Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 817: Amaterasu can't protect you

, The fastest update starts when I am a special soldier and read the latest chapter of becoming stronger!

Ling Feiyang's face was full of horror, and he slammed a punch on the elevator door and shouted, "Can this **** elevator be faster!"

The tense atmosphere of those scientific research experts dare not breathe.

Although they are scientific researchers, this kind of obscure secret research is not recognized.

If caught, either he will be detained for a lifetime or he will be killed on the spot.

There is basically no third way to go.

Either way, they are not what they want to see.

At this moment, I just hope that the elevator will take them away quickly, and get on the helicopter to fly out of the desert, without worrying about being caught.

After Lu Yu led people into the second underground floor, he swept around with an electromagnetic gun.

The remaining K2 people had no resistance and were quickly settled, and no one stood.

Lu Yu rushed to the remaining secret elevator and waved to let everyone in: "Quick! Get on the elevator."


Everyone rushed into the elevator.

The elevator doors closed, pulling a group of people to the top of the base quickly.

Bang bang bang!

However, as soon as the elevator door opened, a wave of dense bullets flew over like rain.

"Be careful to avoid."

Lu Yu's face changed as he pulled Wang Yanbing and Zhuang Yan into a corner.

But it happened suddenly!

Although Lu Yu reacted quickly, the two of them were shot through their shoulders and calves, and the blood instantly stained their clothes.


Wang Yanbing's face was pale, and she gritted her teeth: "Unexpectedly, I would have a boat in the gutter one day! Gou Ri's k2... ruined my reputation in this world!"

He got three gunshot wounds on his body.

"Don't be wise." Lu Yu growled, "Are you all right?"


Zhuang Yan also got two gunshot wounds, and shook his head: "The bullet just pierced through and didn't hurt it to the point."

"I can't die either!"

Wang Yanbing's eyes sprayed angry flames: "Captain, we can't accompany you. Go and kill these bastards, don't let them escape."

There was a fierce look on Lu Yu's face, and he asked: "You two stay well, don't move! Someone will come to rescue soon."

After speaking, he turned his head over, took out two grenades, pulled out the leads, and threw them out.

The people in front turned their horses back and screamed!

As Lu Yu got up, the electromagnetic rifle was launched quickly, sweeping a large area in front of him.

The bullet puffed, rushed to the opposite side like crazy eyes, splashing brilliant blood.


To solve the crowd of K2 members outside, suddenly, there was the sound of rotating helicopter propellers.

Lu Yu aimed at the helicopter on the tarmac for the first time and pulled the trigger at the bottom of the propeller.

Ding Ding Ding!

After a sound of gold and iron intersecting, all the bullets hit the joints.

In an instant, strong black smoke came out of the helicopter, the propeller made a crunching sound, and the rotation speed gradually stopped.

Lu Yu was just about to change his magazine after finishing a bullet.

Suddenly, an unpredictable sense of danger approached, causing him to stand upright.

Before he could think about it, Lu Yu turned around subconsciously and raised the electromagnetic rifle in his hand to block the past.

Looking back, a dazzling light flashed quickly, and a samurai sword kept expanding in his eyes.


The sharp blade slashed on the gun body.

What made him incredible was that a crack appeared in the body of this electromagnetic rifle made of special materials.

Immediately afterwards, the electromagnetic rifle broke into two halves from the middle, and the cut was abnormally neat and smooth.

call out!

The samurai sword cast its momentum, and continued to slash towards Lu Yu's face.

Lu Yu's eyes shrank slightly, holding the broken electromagnetic rifle in both hands, touching the ground with his toes, and quickly retreated back.

The samurai sword slashed across the tip of his nose, only three centimeters away.

A dazzling cold light passed, and two hairs fluttered down.

Lu Yu stood still, fixed his eyes and looked forward, only to realize that the attacker was an Eastern Ninja wrapped in black clothes.

No, not just one!

Behind him, two more ghostly appeared.

Lu Yu raised his brow lightly, and the spider swept around, and found that there was another one above his head.

He raised his head and looked at it, and sure enough, another ninja was hanging upside down above the roof beam.

This guy is like a vampire bat, his face covered with a hood, only a pair of cold eyes exposed outside.

Out of nowhere!

Ling Feiyang jumped from the plane.

The kinetic energy system of the helicopter was broken by Lu Yu, and he didn't worry about leaving when he saw the scene before him.

"Master Lu, Colonel Lu! We finally meet!"

There was a smile on Ling Feiyang's face, and he looked at Lu Yu with a smile: "Are there any surprises or surprises? These are the ninjas I brought back from Dongying!"

"You thought it was a legend, but they have always existed, and... will send you on the road later. Haha, you don't have to struggle, it's useless to struggle, enjoy the rest of your time!"

Lu Yu stared at him coldly, "Do you think you can run away? Today, even if you invite the little devil's Amaterasu, you will not be able to save your life! Ling Feiyang, you can't leave. Everyone will be buried for you!"

"well said!"

"Captain, we all support you!"

Wang Yanbing and Zhuang Yan were lying in the elevator unable to move, but they supported Lu Yu mentally.

Ling Feiyang just smiled and hugged his arms, so he looked at Lu Yu in time: "I used to dream about the scene when we met for countless nights."

"Dare you have a crush on me?" Lu Yu shook his head and sighed: "Don't be passionate, there will be no results!"

Ling Feiyang sneered, as if he hadn't heard Lu Yu's words: "Every time I dream of you, I will use hundreds of cruel methods to torture you to death. Let my father's spirit in the sky rest in peace!"

"But it's a pity, I am destined not to see this scene today."

He shook his head: "I'm leaving here, I have no time to smash you into pieces!"

"Aren't you trying to avenge your father's death? Why, you have no guts?" Lu Yu stared at him mockingly.

Ling Feiyang said indifferently: "I have more important things to do! As long as I complete the last step of gene I will have absolute power, and my father will be proud of me! At that time, k2 will flourish in my hands, and even the whole world will trample me and tremble under my feet..."

As he said, he sneered at Lu Yu: "Don't worry, although I won't stay, these ninjas will stay and greet you for me!"

"Hahaha, hahaha!"

He laughed nervously, stopped staying, and walked quickly towards the other plane.

At this moment, those scientific research experts have been transferred to this plane, and only Ling Feiyang is left.

Although the place was closed, the elevators leading up to it were destroyed.

But based on this, those people in the ground can't be trapped at all.

Soon, they will have a way to find it.

Before that, he must leave here as soon as possible.

Naturally, Lu Yu didn't care.

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