicking, and he could scold others loudly.

How? He really has supernatural powers like aliens, can he still pop out of the coffin board when he is dead?

I'm so crazy...

Lu Yu's mind was plunged into chaos.

Zhao Fei at the back saw that Lu Yu had been slow to move, and asked in a low voice, "Hey, what's wrong?"

Lu Yu took a deep breath, set his mind and continued to crawl forward.

No matter if this guy is dead or not, he doesn't want to explore.

Even if he really came back from the dead, Lu Yu could kill him once, he could kill him a second time!

This time, let this **** doctor pervert, sink to the bottom with the Seabed Research Institute and be buried in the deep sea, not believing that he can survive.

After thinking about it, Lu Yu gritted his teeth and took out a grenade, pulled out the tab, and threw it down the vent.

Afterwards, immediately creep forward quickly.


Listening to the loud noise coming from behind, Lu Yu smiled coldly.

No matter what the monsters, ghosts, and thunder, you are all finished.

"Fucking? So cruel?" Zhao Fei secretly smacked his tongue, buried his head to catch up from behind: "What did you see just now?"

"Nothing, just a dead person!" Lu Yu shook his head.


Zhao Fei is bold and bold.

Seeing Lu Yu walking away, he hurriedly followed.

The two of them crawled forward on the left and right, and they didn't know how far they had gone. They had already passed the exhaust outlets of several ventilation ducts anyway.

Looking down, the scale seems to be a laboratory.

Several scientific researchers in white coats gathered together, all excited about what they were studying.

Calculate the distance, from that large laboratory to here, it should be close to the central area of ​​the laboratory.

"Remember, keep up with me later and don't fall behind!"

Throwing a word out, no matter if the latter heard it or not, Lu Yu raised his knee and suddenly kicked the iron railing of the exhaust vent.


Just listening to the iron railings fell, Lu Yu's body fell to the ground.


The researchers looked at the person who suddenly appeared in surprise.

Lu Yu drew his gun at them, and said coldly: "Everyone, don't make any noise, I can't kill you."

The scene fell into silence.

Everyone looked at Lu Yu in horror, and...

"Oh, my grass! My old waist!"

Zhao Fei fell from the top, clicked, his waist flashed, and he howled in pain.

Taking this opportunity, someone is going to press the siren.


Lu Yu shot without hesitation, and a bullet penetrated his forehead.

"I only give one chance. Since you have made your choice, don't blame me!"

"Yes, don't let them go, dare to laugh at Lao Tzu."

Zhao Fei helped his old waist to stand up and said viciously.

Puff puff puff!

The two opened their bows left and right, and those researchers who wanted to escape were all sent to the Western Heavenly Paradise.

On the floor, blood blossoms bloomed, messing up everywhere.

Lu Yu wiped the blood off his face in disgust, retracted the crossbow, and opened the door of the laboratory.

Quickly glanced outside, and along the corridor to the right, there was another big iron gate the same as before.

Behind the iron gate should be the central region.

"Quickly! They are here!"

"Hurry up and don't let anyone run!"

A large number of rapid footsteps came from the back of the tunnel, a mess, mixed with faint shouts.

"Damn it!"

Lu Yu cursed secretly, this group of people is really lingering.

Hey, rushed out of the room, and the two quickly hid behind a bunker.

"Do you still have an iron ball?" Lu Yu turned around and asked Zhao Fei.

The latter nodded, took the last iron ball from his arms and handed it over.

A crazy and bold idea came into Lu Yu's mind.

It was when they passed through the iron gate, they used the iron ball to blow up the tunnel.

The advantage of this is that you can completely get rid of the pursuit, but the disadvantage is also fatal.

Once the tunnel collapses, the sea outside will be poured in, and the lower area will be completely submerged by the sea!

This approach is crazy, very crazy!

Lu Yu didn't want to try if it had to be a last resort.

He quickly told Zhao Fei about the plan, and the latter stared at him dumbfounded, like a monster.

"No! This is too risky, and it drives us to death!"

Zhao Fei vetoed it without even thinking about it: "Besides, once the tunnel collapses, we can't go back. We can only move forward. The elevator is at the back!"

No diving equipment was carried on the two of them.

The back was submerged by sea water, and the way back was cut off, so I could only keep going forward.

Assuming that there is no elevator in front, they will not be able to get rid of the seabed and return to the ground. This will be a mortal situation.

"You open the door and I will stop them."

Zhao Fei clenched his weapon tightly and hid behind the bunker.


The footsteps are getting closer and closer here.

Without further ado, Lu Yu rushed to the iron gate, smashed the code lock with a fist, and connected the system device with a computer.

"Two minutes!"

Lu Yu held up **** and began to crack the code lock.

At this time, a large group of guards appeared at the end of the tunnel.

Zhao Fei squatted behind the bunker and took out the smoke bomb.

Right now, they can only rely on this to create visual barriers to support them.

Throwing out the smoke bomb, and waiting for a while, Zhao Fei rushed out of the bunker and raised his gun to shoot.

Bang bang.

The bullet leaned out like raindrops, rushing to the front guards, becoming live targets.

The white smoke gradually filled the corridor, and he couldn't see his fingers or see his companions around Zhao Fei smiled. He liked this occasion the most.

Putting away the gun and holding the dagger tightly in his hand, the situation can only exert its maximum power by close hand-to-hand combat.

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The cat and mouse game is on!

Turn on the laser dagger, red light blooms, Zhao Fei flashes into the smoke.


As if afraid that there would not be enough smoke, Lu Yu took the opportunity and threw two of them to help Zhao Fei.

The smoke in the tunnel is more dense.

It's like being in a white world and seeing nothing.

But at this moment, if you look at this tunnel from the bottom of the sea, you can find a very strange scene.

Whenever the white smoke fluctuates, red light must flash through it, and then it will be accompanied by someone screaming and falling to the ground.

And the transparent walls of the glass tunnel were stained red with blood, like a bunch of monster flowers blooming on the bottom of the sea.

With a deep and coquettish coldness.

As soon as two minutes arrived, Lu Yu put away the computer, and shouted at Zhao Fei, who was eager to kill, "Go!"

The iron gate opened with a clicking sound. It seemed that Lu Yu was about to run. He buzzed and shot a few bullets from the smoke.

Ding Ding Ding!

The smoke fluctuates, and the bullet hits the body armor, which is useless.

"wait for me."

Zhao Fei shouted, his figure leaped out of the smoke, with a strong blood and evil spirit, and followed Lu Yu into the central area.


The iron gate slowly closed again.

Smoke surging from the tunnel covered all traces, as if nothing had happened.

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