At this moment, Lu Yu was like a dragon that broke free from the shackles in the depths of hell, raging in the world to his heart's content.

As soon as this ‘devil dragon’ waved its tail and raised its legs, countless enemies howled miserably and were sent down the abyss of sin to be judged.

He was covered in blood and angry, as if he had come out of a pool of blood stained red, and he couldn't tell whether it was the blood of the enemy or his own.

On the battlefield, when the enemy saw that Lu Yu had not attacked and collapsed, his teammates were also secretly sighing for him.

But Kiko, who was staring at the direction of the valley mouth, suddenly whispered: "Something has changed!"

At this moment, in the middle of the narrow aisle of Taniguchi, a tall figure suddenly walked out, reaching a full three meters just by visual inspection.

His huge body occupies the mouth of the gourd, making the originally not-rich road narrower and narrower. From a distance, it looks like an adult occupies the aisle of a child.

Quincy, I relied on one sentence and exclaimed, "What a monster is this? Isn't the maximum height of a human being more than two meters? Is it because of hormones or chicken blood? It's so tall!"

At this moment, Lu Yu had already killed all the mercenaries alone, raised his eyes and looked in the direction of Taniguchi, staring at the huge monster that suddenly appeared, his eyes flashing quickly, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Ouyang Long, who had experienced a lot of slaughter, had blood red in his eye sockets, and the blood in his body was completely agitated.

At this moment, as if all thoughts have disappeared, there is only one voice in my heart shouting——

kill! Kill everything! dash forward!

And this voice also instinctively drove Ouyang Long to rush towards the monster uncontrollably.

The giant lowered his head and looked down. Seeing such a small ant, he actually dared to provoke himself, cracking his big mouth full of disdain, and stepped out, walking towards Ouyang Long like a moving fortress.

Boom boom boom!

The footsteps fell on the ground, as if beating a drum, shaking the earth trembling.

When the giant stepped out, Lu Yu was also awakened, watching the gravel and dust under his feet vibrate, frowning.

What kind of genetic medicine did this monster hit?

The variation is so huge.

The monster stepped out in one step, and it was two or three meters away. The two sides arrived in the blink of an eye, and the two figures, one large and one small, collided together.

Ouyang Long's breath is fierce, and he is not afraid of the giant who is twice as tall as he is. He is full of evil spirits, and he directly punches and rushes to the giant.

The powerful fist wind tore through the air and carried an unrelenting momentum, as if even the sky could pierce a hole in this blow.

However, in the face of this magnificent punch, the giant's face was covered with a cruel smile, and he didn't care about waving the big palm of the puff fan, he was about to smash the little ant into pieces.

With two fists, one big and one small, one tall and one short, it depends on whose strength is stronger!

Ouyang Long felt his punch hit the impenetrable wall, and the opponent's strength far exceeded him.

Even the strength of this punch was bounced back by the city wall intact, and it all acted on him.

The bones of his fists were torn apart, and under the attack of severe pain, Ouyang Long's whole body was thrown out uncontrollably, and he flew out seven or eight meters in the air before landing heavily.

This fall, hurts and hurts!

Under the strong pain and blessing, Ouyang Long, who had fallen into the will to kill, finally turned sober.

Seeing that the little ant was easily beaten by himself, the giant was so powerful that he laughed wildly.


He took a step, his huge body looked like a tank armor, and rolled towards the place where Ouyang Long landed.

The giant's body leaped high, both full of momentum, like a giant King Kong falling from the sky, as if to smash this little ant that does not know the height of the sky.

Seeing those big meteor-like fists about to hit him, Ouyang Long's eyes were horrified.

Just now, he has deeply learned the power of this giant, if he really lets this punch down, he will probably turn into a mess on the spot.

At this critical moment, Lu Yu's figure galloped forward, and at the moment that his fists fell, he kicked Ouyang Long away, and at the same time, raised his hands on the top of his head, ready to brazenly receive the blow.

Before, he had fought the two blood-colored roses completely, and he knew the strength of these genetically modified people, and obviously, the strength of the giant in front of him was stronger than those of the two blood-colored roses.

If he dares to drag it, maybe he will face the biggest fiasco in history!

In the current battle, Red Fly and the others couldn't help at all, so they could only watch the battle nervously.

Seeing that Lu Yu arrived in time and sent Ouyang Long to a safe area, the three hurried forward to support him, quickly stepped back, and handed the battlefield to Lu Yu.


With both hands resisting a blow from the giant, Lu Yu sank. This guy was so powerful that even he could barely resist it.

Drink... With a soft drink, Lu Yu turned his fist into his palm, firmly grasped the giant's wrist, twisted his waist, his whole body turned over and climbed on top of the giant's head like a sensitive ape.

The body turned over, clamped the giant's neck with two thighs, twisted fiercely, and turned the giant's huge body to the ground.

With a loud bang, the behemoth's size hit the ground heavily, as if it caused a tenth-magnitude earthquake, and the ground was lifted up with smoke and dust.

Because it was dark, even the four Red Flies with night vision devices were obstructed by the dust. For a while, it was impossible to see who had the upper hand between the two.

Everyone outside the court stared at the place where the two fell unblinked, especially Ouyang Long, who had just been frustrated, clenched his fists tightly.

Having reached this point, whether it can pry open the door of the sunset base, I am afraid that the success or failure of this battle.

Everyone raised their hearts to their throats.

Everyone is praying in their hearts, Lu Yu, you must hold on to defeat this stupid monster!

We are all counting on you and I don't know how long it has been, maybe, it's only a few minutes.

But from the eyes of the Red Fly and others who are anxiously waiting outside, it seems that it has been a long time since half a century.

Where the two fell to the ground, the smoke and dust in the sky gradually dissipated, and a relatively short-looking figure walked out slowly.

But at this moment, the figure in the eyes of the Red Flies is so tall and majestic that people can't help but feel a sense of worship.

Walking out of the smoke and dust, Lu Yu stood still and turned to the direction of Redfly and the others, waving a blood-stained scalpel, grinning with a row of small white teeth: "Everyone, I've said it before, Xiaoye is amazing!"

As soon as the two figures landed, Lu Yu got up for the first time, drew the scalpel from the storage space, and plunged into the giant's heart with lightning speed.

These modified people may be as hard as iron and powerful, but their only shortcoming is the heart!

Once the heart is broken, no matter how powerful you are, you will have to burp.

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