Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 898: The boundary between life and death

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The scene before him stunned everyone on the tree.

This is too fierce, right? In the ancient battlefield, a warrior with one person against a hundred is nothing more than that!


Lu Yu's body was already covered with blood, and the long knife was dripping blood continuously. The whole person seemed to be a murderous **** who had walked out of hell.

Instead of chasing those who fled, he quickly found a few daggers and spare weapons from the corpses on the scene.

When Lu Yu stood up again, several groups of people rushed out in the forest.

The person who turned back towards the tree showed a relieved smile, and Lu Yu strode forward.

"Want to kill me, let's go together!"


The team continued to expand in the four weeks.

In just such a short time, more and more people have emerged from the forest.

Seeing the mess and corpses all over the ground, everyone was shocked and completely shocked.

The corpses lying down all over the place and stumps with broken arms turned this place into a mess of graves, and even the blood stained the road red.

It can be seen that the killing here is heavy!

Even these unblinking assassins, seeing this scene with their own eyes, felt a faint fear in their heart.

"This, is he really doing this alone?"

"Looking at the shape of the blade, it should be cut by the same knife, it's incredible!"

"Are we still dealing with individuals? Would a normal person be so powerful?"

"How terrifying it is to be alone in such a short period of time to kill dozens of times as many people as oneself!"

The assassins were stunned by this scene for a long while, and hesitated to stagnate.

"You cowards, aren't you scared?"

A guy with a tattoo sneered and stood up: "If there is no danger, will the CIA give that much money? If you are afraid, you should get out of it, and this person will do it with us! Dongying is a place that advocates Bushido, we are not afraid anyone!"

When the words fell, this guy led his men and chased them along the bloodstain in front.

A group of people were left looking at each other, still undecided.

Compared with their lives, money is obviously secondary.

If that guy is so difficult to deal with, they will reconsider this task.

"Don't hesitate, everyone, let's go together, no matter how strong that guy is, he will be consumed by wheel warfare!"

Just when everyone was hesitating, a leader roared in the crowd.

"Yes! Everyone worked together to kill him. If you don't believe this guy can survive!"

"We are all working with our heads on the waistband. We are afraid of death, so we won't do this."

"Whoever lives to the end and whose money goes to it is fate!"

With a few words instigated by some people, many people are ready to move again.

Money is a good thing!

The wages of avarice is death.

Under the trend of interest, how many people can really turn a blind eye to the past through the ages?

Even if they know the future is full of dangers, they may not be able to come back alive.

But under the temptation of money, these desperadoes who added blood to the knife edge once again swelled and screamed and rushed out.

Seeking wealth and insurance!

What if it succeeded?

Of course, when they made this decision, they had already benefited and they did not expect that they might fail.

at the same time.

Tang Xiaomi and others lay quietly on the tree, watching the waves passing by the team below.

I don't know how long it took until there was no movement below, and then carefully led the artists down the tree.

"Ye Cunxin, you first bring everyone back, and then contact us immediately! I will help the captain now!"

Tang Xiaomi told Ye Cunxin with a deep voice.

"I will go with you!"

Shen Lanni stood up: "Among them, I have the strongest fighting skills, and I am the best at fighting."

Tang Xiaomi thought a little bit, and nodded in agreement: "Okay, Shen Lanni will go with me, the others will go back first!"

It should be no problem for Ye Cunxin and the others to **** these artists back.

"Now, you hear everything I say!"

Tang Xiaomi asked all the artists: "On this road, you must follow the instructions of the instructor Ye and let you do whatever you want! No matter what happens, don't control it. Strictly follow the order, understand?"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded vigorously.

They were frightened by what happened today.

At this moment, everyone's nerves were tightly tightened, and the heart thumped violently.

"You are instructor Lu's soldiers. You are considered a qualified soldier. You must learn to be strong! Don't shame the soldiers, understand?"


Everyone's spirits immediately lifted up, regardless of men and women, they all roared firmly.

Seeing this, Tang Xiaomi is also relieved.

What should be said has already been said, and what to do is up to them.

Tang Xiaomi and Shen Lanni turned around and chased them in Lu Yu's direction.

The others, under the leadership of Ye Cunxin, quickly returned to the camp following the same route.

the other side.

After successfully killing a few waves of men and horses, Lu Yu quickly retreated to a mountain.

The area here is relatively empty, and at the same time, it is far away from the star team, allowing him to relax and unwind.

The spider dispersed, and after checking the surroundings, Lu Yu's mouth was slightly raised.

Sure enough, those killers were all attracted by him.

With the top of this mountain as the center, there are waves of small groups in all directions, quickly or slowly converging here.

Putting the knife on the ground, Lu Yu sat on the spot.

After waiting for about five minutes, the first wave of killers appeared.

Lu Yu squinted his eyes and looked forward. Many of these people were wrapped in turbans and had thick beards, and they could be distinguished at a glance.


Lu Yu stood up slowly and hooked his fingers, his eyes full of contempt and disdain.

In his eyes, looking at these guys is no different from looking at ants on the ground.

With Lu Yu's ability and strength today, no matter who came, there is only one word in the end: death!

Fighting is something that makes him very excited.

Both fists are already hungry and thirsty at the moment!

"kill him!"

A boss yelled, and all the killers yelled in excitement, spreading out and attacking from all directions.

Lu Yu stood there with no expression on his face, and when the opponent approached, he suddenly squatted down.


Pulling out the long knife inserted on the ground, the dazzling cold light swept across a large area.

The sharp blade slashed an arc, centered on him, rushed up to the legs of the first wave of killers, and cut them all off.


All kinds of miserable howls echoed on the top of the mountain.

At the same time, those killer squads who are running fast in the forest are not sure of Lu Yu's location.

Immediately following the source of the screams, he rushed over.

Whoosh whoosh!

In just a few breaths, batches of killers arrived on the top of the mountain.

As soon as I came up, I saw the **** scene, making everyone startled slightly and stopped in horror.

At this moment, taking Lu Yu's whole body as a diameter of one meter, outside the vicinity of this circle, corpses were lying on the ground.

No matter how many people charge, they can't get half a step closer to the circle.

This meter is like the boundary between life and death.

All creatures who dare to approach will be sent to hell.

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