Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 910: Information from District 5

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Lu Yu decided to go back and accompany An Ran.

The things that should be done these days are all done.

The few technological cold weapons he designed have all been built.

Next, just hand it over to the military factory and try mass production overtime.

With design drawings and Lu Yu experience, even if he doesn't participate in it, there won't be much problems.

In addition, the information on the fifth district from the Secret Bureau didn't know when he would come down. Lu Yu had no mission for the time being, and it was rare to have a leisurely time.

The happy event of Cuifen giving birth today, although worthy of joy, was more or less exciting to Lu Yu and An Ran.

Lu Yu simply decided to go home with An Ran.

When they got home, each of them was speechless for a while.

Lu Yu wanted to speak, but moved his mouth but didn't know what to say.

I don't know how long it took, An Ran took the lead to break the silence: "Lu Yu, you... don't you want a child?"

It seems to be questioning, but the tone of implicit discussion is more.

Lu Yu sighed secretly, put An Ran into his arms and chuckled: "Okay, I have a baby, no matter if you have a boy or a girl, I will stay with you."

An Ran's words made Lu Yu really feel guilty in his heart.

The two have been married until now, most of the time they get together.

Lu Yu often has to go out and not at home, and spend very little time with An Ran.

In fact, he knew An Ran's plan to say this was that when he was away, a child could accompany her for Lu Yu.

This requirement can't actually be counted as a requirement. Which couple has been married for so long without a child?

Lu Yu had no reason not to agree.

Of course, he will not refuse!

Starting from Lu Yu's heart, he also wanted to have a child of his own early.

Especially, seeing Li Erniu holding his baby's family warmly, this idea became even stronger.

An Ran hugged Lu Yu and burst into laughter.

Lu Yu raised her chin, and the two kissed together.

After a night of tossing, the two men fell asleep.

It was three poles on the next day that Lu Yu woke up and stretched out comfortably.

"The big slacker got up! It's already sunbathing..."

An Ran's call came from the ear.

Lu Yu got up from the bed full of energy, waiting for him to wash his face and change his clothes to come out.

Enron has prepared a hearty breakfast.

Sitting at the dinner table, Lu Yu confessed to An Ran during the next period of time, put aside his work, and came back to accompany her.

An Ran was naturally full of joy.

In the next half a month, Lu Yu fulfilled his promise.

He no longer cares about work, and spends time with An Ran at home, relaxing and cozy.

During the day, the two held hands to relax in the streets.

At night, there is another lingering and sorrowful picture every night.

Lu Yu didn't believe that after so many bullets, there was no one hit.

at night.

After the war, Lu Yu leaned against the bedside and squinted to smoke.

An Ran leaned against Lu Yu, her cheeks rosy.

"Lu Yu, I don't know why, I'm so scared..."

With his cheeks pressed against Lu Yu's chest, An Ran muttered to himself.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, looked at her strangely and asked, "I am by your side, what is there to be afraid of? Don't you have a bad day these days?"

An Ran shook his head with a hint of crying, "No, with you by my side, I live very happily every day, unprecedented happiness and joy..."

Speaking of this, she raised her head slightly to look up at Lu Yu: "But I am afraid that all of this is a dream and not real enough! I am afraid that when I wake up, I will just be happy for a while, everything has disappeared, and there is only a cold side around me. The bed and the empty room."

Lu Yu sighed quietly, hugged An Ran and stopped talking.

He didn't know how to comfort him, but as a soldier, Lu Yu was destined to be unable to stay with his lover in a long room like an ordinary person.

Even this simplest sense of security, he can give Enron extravagant hopes.

Lu Yu could only do his best to make up for his debt to An Ran.

The only thing he is qualified to do now is to accompany An Ran as much as possible within a limited time.

The two of them stayed with each other for more than half a month like an ordinary couple.

It is conceivable that relaxation under the busy schedule is so precious and comfortable for Lu Yu.

Before closing my eyes every night, what I see is the lover sleeping next to me. When I open my first glance in the morning, I will have the food prepared by An Ran.

Shu Lu Yu really couldn't understand the hardship of those old bachelors.

After all, if you have been in such an environment for too long, don't be too cool!

But a peaceful life will end one day.

This morning, Lu Yu was woken up by a sudden phone call.

Opening his eyes and looking at the number, Lu Yu sat up in a spirited voice, "What's the situation?"

There was a slightly depressed low voice over there: "Prepare, the information has been confirmed!"

The person who called Lu Yu was naturally Hu Guohai, Director of the Security Bureau.

In a single sentence, Lu Yu escaped from his current peaceful life.

It was so sudden that Lu Yu hardly prepared anything.

But with an order, he must go to the front line immediately.

Get up immediately, put on your clothes, pack your things and prepare to leave.

An Ran heard movement coming out of the kitchen.

In fact, she had made preparations for this day, but she did not expect it to come so soon.

"Going?" An Ran asked calmly.

Lu Yu nodded, and after packing everything, he walked to the door with the suitcase.

The two looked at each other at the door, Lu Yu held An Ran's cheek and kissed the latter's forehead.


There are only two words to say goodbye.

After speaking, Lu Yu left without looking back.

An Ran stood motionless, she didn't want Lu Yu to worry about leaving.

It wasn't until the latter's figure disappeared that he could not see, and then he relaxed, leaning against the door frame, and tears shed unconsciously.

This difference, I don't know when, the two people will have a chance to get along alone.


An Ran returned to the house and closed the door tightly.

This door seems to separate the two in different worlds.

Leaving the community all the way, Lu Yu had many thoughts in his heart.

Some are reluctant to give up to Enron, and there are also layers of thinking about intelligence.

Returning to Team A, Lu Yu gathered everyone on the playground, preparing to select personnel.

There must be a major event in the capital this time, and he needs to bring a few helpers with him.

"This time I leave, I will choose seven of you and go to the capital with me."

Lu Yu looked around and said loudly, "In addition, I will bring all the high-tech equipment with me to see who is so lucky!"

"Captain, I am willing to go with you!"

He Chenguang stepped forward and shouted loudly.

"Go back!" Lu Yu scolded coldly, "Who let you out?"

After getting the information they will venture into the fifth area, this trip is not trivial.

Lu Yu must select the best fighters to go.

More importantly, it requires good tacit cooperation and sophisticated teamfighting capabilities.

Both are indispensable!

The last seven chosen by Lu Yu.

They are He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Zhuang Yan, Xu Sanduo, Yuan Lang, Qiang Xiaowei and Deng Zhenhua.


With a wave of Lu Yu's hand, the seven people jumped onto the plane one after another.

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