Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 837: Over the snow mountain, arrived early

"Reading became stronger since I was a special soldier (


The three Dongying Special Forces were full of murderous intent and stared at Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang.

With that look, I can't wait to swallow them up on the spot!

"What are you looking at?"

Wang Yanbing snorted, and said with a sad expression on her face: "Why do you want to hit me? Be careful when you fly out later, those two little devils will be your fate!"


Several devils were honest immediately.

They did dare to challenge on land, but in the air...

Thinking of the scene where Takeda Fukawa was killed by a high altitude, the three of them shuddered.

Who knows if these guys have received such training?

They are the army but not the air force. When they get into the air, they are simply land-ducklings entering the water, and they have not withdrawn at all!

Besides, the Air Force does not fight in the air like this.

This group of Longguo people are too evil!

"Okay, go back and sit down!"

The black instructor immediately drank coldly.

The three devil special soldiers were full of sullen face, clenched their fists and walked back to their positions.

With the lessons learned from the past, I can only endure it at this time, and then slowly settle the accounts when I get to the place!

The moment the hatch closed, the black instructor glanced down from the corner of his eyes, and Lu Yu's parachute gradually disappeared deep in the clouds.

"Interesting Longguo people, I remember you!"

The black instructor faintly raised some expectations: "I hope that tomorrow, you can really reach the end smoothly."

The transport plane roared forward at full speed.

At this moment, Lu Yu, who was located below, also slowly approached the ground.

He had already checked it in mid-air, and beneath it was a stretch of snow-capped mountains.

According to the knowledge in his head, he could not find out where he was.

Snow Mountain...

Is it in the South Pole or the North Pole?

Where is the location of **** training!

Lu Yu didn't have any concept at all, the more he thought about it, the more blurred his mind.

Forget it, don’t you mean that you can reach the training camp by following the northward route?

Anyway, before tomorrow morning, you have to get there. Otherwise, he can only be eliminated.

That face was so embarrassed that he didn't even enter the gate of the training camp.

He was not there, and it was difficult for He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing to stay the course.


After landing on the ground, Lu Yu immediately cut off the parachute rope with a dagger to avoid being carried away by the wind.

The snow below was so big that it almost covered half of Lu Yu's body.

Only the upper body was exposed.

A gust of wind swept across the sky with snow, and even Lu Yu couldn't help fighting a cold war.

A few hours ago, when he took off from the airport on the Reaper, he was only wearing thin clothes.

The temperature in the snow-capped mountains is very low, at least tens of degrees below zero.

Such clothes, like nothing, are not enough to keep out the cold.

Lu Yu exhaled and immediately climbed out of the snowdrift, moving his hands and feet quickly.

Staying still here for a long time, the blood will soon freeze and turn into an ice sculpture in the snowy mountains.

Observing the downward direction, he found a nearby commanding height, but it took a lot of effort to walk there.

High-speed movement is difficult to use here, every step you step on, you will sink into the thick snowdrift.

It took a long time before he finally climbed to the high point and looked around.

He has a map of a black instructor on his body. As long as he follows the correct direction and route, he can reach the Hell Training Camp.

Otherwise, if you go on like this, you will soon get lost in the snowy mountains.

If you can't get to the place, let alone go back, the only end is to be frozen to death here.

When Captain Rogers fell under the glacier, he only fell asleep.

It took seventy years to be discovered and rescued.

Lu Yu didn't want to wake up and all his team members would leave, and An Ran would be very old.

That would be too special!

He sighed and rubbed his hands vigorously, and Lu Yu returned to the parachute position.

Fortunately, he carried three sabers.

The two were used to kill people just now, now this one is convenient for your own use.


Quickly use a dagger to cut the parachute apart and divide it into the size of a human shape.

Then, cover the body with a parachute, take out the tape to seal all parts and tie it up.

Although it is very simple, it does have a good cold and wind resistance.

After making a simple coat, Lu Yu moved his hands and feet again to warm his body quickly.

Because a circle of parachute jackets were tied outside to prevent heat from spreading, Lu Yu suddenly felt less cold.

After his body warmed up, Lu Yu moved towards the training camp, deployed his high-speed ability, and ran around the snow diving place as much as possible.

Even so, the speed in the snowy mountains is severely restricted.

Not even one-fifth of the usual.

Not only is it slow, but it is also very difficult to act!

It took more than three hours to finally leave this snow-capped mountain range.

There was less and less snow on the road below, and it started to get better.


Lu Yu breathed a long sigh of relief, and if he couldn't run out of the snow-capped mountains, he would have to fart tired.

High-speed movement gave him unparalleled speed, but it was also very physical, and he could hold on for another hour at most.

If you use it continuously for a long time, your body will be worn down.

The temperature under the snow-capped mountains was significantly higher, and Lu Yu began to sweat all over his body.

He tore off the tape and took the parachute jacket, still feeling very hot.

When Lu Yu stopped to rest, his hairs suddenly stood up.


A black shadow sprang from the grass, rushing towards him.

The cold light flashed, and the dagger slammed into the shadow like lightning.

A brightly colored piebald snake was chopped off its head as it approached Lu Yu.

The little snake broke into two pieces and landed on the ground The head of the snake was still wriggling forward with its mouth wide open. Before he died, he wanted to bite Lu Yu.

"This should be somewhere on the edge of the equator, so the snowy mountains will coexist with the tropical jungle!"

Lu Yu frowned and retracted his gaze, thinking slightly.

Taking all the environments on the earth together, it seems that only Africa fits such a landform.

He stepped forward and smashed the snake's head. Lu Yu took out the kettle and drank some water, looking at the sky about to get dark.

He rushed forward, but he didn't use his high-speed ability anymore.

You still have to save some energy to recover and continue to use it, which is equivalent to squeezing yourself dry.

After arriving at the Hell Training Camp, he didn't know what dangers were waiting for him. Now, he must save his energy as much as possible.

Only in the middle of the night did Lu Yu find a hidden place to stop and rest.

An hour later, after his physical strength was almost restored, Lu Yu ate some compressed biscuits and continued to drive with his high-speed ability.

Three o'clock in the morning.

It's not dawn.

When the outside world was still dark, there was a loud rumbling noise outside the **** training camp.

The special forces of various countries who arrived here in the middle of the night yesterday were all awakened from their sleep and ran to the door to watch.

"What happened?"

The black instructor rushed out and screamed: "Who touched the anti-explosive device outside?"

"I don't know, no one is outside!" Another instructor shook his head in confusion: "Why did it suddenly explode?"


"There seems to be someone at the door!"

Someone pointed outside and exclaimed.

The black instructor immediately squinted and glanced over.

Sure enough, in the midst of the violent explosion of gunpowder, a fuzzy figure walked in slowly.

When the figure came under the searchlight, everyone immediately saw his appearance.

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