Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1546: Turn the war into a jade silk

The words of Black Snake surprised Jiang Xiaoyu and Zhang Chong.

Unexpectedly, this guy looks rough on the surface and lacks wisdom, but he is also a difficult opponent.

Indeed, as he said, this is something that has just happened recently. Of course, in Lu Yu's eyes, this is reasonable.

Can sit in the position of mercenary leader, who is an ordinary person? Not only must one's own strength be outstanding, but also an IQ far beyond ordinary people can convince the crowd.

Therefore, the black snake suddenly asked this point, it would not make people feel strange.

This matter has been tacitly understood by everyone, in fact, whether you answer or not, will not change the result in any way.

Of course, in order to express his sincerity, Lu Yu still answered this question.

"Yes, I did tell the wild wolf about this matter, and reached a cooperation with him, now I hope you can join, but this is your own right to choose, agree or decline, I will not have any opinion. "

Lu Yu explained the matter straightforwardly without any concealment.

The Black Snake hesitated for a long time about this, but in the end he was still excited.

At this moment, he has unknowingly developed in the direction set by Lu Yu. Even he himself did not feel this, but the situation was still very necessary.

The Black Snake was really surprised by Lu Yu's confession. He didn't expect the other party to tell the truth without hesitation.

Everyone knows that the relationship between him and the wild wolf is incompatible. At this time, it takes a certain amount of courage to explain this situation, and it may also cause other changes.

But Lu Yu didn't seem to have any worries in this regard, and simply stated the reason.

This made Black Snake a little bit interested in him besides being astonished, admiring Lu Yu's courage very much.

"Brother Tabor was so frank, I was surprised, but you should understand the relationship between me and the wolf. We are incompatible with each other. After all, we have to decide the winner! And you chose to cooperate with him, why did you find Me? Do you think I would still be willing to cooperate with you?"

When he asked this sentence, the black snake's tone gradually became cold, his eyes narrowed into a gap, his eyes were not deep, as if he wanted to penetrate Lu Yu's mind.

In fact, he has fully revealed his attitude and told Lu Yu with practical actions.

Judging from the current results, the Black Snake and the Wild Wolf must be incompatible with each other. It is almost impossible for the two to turn their fights into jade and form a cooperative relationship.

The reason for saying this is to see how Lu Yu reacted in this situation.

If he can give him a perfect answer and solve the matter clearly, maybe he will consider Lu Yu's proposal.

From the current point of view, the main reason is the balance of interests. If this problem can be solved, the matter will be much simpler.

The Black Snake is still looking forward to this. What kind of measures Lu Yu can give him, and what situation will he face in the end?

"You are right. Judging from the current situation, I hope that everyone can share the same hatred. No one will give up their real interests. I also believe that with the strength of your Black Snake Mercenary Group, you can completely ensure the smoothness of this transaction. I can also give up the cooperation with the wild wolf and cooperate with your family sincerely."

"Of course, if you can't guarantee this, I hope you will also consider it carefully. After all, this cooperation is for everyone to develop and seek benefits together."

"Moreover, this is not just a cooperation, but also a long-term development of benefits. Everyone sees it very clearly. If a consensus can be reached this time, the future cooperation will be more and more smooth. I look forward to such a result. Of course. In the end, what kind of decision you can make is not within my control, and has no right to change. You only need to make a clear judgment in your own heart!"

Lu Yu didn't say too much. He clicked till the end. While not revealing his purpose, he also revealed his intentions.

As a result, the right to choose once again fell into the hands of Black Snake, and it was difficult for Lu Yu to judge what decision he would make.

The black snake hesitated for a while, and still agreed to Lu Yu's terms.

After all, mercenaries lick their blood on the cutting edge, in order to strive for maximum profit, make life better, and have countless wealth.

Now, with this huge profit pie in front of him, he has no reason not to fight for it.

Even if there is a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred, you can temporarily let go of the hatred and reach cooperation.

For mercenaries, there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Black Snake decided to cooperate with Lu Yu in the end, which he had always dreamed of.

The life of a mercenary may seem glamorous on the surface, but countless organizations are disbanded every day.

It is undeniable that if any mercenary organization wants to have strong strength, it must have strong players.

The profession of mercenary, unlike others, faces the real test of life and death.

Everyone who can survive in this industry is enough to prove his worth and will not participate in this action because of impulse.

Everyone is choosing, if they can strive for more benefits for themselves, they will never let others do it.

From this point, Lu Yu is still doing well, as long as it can be done earnestly, all other matters will become much simpler.

Black Snake looks calm on the surface, but in fact, his state is not good at all. Now he is in a state of anxiety, internal and external troubles.

Staying in Southeast Asia for a long time, there is no source of income, and the internal organization is already unable to make ends meet.

Only relying on what you can do is to survive. How to ensure the smooth development of oneself is particularly important at this stage.

After facing Lu Yu's condition, Black Snake weighed for a long time and agreed to the decision.

We must create more opportunities for ourselves in this way, in order to stimulate the potential of the organization to develop, and he hopes to see such results.

If we say that the best way for the world to turn enemies into jade, it is undoubtedly profit.

In this society where interests are paramount, everything is trivial.

No one can resist the temptation as long as you take out the heart-wrenching benefits. The reason why some people are not tempted is only because you don't have enough chips.

The decision Lu Yu made was a direct showdown, putting this piece of profit pie in front of everyone, and letting them think about whether or not to have such a profit?

As for the future development, Lu Yu's prediction cannot be escaped. Everyone is in this trend, and no one will ignore the existence of interests.

From this point of view, Lu Yu's choice was very correct. He brought the two organizations of Black Snake and Wild Wolf together. Once successful, his control over Yakuza's organization would be increased even more.

As long as you control Yakuza's authority, all subsequent actions will be particularly meaningful, let it go, and will not suffer too much resistance.

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