Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1369: You don’t understand what special forces are (6)

The sudden situation made all the students in the car instantly panic. One by one, they squeezed the steel guns in their hands, and felt the pressure of the wind and rain coming to the building.

   Liu Chuanfeng said in a low voice: "You have to be careful. The other party hires famous killers in the world. These people are absolutely cruel and merciless when they start their hands."

   Lu Yu curled his mouth. There is a famous killer, is he very powerful?

   In order to deal with him, the CIA sent over how many assassins, but in the end, it wasn’t a feathered return.

   Lu Yu smiled lightly: "It seems that you don't know what special forces are!"

   Liu Chuanfeng was taken aback for a moment, and only after a long while, he looked at Lu Yu with a cryptic gaze.

   Indeed, he did not understand the level of the real special forces!

  Although, as the leading elite soldier of the reconnaissance brigade, he was sent to participate in the selection and assessment of special forces, but unfortunately, he was ultimately unsuccessful.

   Therefore, in his entire life, he has no way to spy on the true nature of the real special forces.

   But this does not affect his yearning for special forces!

   "Special Forces..." Liu Chuanfeng grinned, "I hope, I will be fortunate to see you next time!"

   "You will." Lu Yu glanced at him deeply.

   Of course, this was just a casual remark that he said casually, but it aroused Liu Chuanfeng's fighting spirit.

   "Very good, I will wait and see!"

   I don’t know if it is secretly fighting, Liu Chuanfeng seems to be muttering to himself a symbolic supplement.

   Immediately, he raised his head and looked at Lu Yu earnestly: "I still said that, if you can't do anything, please give me a happy one, don't give them any opportunity."

   Lu Yu shrugged noncommittal, still the simple three words: "I will!"

   After dropping this sentence, Lu Yu's face returned to coldness again, and he told the driver: "We must despise the enemy strategically and attach importance to the enemy tactically. For the sake of safety, we should disperse the surrounding vehicles to prevent accidents."


   The driver agreed and sounded the alarm in accordance with Lu Yu's request.

   The sharp and piercing whistle sounded through the street.

   The red and blue lights flicker, so that all vehicles driving around can see this scene.

On a crowded road, there are large and small private cars and buses. Suddenly seeing this row of sturdy vehicles composed of Hummers, they are all scared to slow down, especially the surrounding vehicles passing with Hummers. Keep away from it.

   All the vehicles moved away from the Hummer fleet, leaving a large section of the road behind. The few vans hanging from the rear of the vehicle were very eye-catching.

   A car in front of me suddenly accelerated, driving to the intersection ahead, and turning left, walking side by side with the Hummer fleet. This arrogant attitude clearly shows that it is endless.

   Li Guangyong saw this scene, immediately swallowed nervously, and asked carefully: "Instructor, should we shoot?"

   Lu Yu shook his head: "No, this is likely to irritate them. These gangsters have no scruples, but we can't ignore the lives of innocent people. If something unexpected happens, our guilt will be great."

   Thinking of the seriousness of this problem, Li Guangyong immediately broke into a cold sweat: "Yes... I owe it!"

   "No, that car has followed!"

   At this time, Yu Dalei's pupils shrank slightly, and he looked out the window with an exclamation.

   Lu Yu flashed with a cold light: "Bump it away!"

   The driver and soldier nodded, and immediately slammed the steering wheel under Lu Yu's order, stepped on the accelerator, and the Hummer roared like a beast and crashed into the black car nearby, in a gesture of death.


   The black car was extremely agile. When the Hummer hit it, it immediately dodged and clung to the car like a dog skin plaster.

   Lu Yu frowned, an evil fire broke out in his heart, and he snorted, "Dog stuff, shamelessly!"

   In a deep voice, he told the driver: "Speed ​​up and drive to the suburbs. Since you want to hijack the car, I will give them this opportunity."

  The soldier in charge of driving is a guard company of the Army Academy and a veteran from the grassroots army. He knows the importance of military orders and execution, so he will not say anything.

   Lu Yu gave an order, and he nodded his head with a deep drink for the first time: "Yes!"


   "Please pay attention to all vehicles, keep the driving rhythm, drive to the suburbs, lead them to the open area and start again!"

   "Please pay attention to the second car. I'm 30 meters in front of you. Keep the distance between cars and don't fall behind."

   "Car number two received!"

   "Car 3 slows down and moves closer to car 2."

"Roger that!"

   Lu Yu took the walkie-talkie and kept giving orders, and the teams quickly passed back their promise.

   The trainees in the carriage have an unprecedented seriousness on their faces. This is the first actual combat they will experience. It is fake to say that they are not nervous.

   It can be seen from the constantly rolling Adam's apple that their inner restless heart, holding the steel gun firmly in both hands, seems to be the only way to comfort their nervous heart.

   Everyone knew in their hearts that the mob chasing behind could shoot them at any time.

   After learning that he couldn't get rid of the assassins behind, Lu Yu chose the most straightforward approach. Since he didn't want to be bitten by the opponent's dogskin plaster, he would take the initiative and solve everyone in order to avoid worries.

   Simple, straightforward, and straightforward!

   Under the overall command of Lu Yu, the convoy quickly separated from the urban and headed straight for the suburbs.

   After speeding and speeding, the scenery on both sides of the road began to fade from the bustling city, and gradually became desolate. The previous crowded roads were not there, and the traffic around them became less and less.

   jumped his eyes to look far, and there was a lush poplar forest in front of him, and the breeze was blowing the leaves, making a rustling sound.

   Further on, there are very few cars passing by the side of the road, and occasionally only a few pedestrians riding bicycles passing by on both sides of the road.

  At this time, the team also went very sideways. Even if a fierce firefight broke out, there was no need to worry about hurting the innocent.


   Suddenly, without warning, the black car that had been side by side with the Hummer team burst out with a violent motor noise and rushed up.

   Seeing this admiration, Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and gave the command without hurries: "Slow down!"

   After finishing speaking, Lu Yu turned his head to look at Yu Dalei again, and said lightly: "Warning!"


   Yu Da Lei's face was calm, he rolled down the car window without hesitation, aimed his gun at the window, bang bang, and pulled the trigger.

   The three gunshots burst out suddenly, spreading far away on this inaccessible country road.

   However, the black car that had rushed to the front to stop the convoy had no intention of evasive and turned a blind eye to it.

   And at this moment, the screams of cars No. 2 and No. 3 came from the walkie-talkie!

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