Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 921: The commander's house is angry

   Lu Yu and the others took advantage of the chaos in the base and used the identity of the general Bieber to easily find the vehicle that came.

   A group of people boarded the car quickly, and Lu Yu fastened his seat belts and said: "Drive, leave the desert base, and the owl will meet outside."

   "Captain, sit down!"

   He Chenguang clenched the steering wheel in excitement, his eyes gleamed, and he stepped on the accelerator frantically.


   The car galloped out like an arrow from the string.

   Wang Yanbing drove a military Hummer, and also followed closely behind.

   Two cars in front of each other, set off a dusty sky, and tried their best to gallop out of the desert.

   Along the way, they saw many military helicopters, rushing to the fifth area.

   The teams stationed outside, upon receiving the news, went straight to the base in the fifth area.

   A storm is brewing in the dark.

   In the car, Lu Yu turned on his palm computer, edited a message and sent it to Owl.

   "The task has been completed, I will send you the real-time location, and I will respond quickly!"

   Below is the location information of Lu Yu.

   Inside a secret base.

   Owl was chewing gum and stared at the screen to monitor the movement there.

   Lilith was holding a notebook beside her, watching a movie.


   At this time, the big screen uploaded a message with a beeping sound.

   Owl clicked on immediately, glanced attentively, deleted the information, and copied the real-time location map.

   "Lilith, you are here as a back-up. I will take them over."

   left a word, and the owl hurriedly got up and left.

   Lilith closed her notebook and quickly took over as Owl.

the other side.

   After the news was sent, Lu Yu took back the computer, still far from relaxing.

   Even if the desert is calculated, it is still on the boundary of Laomi, and the crisis has not been relieved.

   The base in the fifth area was destroyed, and their existence would be exposed soon. Every subsequent move made it even more difficult.


   A little wrong step may lead to a dead end!

   Forty minutes later, the edge of the desert was gradually in sight. Lu Yu and the others accelerated and rushed out of the desert in one fell swoop.

   Not far ahead, he saw the owl.

   The two cars ‘crunch’ stopped and smoked the sky.

   A group of people rushed to get off the car and meet the owl.

   "Everyone, you guys have worked hard, change this."

   Seeing the embarrassing look of a few people, the owl didn't have time to say more, and threw out some clothes for them.

   Lu Yu rubbed his face a few times before returning to its original appearance.

   Several other people also tore off their human skin masks and changed their clothes full of dust and grit.

   Putting on the new clothes and simply cleaning the dirty face, the whole person feels refreshed.

   Compared with Lu Yu, He Chenguang and the others could not directly deform after wearing a human skin mask for a long time, the skin condition changed greatly.

   As the face hadn't seen the sun for a long time, he suddenly tore off the mask, and the skin was irradiated by the violent sunlight, causing a burning sensation.

   "His grandmother, Lao Tzu's handsome face, if it is disfigured because of this ugly face, you will lose out!"

   Wang Yanbing and Muttering complained and hurriedly hid under the car.

   Waiting for everyone to change their clothes, tear off their masks, and stack them together.

  Owl took out the gasoline from the fuel tank and sprinkled it on it, which burned to ashes.

   "Go, get in the car!"

   Lu Yu greeted them, and the group changed into the Owl’s car and sat down.


   The car suddenly started and galloped out, leaving the place unknowingly.


at the same time.

   In the commander's mansion, the first time the news was received, the entire conference room fell into deathly silence.

   The images displayed on the big screen, all the content, are conveying a message——

   The fifth district exploded and collapsed, buried the sandy bottom, and disappeared in ashes!

   The commander limp weakly on the chair, his head buzzing, it feels like the sky is falling.

   After receiving this news, his high blood pressure soared, his eyes were red, and he kept rubbing his temples.

   "The full special code is a bunch of rubbish! No-brainer!"

   The commander's anger exploded directly, kicking over the table, and cursing.

   The construction of the fifth district is related to the country, and it is hailed as their precious treasure.

   Over the years, in order to build this place, several generations of commanders have spent countless efforts and invested countless manpower, material resources and financial resources. Almost all of their top scientists have gathered in the underground base in the fifth district.

   After decades of construction and perfection, it has formed a large-scale secret area of ​​science today.

   However, the painstaking efforts of several generations were destroyed under their noses!

   Ashes are gone, and there is no **** left!

   There are tens of thousands of people in there, so many top talents are all buried in the sand.

   This is a huge loss for them.

   Maybe, scientific research and technology will stop there, and even go backwards.

   More importantly, the wreckage of the alien spacecraft inside is related to the confidential research of alien technology.

   All these were also destroyed.

   Hearing the commander furious, everyone was so frightened that they didn't even dare to breathe. The whole meeting room was quiet and almost audible.

The commander kicked a man to the ground angrily, and roared: "What the **** did the security system of the special base over there eat? It's pure shit! And give me the Hexagon Building Call those trash!"

   The beaten person didn't dare to fart, so he scrambled out and called someone.

   The commander took a breath, slumped in a chair, and said with a gloomy face: "At his door, the fifth district was ruined! This breath is absolutely unbearable!"

   An hour later, all the top executives were called over for a meeting.

  It includes the person in charge of the hexagonal building, the high-ranking officials of the commander's office, and the high-level members of the parliament.

   "Tell me, what do you guys think?"

The commander looked around with a sullen face, and didn't care about the image. He coldly shouted: "People quietly touched in and destroyed the fifth district. Next time, maybe they can destroy the hexagonal building. Is it even me? The commander-in-chief mansion will also be captured?!"

   The angrily commander yelled at the person in charge of the hexagonal building: "All of you special codes are a bunch of rubbish, **** security system, no shit..."

   Permanently save the bookshelf, record the reading history download

   At this time, he desperately needs a catharsis.

  Unfortunately, as the hexagonal building dedicated to security, it naturally became the commander's punching bag.

   Their faces are ugly, but they dare not speak.

   Speaking of it, they do have an unshirkable responsibility for this matter.

  Who made people silently evade all detection systems and broke into the fifth area?

   cursed and grinned for a long while before the commander's breath subsided slightly.

A senior councillor suddenly asked a crucial question: "This matter is indeed strange. No one will risk a big deal to offend us for no reason! The commander-in-chief thinks about it. Enmity?" Chaptere

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