Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1646: The chasers lined up outside the school

Kerry told the reason of the matter.

Lu Yu looked at Gulliver, who nodded: "It's Tian Jing. I have seen him before. Although I don't know the specific appearance, I still know the general appearance. It is him who arranged me to do these things this time."

"But not everything was done by me. I was just the one he was looking for to replace the dead ghost, kill Carrey, and then ask me to take the blame, and finally find some reasons to prevaricate. In this way, he can announce it to the media and explain it to the black market. , That's why there was an assassination of Kerry!"

Hearing these words from the other party, Lu Yu nodded, "So it is!"

Kerry stared at Gulliver coldly: "You do this, it seems that the other party has given a lot of benefits?"

Gulliver sighed secretly: "No way, I have to. My family is controlled by him, so I can only do this as a substitute!"

His tone was full of helplessness: "Actually, long ago, I wanted to give up the fight with you!"

"After all, I am different from what you are good at. There is really nothing to fight for. My father chose you for a reason, and he didn't give up on me. It's just that my family was threatened, so I can only choose them, not you! "

Glancing at Kerry deeply, he is very afraid of death, but for the safety of his family, he must stand up.

Kerry's eyes changed twice, and he sighed secretly: "Forget it, you are not the fault of this matter! If you put it on me, I'm afraid you will make the same choice as you."

"That's not right!"

Lu Yu looked at the two of them, helplessly spreading his hands: "Your son is your son, and your daughter is your daughter. Isn't that right?"

In my task, the system gives the protection of children’s safety, so all this can be explained very well.

In fact, Lu Yu suspected that the system had calculated it long ago, and deliberately set this game for him.

"Mr. Lu, what are you thinking about?"

Seeing Lu Yu's silence, Kai asked curiously.

If it weren't for Lu Yu this time, it is estimated that he would really be killed, and it was his own brother's hands.

Maybe even Gulliver himself will be dealt with in the end, he doesn't believe that Tian Jing will let him go.

In this matter, neither he nor Gulliver had a choice. Although they knew each other well, they had to accept this fact in the end.

"Don't worry, I will save your son too. Who told me to do this?"

Lu Yu glanced at Gulliver and said lightly.

"Um... I don't know how to call your husband? Although I am very grateful to you, I am different from Kerry. I don't have anything valuable for you. You can't get any benefit from helping me."

Gulliver rubbed his hands and consciously told the truth.

With such a powerful man to help him, maybe he can really save his family, but the final price is certainly not low.

Kerry is a businessman with a rich family background. He can afford to ask Lu Yu to do it, but he can't.

Everything has to be clarified!

However, after seeing Lu Yu's shot, he had every reason to believe that the opponent could easily defeat Tian Jing.

"Don't worry, I save your children only for the mission. Besides, I originally planned to go to the golden beach to play!" Lu Yu told the truth.

Now, the incident is very clear.

As long as Kerry is settled by Gulliver, everything can be performed according to Tian Jing's script. Are you afraid that you can't get it done?

Of course, Lu Yu didn't expect that the people of Long Kingdom were actually doing things behind this? Unexpectedly, on the side of Mao Ziguo, the forces of the Dragon Kingdom were so active.

But the more this happens, the more Lu Yu wonders who is the founder of the black market behind the scenes?

This force has only appeared for a year, or after he has managed to swallow the behemoth, but no matter how it looks, it seems that the opponent is not very weak, unlike a new force.

For the time being, Lu Yu didn't think about it clearly, so he just listened to Carrey said: "Well, the next thing is left to you! Mr. Lu Yu, my daughter will ask you, and I hope she will be safe."

He does not mean that!

Gulliver stared at Lu Yu with shocked expression on his face, his whole body was not calm: "What! are Lu Yu? Lu Yu, who saved the world from the Dragon Kingdom?!"

For the name of Lu Yu, since that incident a year ago, I am afraid that no one on earth has not known.

It's just that he didn't expect that this aloof savior would actually be standing in front of him at this moment?

For a while, Gulliver was so excited that he couldn't even speak.

If it was really Lu Yu, then rescued his family and resolved this matter.

"It's me! There is no need to make a fuss. I will take care of this matter without making any mistakes."

Lu Yu shrugged helplessly: "Okay, you can make your own arrangements next, I have to go back on a date."

After speaking, Lu Yu waved away.

Gulliver was still stupidly stunned, and suddenly recovered, holding his head in both hands: "I forgot, there is still a very important matter that has not been resolved!"


Kerry squinted at him, his eyes slightly wary.

Gulliver curled his lips and looked back at him with some contempt: "So many people here have been killed, maybe it can be explained! But what about those war robots, they have also been dealt with, are they all made by your men? It's not easy to be fooled, I believe Tian Jing is not so easy to believe!"

Tian Jing is not a fool to be behind the black market.

How strong the war robot is, he knows very well that even the lowest level cannot be dealt with by ordinary people!

To understand this, Carrey pondered slightly: "Actually, there is still a solution. When you take this thing, he should know it after seeing it."

After speaking, he handed it over, Gulliver didn't doubt it, and chose to believe him.

Kerry asked doubtfully: "Don't you doubt it?"

Gulliver said indifferently: "Although I have never dealt with you, I know you will not lie to me, just like I will not lie to you."

Abandoning this sentence, Gulliver turned and left, Tian Jing had to leave the matter to him to settle.

In addition, he has to stay in this place for a while, although it won't be very long, but he has to do it. There are his own people in it, which may be of some benefit to him, so he can just travel and relax.

Lu Yu returned to the hotel and found that An Ran hadn't gotten up yet, and it was already afternoon, which was really enough to sleep.

"What a lazy pig, but I like it!"

Lu Yu smiled slightly, made something to eat, put it in the room, and then quietly exited, ready to check the black market news.

The feeling this black market gives him is not simple!

Lu Yu intends to destroy this black market. Although the existence of the black market has its advantages, it also has its disadvantages.

As Lu Yu continued to search for news on the black market, An Ran slowly woke up and walked out of the room.

"Husband, you're back! I have collected the information about that girl. She is a pretty good girl with excellent character and academic performance. I heard that people who pursue her are all out of school."

Seeing Lu Yu staring at the picture of Casey on the screen, An Ran deliberately jokes.

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