Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 873: The ancestors played the remaining tricks

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At one o'clock in the afternoon, in a box of the hotel.

The special envoys of the United States and the Royal British are discussing in secret.

"There are still four hours, at five o'clock in the afternoon, once the fair is over, we will never have a chance again."

The U.S. envoy frowned and thought: "My task is to buy an electromagnetic rifle. I have raised the price very high a few days ago, but they just don’t let go! If you can’t get this weapon, you can’t remove it. Let's study and spy on the technology!"

The Royal British Envoy's complexion changed one after another, and he hummed coldly: "It's really not possible, shall we do it in advance?"

The U.S. envoy rolled his eyes and said, "What do you think? This is the Expo site, and the guards are tight! Besides, our people are still here. If we fail, we will all be done with it."

The British envoy curled his lips and said: "Did you forget? The two action teams we set up are nearby! It will be them who will do it at that time, and they have nothing to do with us. Our mission is to buy new weapons. Anyway, action teams. Sooner or later, I will find that guy too. Wouldn't it be better to act earlier? Lest you have many dreams at night."

The U.S. envoy frowned and fell into thought.

Apart from participating in the exposition and buying weapons, they also secretly joined forces with the CIA and MI6 to deal with Lu Yu.

According to Shangfeng, the first task was naturally to rebel against Lu Yu and join their camp.

Once the instigation fails, the latter will be killed incessantly.

In addition to being an ally, such a person must never be kept.

What they can't own, they must do everything possible to destroy it!

Otherwise, raising tigers will endanger their own interests in the end.

"There is no time to think about it. To act, you must hurry up!" The British envoy urged in a deep voice.

The U.S. envoy's eyes flickered for a moment, and gritted his teeth: "Well, just do what you want! Go and notify the action team immediately. We will ask him to meet here for afternoon tea. As long as we find the opportunity, we will act immediately."

After discussing the details, the two went to contact the CIA and MI6.

The agents of these two departments have been hiding near the fairground for several days.

The reason why there is no movement is that they have been observing secretly these days.

They knew all the defense forces around Lu Yu.

However, these agents still looked at themselves highly.

They thought that all the plans were seamless and completely fooled Lu Yu's guards.

Without knowing that he and others existed, they were actually in the hands of Lu Yu's personal bodyguards.

Even where they live is clear.

After Peng Jie collected all the information, he immediately reported to Lu Yu and listened to his instructions.

Lu Yu waved his hand indifferently: "Don't worry about them, let's see what tricks these people are going to play."

Peng Jie said with a worried expression: "But if they suddenly do it, it would be too dangerous for you, so I have to guard against it!"

Lu Yu smiled slightly and looked at him: "Are these not all under your control? Since it is your responsibility, I believe you will have a solution. If I have a problem, you are the only one to ask!"

Peng Jie: "..."

Lu Yu said so, he had no choice but to obey.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the afternoon tea time for the Expo arrived.

Lu Yu seemed to know nothing, and took two bodyguards to the hall restaurant, ready to rest for a while.

At this moment, special envoys from the U.S. and Royal Britain approached.

"Master Lu, can we sit here?" one of them asked with a smile.

Lu Yu raised his eyes to look over, did not agree or refuse, and continued drinking tea for himself.

The guy who treats this **** plaster, even if they rush, they won't leave.

The two of them sat down without any embarrassment.

The assistant served them latte and black tea. Love reading

"Why, the two of you know who I am?" Lu Yu asked while sipping tea lightly without raising his head.

He has never spoken in the Expo so far.

Huakang’s commentators are very professional and don’t need him to show up too much.

In addition, the weapon is mainly based on performance. As long as the explanation can reflect their function, Lu Yu is much more lazy.

Looking at the current hot state of the two weapons, the supply exceeds demand, do you still need him to play extra?

Therefore, no one knows his identity except Huakang.

The U.S. special envoy Wei Wei was a little embarrassed and calmly said: "Da Colonel Lu also knows that we are weapons merchants. If you haven't figured out your identity before coming, then we don't deserve to stay in this line."

The British envoy immediately said: "Yes! It's just the most basic task to figure out the identity of everyone here. Colonel Lu, we have heard about your deeds, and I admire you very much!"

"You are interested." Lu Yu replied lightly, "The afternoon tea here is very good. You two will taste it."

The two looked at each other.

They are not here to really drink tea!

Could it be that he really didn't see that he had something to ask for?

Faced with such a painless answer, the two felt unable to answer the conversation.

"Ahem... Colonel Lu, can we talk to you alone? There are important things."

The U.S. envoy coughed slightly, and simply picked up the topic.

Lu Yu nodded and waved back Peng Jie and the two bodyguards beside him.

The two envoys also waved their hands and asked their men to withdraw backwards.

"What's the matter, let's talk!"

The U.S. special envoy considered the language and said with a smile: "Lord Lu, it is true that we are here this time, in addition to buying weapons, we also hope that you can go back with us!"


Lu Yu looked up, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly: "Are you asking me to come over as a guest? Or do you want to tie me over?"

"Master Lu, you can really make a joke!"

The British envoy laughed: "We sincerely invite you to work together for both parties! At the same time, you will get the dual citizenship of Britain and the United States, and you can accept our best courtesy. In addition, our Queen also promised to grant you Lord of Honor!"

The U.S. envoy said not to be outdone: "Yes, as long as you come, our head of state will personally meet you at the White House and give you the highest level of treatment."


Lu Yu's face was full of playfulness, and Erlang's legs were tilted: "It sounds very good. For me, you guys really took so hard!"

There was a surprise on the faces of the two special envoys: " Talents like University Lu should go to the most noble country in the world..."


Before they could finish, Lu Yu shook his head lightly at the two of them.

"If, what if I don't agree?"


The smiles on their faces suddenly froze, and their expressions also became gloomy.

Ha ha!

Isn't this a routine of courtesy first and then soldiers?

Lu Yu sneered, our ancestors had already played the rest, really thought I could not see through?

After talking about the etiquette, it's time to move troops!

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