Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 833: Satellite miracle, desert turns into oasis

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"He Yunfeng!"


Zhou Zixu waved his hand and said vigorously: "Order your soldiers to lead the woods immediately! I will inform the garden workers and explain to you professional tree planting knowledge, and do everything as the garden workers say."

"These saplings are very precious. Don't waste one of them. Just plant them to live! To make a good contribution to the country's return of farmland to forests, we have to work for the welfare of future generations! Xiaohe, leave it to you , Give me a good job!"

"Yes!" He Yunfeng saluted and shouted.

Immediately, he turned and yelled at the officer under his hand: "You all heard what the old chief said? Contributing to the motherland and benefiting future generations is our bounden duty and obligation!"

"Let the troops come over to lead the saplings, all obey the command, everyone roll up their sleeves and do it!"


Officers at all levels will issue orders to squadrons and squads.

All the teams took action in an instant.

The garden workers who were planting trees in the desert stopped their work and began to distribute saplings for the soldiers of the army.

According to the number requirements, at least one ordinary company will be equipped with a garden worker.

In addition to distributing saplings, they will also explain detailed planting methods to the soldiers.

Planting trees in the desert is completely different from planting trees on fertile land.

These are two concepts!

A little carelessness will result in improper planting and the saplings may not survive.

In addition, after planting, it is not ignored, but also needs daily maintenance by the forest farm manager.

Once the plant is not good, the later maintenance will become more troublesome!

Therefore, at the very beginning, the requirements must be followed by detailed steps.

All the teams on the scene started to take action, and the four old leaders were not idle.

They took off their coats and rolled up their trouser legs, just like old farmers working in the countryside, digging holes and planting trees with shovel and other tools in their hands.

Lu Yu wanted to come and help, but was strictly rejected by the four old men.

The reason given was simple. They didn't think that Lu Yu would not know how to do technical work like planting saplings, so he didn't need him.

Send the latter to work directly, such as lifting water or pulling a sapling.

Anyway, this kid is strong, so he won't be tired from doing these tasks!

Lu Yu touched his nose and was speechless, really using himself as a coolie?

However, the old leader did not dare not listen, so he obediently did it.

At this moment, the people in full swing didn't know that a spy satellite was passing 10,000 meters above Alxa.

The satellite captured the picture below, recording all activities very clearly.

Then transmit this set of data back to an intelligence station of the CIA in real time.

Seeing the intelligence officer who returned the photos, he immediately called out: "Sir, there are important discoveries! Come and have a look!"

The station master thought that something serious happened, and hurriedly brought two subordinates.

After seeing the scene presented in the screen, the webmaster's eyes widened in shock.

In a vast desert area, a touch of greenery appeared on the outermost periphery, and there were countless figures moving in it.

"What's going on here?" The stationmaster frowned and asked: "Also, where is this?"

The intelligence officer reported: "This is the Alashan area in the western part of the Dragon Kingdom, a desert, but now it seems to have changed...Look, this is a picture taken by a satellite half a month ago!"

With that, he immediately called up several other pictures, zoomed in and compared them.

Obviously, it can be seen that compared with half a month ago, the desert area is now much greener.

From the analysis of different pictures, this changing trend is still increasing rapidly.

"What's the situation? What did they do there?" the stationmaster asked in a deep voice.

The intelligence officer said: "I don't know! It looks like they are planting trees in the desert. Moreover, this time they mobilized a large number of troops and planted a large area in a short time."

"Plant a tree?"

The stationmaster was stunned, rubbing his chin and muttering to himself: "Send so many soldiers to plant trees? Shouldn't it! What are they trying to do?"

According to the inherent thinking of the West, troops are used for warfare, so why plant trees?

Make him very incomprehensible!

What's the point of doing these things?

After thinking for a while, the stationmaster narrowed his eyes and snorted: "No, there must be some conspiracy in this matter! Maybe they want to change the desert into an oasis, and then do some research experiments here... Or maybe they just planted trees. Under the guise, you want to develop a secret research base?"

The more the webmaster thought about it, the more it felt wrong.

Things are definitely not as simple as they seem!

"No, I have to report this. They must have some unspeakable secret."

The stationmaster swears and frankly said: "The people of Longguo are always good at disguising. As long as the conspiracy is discovered early this time, we will be defeated for the first time!"

He thought he had found any valuable information, and began to write a report on the spot.

As long as they can beat their opponents, they never spare no effort to do it!

However, I am afraid that he wants to break his head and can't understand it. These so-called guesses are really cranky.

Planting trees by the Longguo people is simply planting trees...

However, the intelligence station mobilized all the personnel overnight to conduct a detailed debate and analysis of the Dragon Kingdom’s tree-planting action.

Everyone is racking their brains to guess what the other party's purpose is.

Of course these Lu Yu did not know.

But even if he knew that he would be happy to let this group of people go around.

When I think about it, I realized that people are really just planting trees. Will they vomit blood in anger?

Three days later, Lu Yu returned to Team A smoothly.

Today is the day they set off to the Hell Training Camp.

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were contacted on Lu Yu's plane.

The two were waiting for him on the playground at the moment, with all the equipment except for the weapons.

Lu Yu said goodbye to An Ran first, and then handed over the next tasks, especially at the military factory. He could not neglect.

After ordering everything, he took the two of them and set off.

No one in the world knows where the **** training camp is.

Those who came out of it never mentioned it.

In the past, the only way was to go to a certain western country and wait, and then set off with various special forces around the world.

The plane from the Hell Training Camp will take them to their destination.

The three of Lu Yu first made a turn to a large military airport in China, and Ye Huaishan had already waited here first.

"Good leader!" The three of them stepped forward and saluted at the same time.

Ye Huaishan looked at everyone, "Are you ready?"

Lu Yu smiled: "We have never relaxed always ready!"

A look of satisfaction appeared on Ye Huaishan's face.

The mental state of the three seems not bad.


Ye Huaishan sneered: "Remember, this is the first time our country has participated in the evaluation of the **** training camp. After you enter, you will definitely have some trouble and unfair treatment, but as long as you resist it with your strength, you will not shame the country. Just return safely!"

"You are the best special forces! I believe that you will be able to stay until the end when you go. Show it well in front of the world, as long as we want to do anything, there is nothing unsuccessful unless we dismiss it!"

"Yes!" the three roared in unison: "Guaranteed to complete the task smoothly!"

"it is good."

Ye Huaishan nodded with satisfaction: "If you don't say anything too much! Let's get on the plane and have a good journey. I am waiting to come back to celebrate your success!"

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