The dark clouds have cleared, and the sky has cleared after rain!

   After several hours of rushing, the **** convoy arrived safely all the way to the secret prison code-named ‘x-22’.

   This special prison is located in an uninhabited southwestern suburb.

   There are few people within a radius of tens of kilometers. Looking around, there are desolate hills and grasslands everywhere. The periphery of the prison is covered with dense thorn fences, and blue electric arcs are faintly visible on the explosion-proof power grid.

   There are high walls around the prison, which are as high as ten feet, and a layer of enamel gel is painted on the wall. The smoothness is comparable to tiles. Don't try to climb up with your hands.

   As the sky is getting darker, the two huge searchlights on the top floor of the prison have been turned on, and a strong beam of light swept alternately on a clearing in front of the prison.

   Boom boom.

   At this moment, a Hummer convoy covered with steel wire explosion-proof nets drove into the prison in an orderly manner.

   The convoy stopped, and dozens of heavily armed team members rushed out of it to cooperate with Yu Dalei and Li Guangyong who escorted Liu Chuanfeng to the prison.

   Liu Chuanfeng's expression was unusually calm, he cooperated with him and walked towards the prison without any intention of resisting at all.

   Just before leaving, he turned his head and looked in Lu Yu's direction, full of sincerity: "If I have a chance to come out, I will definitely go to the special forces to take a look."

   Lu Yu shook his head.

  Xindao, I went in, can I still get out?

   At this time, he didn't want to hit the man whose back suddenly became old, and smiled indifferently: "Welcome!"

   Liu Chuanfeng followed the **** team and slowly walked into the prison gate until his back disappeared into the dark and towering passage.

   At this time, a middle-aged man in his 40s walked out of the gate slowly and came to Lu Yu.

   Lu Yu glanced over his shoulder, grinning, obediently,

   It's just a prison, there is such a big officer?

   But when the senior officials crushed people to death, Lu Yu still took the initiative to salute: "I have seen the chief."

   "Thank you guys!" The man smiled in return.

   Lu Yu shook his head: "I'm used to it."

   The man took a look at Lu Yu suddenly, showing a thoughtful expression: "You, is Lu Yu?"

"it's me!"

   Lu Yu nodded, showing neither humble nor overbearing.

   "Hehe, it really turned out to be a young hero!" The man smiled and praised.

   "Thank you, but since people have sent it to you and the task is complete, we should also go back."

   Lu Yu didn't want to stay here more.

   This prison always feels deep and dark, with some unpleasant feelings, so I say goodbye.

   The man smiled slightly, his deep and composed eyes couldn't see what he was thinking.

"You have worked hard all the way. Don't worry about it. I will arrange someone to safely **** the students who come with you back to the Luyuan Academy. The Marine Corps can stay here for a few more days. I will say hello to your Southeast Military Region, and I will take you to visit it. Here."


   Lu Yu was startled, his face was a little weird.

  Visit the prison?

   This is the first time I have heard of it!

   What to visit in this gloomy place?

   Besides, who asked you to say hello to the Southeast Military Region, did I agree?

   Lu Yu whispered in his heart, Nima, what is going on?

   won't be fooled by Fan Tianlei's old boy again!

   Seeing Lu Yu's doubts, the man patted his forehead and laughed, "Look at me, I forgot to introduce myself!"

  When he mentioned his identity, the man's eyes instantly became piercing, which made Lu Yusheng feel wrong, as if he was deliberately showing off, his tone was teasing.

   "As for the name, it is inconvenient for me to say more, code-named "Golden Eye Eagle", once served as the captain and deputy brigade commander of the second special brigade of the Spike Special Forces Brigade. You were also a soldier of Spike, should you know me?"

   Despite the questioning tone, the inside and outside of the words are taken for granted, just like being a wolf-fanged soldier, not knowing how much he was condemned by the gods.

   Lu Yu finally understood, what does this guy mean!

   No wonder, as soon as he came up, he saw that this old boy was upset, and he dared to play it for a long time. Was he putting himself in front of him to pretend?

  Mom sells critics, and Lu Yu has never pretended to be compelling, and no one dares to pretend to be in front of him.

   呸, stinky shameless!

   It's not that your rank is higher than mine, I couldn't help but beat you to death.

   Although today Lu Yu has long been independent of Spike, he naturally knows the military history of Spike. This is a compulsory course for every special soldier who enters the Spike.

   Of course Lu Yu knew the identity of the person in front of him, but he dared to pretend to be forceful in front of him.

   There was a joke at the corners of his mouth, but Lu Yu's face pretended to be listening to the scriptures, and he shook his head: "Golden Eyed Eagle, who? I don't know!"

   I... Wipe! ?

   The man's smile just bloomed, instantly stiff.

   The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

   pretends to fail, hehehehe...

   The man looked up to the sky from a melancholic angle of 45 degrees, sighing from the bottom of his heart.


   Lu Yu didn't expect that a prison that looked gloomy on the outside would actually have such an elegant, clean and bright place inside.

   In the office, he and the warden were sitting on both sides of a tea table. The warm tea that had just been brewed was handed to Lu Yu, and the warden sat back on the opposite sofa with a smile.

   "How about? Captain's body is okay?" The warden asked in greeting.

   This battalion captain naturally refers to He Zhijun of the first battalion of the Spike Special Forces Brigade. However, He Zhijun is now the head of the Special Forces.

   Lu Yu held up his tea cup and blew.

   Actually, he is not thirsty. He ate a lot of apples along the way. The sweetness is really sweet.

   just drank the cleared my throat.

   "Very good, although I don't know how he was when you were in Spikes, but now his bones are getting drier and tougher. Apart from the addition of a few white hairs on his head, he is totally invisible."

Hearing that He Zhijun is in good health, the warden’s face was immediately filled with smiles: "Haha, that’s good. Since I left Langya, I rarely go back and see it again. When I go back this time, you will say hello to Lao He! "

   "By the way, I heard that you also set up a special army and pulled Lao He as the leader? When I have time, I must visit him, and by the way, see how big your special forces are?"

   "Hehe, welcome, you won't be disappointed!"

   Lu Yu put down the tea cup, and suddenly looked at each other with profound meaning: "However, you left me here specially, not just for this, right?"

The warden smiled and said: "Of course not only, I mainly want to see you, a rising star from Spikes. It is said that the soldiers are fighting hard, the renewal and construction of the army has never stopped, and there is a constant influx of fresh blood! "

"And over the years, I have also heard a lot of rumors about you. People my age are very curious. I want to meet you, a legend. I just took advantage of the opportunity today. How can I let you go so easily? Go?"

   "We all come from wolf fangs, and as a veteran, of course I have the obligation to supervise you little wolf puppies, whether the fangs are sharp and hard!"

   The warden smiled and said bluntly, without any concealment.

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