Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 924: Established the Alien Institute

   The data shows that, in fact, many years ago, Lao Mi had discovered clues to aliens.

   This time the alien spacecraft and the aliens in the glass tube solution are just part of the clues they have accumulated.

   Moreover, what is even more shocking is that the aliens have visited the earth far more than once, and Lao Mi has been in contact with the aliens many times.

   But for some reason, every time aliens seem to be particularly fond of the United States.

  According to the detailed information, the reason why the U.S. technology has advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years is entirely because of the advanced technology obtained from the aliens.

  These technologies have helped them become the number one power in the world!

  This also makes the previous guesses become a certainty.

   Thanks to the help of extraterrestrial technology, Lao Mi was just as if he was on the hook. In just two hundred years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, he became the world’s leader.

   There was also a point on the material, which made the high-level on-site have to pay attention.

   Located in the extreme cold of Siberia in the country of Maozi, there seems to be a laboratory hidden under the glacier.

   And it is extremely likely, and it is also related to alien technology.

   When Lu Yu finished speaking, the scene was still silent.

   After a while, a high-level executive broke the silence: "This time, Xiao Lu did a very good job. Not only did he successfully complete the task, he also brought back such precious materials, he should be awarded a special award!"

   Next, the meeting room is left for these big guys to discuss.

   Lu Yu quietly leaned against the door of the meeting room, waiting patiently.

   As for what is being discussed in it, he is not qualified to contact it yet.

   The seven He Chenguang were awarded first-class merit and returned to Team A early.

   Even if he didn't enter the meeting room, Lu Yu could guess that a bunch of big guys were arguing about how to deal with the data in the USB flash drive.

   Make it public or stay?

   Do you want to destroy it?

   Or, use it yourself...

   This is nothing but a question of choice!

   If you leave the USB flash drive, you can make good use of the alien technology stored in it.

  Once it is used, the technological development of Longguo in the future will definitely be pushed to an unprecedented height.

   will be a qualitative leap!

   This question, a fool can also make the right choice.

   So, after a fierce discussion, the answer was ready.


   The door of the meeting room was pushed open soon.

Hu Guohai walked out with a smile and patted Lu Yu on the shoulder: "Xiao Lu, the above has already been decided. For your outstanding performance this time and bringing back such important information, you have decided to grant you a special medal of merit. After two days, I will give it to you. You have a commendation meeting!"

  Special Class...

   This is the first time Lu Yu has won a special class, and he feels a little excited.

   Although these external fictitious names are worthy of joy, after they stabilize, he is more concerned about how to deal with the data in the USB flash drive?

   is more related to the future development of the country!

   "Little comrade, you come in."

   At this time, there was a full of breath in the conference room.


   Lu Yu was just thinking about the problem, but before he recovered, he was pushed in by Hu Guohai.

   The big screen went out, and the meeting room was in dim darkness. You could vaguely see the top position, and a figure was sitting upright.

   "Come on, sit down!" The man said lightly.

   Lu Yu glanced at this person curiously.

  Although the other party did not express much, just a simple sentence, but it gave people a sense of oppression invisibly!

   It seems that you have to follow his instructions.

   Only those who are in a high position all the year round will have this momentum.

   With great power in hand, one word can determine life and one word can determine death!

  The power of life and death is under control, just like an emperor!

   Lu Yu retracted his eyes, pulled a chair away, and sat on the opposite side of the man.

   The superior waved his hand, and immediately a figure appeared from the darkness, gently placing the USB disk on the table.

"this is……"

   Because the light was too dim, Lu Yu couldn't see the other's expression for a while.

   Putting down the USB flash drive, the figure retreated, blending with the darkness behind him.

   The superior said Shen Sheng: "The information here is of great research value and very useful to us! Therefore, the country decided to set up an independent research institute to study alien technology."

   After a pause, he spoke again: "During this time, I will send someone to Siberia to find out the situation. If all the information is true, I need to trouble you to run again!"

   Lu Yu nodded: "No problem, it is my duty to share the worries for the country!"

   The superior nodded with satisfaction: "I have handed over the establishment of the Alien Institute to Director Hu of the Security Bureau, who will take the lead. It is estimated that the time will not exceed three months! Your duties will be notified later."

After    explained, the other party got up and returned to the darkness, disappearing without a trace.

   Lu Yu said ‘Huh’, his eyes widened in surprise.

   Come as you say, leave as you say?

   But think about it, he was relieved soon!

   This kind of conference room where all the bigwigs of the country gather together, there must be another secret door to the outside world.

   In the dark, there are also many bodyguards who are responsible for the safety of the boss.

   Just when he came in, Lu Yu felt that more than five or six guards were hiding in the four corners of the room.

   As long as he shows a little bit of hostility, he will be shot immediately.

   And now to explore again, the conference room is already empty.

   It seemed that they all retreated from the underpass.

   "Alien Institute..."

   Lu Yu frowned I feel a little troublesome!

   Although there are detailed research data, there is no real object as reference data.

   I want to understand the research of alien technology, I am afraid it is not so easy to do.

   The construction time is three months. In this three months, it is best that everything is fine.

   In this way, Lu Yu can accompany An Ran more at home.

  The most feared thing is that those restless guys are playing tricks behind their backs.

   After eating such a big loss, with Laomi's temperament, I will definitely not let it go.

   After leaving the meeting room, Lu Yu found that Hu Guohai had been waiting for him at the door.

   "Let's go, sit down with me!"

   patted Lu Yu on the shoulder, and the latter smiled and said, "Just in time we have a chat about the establishment of the Alien Institute!"

   got in Hu Guohai's car, and the two returned to the Secrecy Bureau.

   On the way, Lu Yu was in a good mood and talked and laughed with Lao Hu You.

   That person left Lu Yu to talk alone, and the meaning is self-evident.

   In the future, his Lu Yu and Team A will become a real big killer.

Jingle Bell……

   was talking when the phone rang suddenly.

   Lu Yu glanced at the call. It was Li Erniu who was calling. He pressed down and answered, "Erniu, what's the matter?"

   "Captain, my son, that is your godson, Weiguo is almost full moon!"

   Over there, Li Erniu's excited voice came: "You have time to take a moment, come here to drink full moon wine, I invite you..."

   Listening to Li Erniu talking a lot, Lu Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

   I'm a godfather, I almost forgot the full moon of my godson.

   is really incompetent!

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