Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 851: League of Nations asks for help

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In a blink of an eye, it has been half a month since Lu Yu and the others came to the Hell Training Camp.

It is less than a week before the camp is over.

The original team of hundreds of people, now there are only 30 people left, not even the previous third.

Those who despised Lu Yu at the beginning had already been eliminated, but most of them died here.

The remaining small part has already learned well.

They knew that these special forces from the Dragon Kingdom were not as weak as they thought.

The attitude towards the three of Lu Yu has become a special respect.

At the end of the morning exercises every day, some special forces will salute the national flag of the Dragon Kingdom after they have finished saluting their own national flag.

This is a heartfelt conviction!

Just as Lu Yu said, dignity is exchanged with fists.

As long as one's own strength is strong enough, not only will people be more respected, but also more fawning.

The strength is weak, even if you ask others, they won't attack you.

It's cruel, but this is the truth.

After finishing the morning training that day, Satan did not leave early, but walked to Lu Yu's side.

"There is less than a week left. No surprise, the first place in this trial should belong to you!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "You can remove the word'accident'. We are here this time, and it is for the first place!"

Satan laughed.

During this time of contact, he had become accustomed to Lu Yu's way of speaking.

Very confident!

"To be honest, there used to be no Longguo people on our side. At that time, I felt that there were only special forces from East Asia, Nanbang, and South Vietnam. It was not bad, but compared with European and American countries, it was still quite different. "

"Until you appeared this time, I really saw what is powerful! Compared with you, those people can only be said to be vulnerable!"

Speaking of this, Satan stared at Lu Yu solemnly: "After the camp period is over, I want to take the time to go to Long Country to see how powerful a country is, and it can train you such a strong special force! Or give me a little longer. Experience, I wonder if Huan is welcome?"

"Of course welcome!"

Lu Yu agreed without thinking.

Although the opponent was tough and fierce in training, he was a real soldier who hated hatred.

Treat everything very fairly.

It also made Lu Yu a lot of affection for him.

"Hehe, when you arrive in Long Country, I will ask you to drink the best wine!" Lu Yu smiled.

Satan's eyes lit up: "Okay, it's settled, I'm waiting to drink your wine."

As the two were talking, an instructor suddenly hurried over.

"I have an encrypted phone call, I am looking for you!"

Satan raised his brows, before he had time to say hello to Lu Yu, he ran straight to the telecommunication room.

Looking at Satan's back, Lu Yu suddenly had a bad feeling.


Within a few minutes, Satan returned, his expression a little more solemn.

"Assemble now!"

He roared and blew the whistle of emergency assembly.

Everyone rushed out of the barracks and quickly assembled on the training ground.

His gaze swept across the people in front of him coldly, and Satan shouted: "Everyone, I just received a call from the League of Nations for help. A tribe nearby was attacked and occupied! The people in the tribe were all controlled and directed to the outside world. A distress signal was sent, but now the signal can no longer be contacted. We don't know whether it is life or death!"

"The reason that place was occupied is because there is a natural diamond mine next to the tribe. On the continent of South Africa, everything is lacking, but there is no shortage of diamond mines and armed forces!"

"The League of Nations wants to send troops there, but it will take a day for their fastest team to arrive! During this period, I don’t know what will happen. The people in the tribe are at stake. Only we are the nearest there. Therefore, the League of Nations Asked us for help."

Hearing this, everyone immediately began to whisper.

Satan looked around for a week, and said in a low voice: "You are all top elites from various countries, the most powerful special forces. You come to the training camp to learn!"

"I don't have the right to order you to join the war, but I just want to say that the most important thing you should learn here is not how to improve yourself, but to know what you need to do first as a special soldier!"

"Those armed forces that are rampant on the African continent have no humanity. They can kill people like weeds for profit. It is inhumane."

"Our existence is to protect the weak and small people who need to be protected. Regardless of whether they are our compatriots, relatives or friends in the tribe, as long as they are bullied, we should stand up as special soldiers and help the weak and the strong!"

"Of course, this is not an order, but just a piece of my personal suggestion. It is up to you to listen to it! But I still hope that some of you can stand up."

There was a little silence at the scene.

At this time, a British special soldier asked: "Instructor, how many people are there in the opposing team?"

All eyes fell on Satan.

"At least two hundred!"

Satan said: "There may be more, and they have heavy weapons in their hands!"


As soon as the words came out, the scene immediately exploded.

Everyone was buzzing.

Facing the goal of two hundred numbers, plus heavy weapons, there is not much chance of winning at all!

When seeing the scene, even Satan did not hold any hope.

"I go!"

A deep shout sounded in the crowd.

Everyone looked over in amazement, only to see Lu Yu strode out without any withdrawal from his face.

"And us!"

Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang stepped out one step behind.

They will go wherever Lu Yu goes!

Besides, there are only more than two hundred people, which is nothing compared to the number of people they have encountered in the past.

"it is good!"

Satan looked over with excitement and surprise. The three Longguo people had never let him down.

"Apart from the three of them, who else will go?"

Everyone looked at each other, but no one stepped forward.

Lu Yu swept across with a cold glance, and said lightly: "If even a bunch of innocent people are not, what are you doing here? Go back early! Otherwise, you won’t be saved if you learn something. A coward is not worthy of being a strong one."

The special forces of various countries who were still hesitating were instantly aroused by these words.

Everyone stood up!

"I'm going! There are only two hundred people? It's no big deal!"

"I'll go too! Count me!"

"Our duty is to protect the weak!"

"Yes! You can't embarrass your country when you go out!"

One after another special forces rushed to stand up.

The scene was full of enthusiasm, and everyone no longer had any concerns.

Satan let out a long sigh of relief, and said with satisfaction: "Okay, here, on behalf of the training camp, thank you all for your help! I will appoint ten instructors to fight with you and receive weapons immediately. Let's set off when you are ready!"

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