Lu Yu wandered alone in the night, and the street lights on both sides of the road pulled his shadow out long traces on the ground and projected it into the endless darkness.


   took out his cell phone and dialed Enron's number.


After    was connected, before Lu Yu could finish speaking the first word, there was a storm of reprimand and acting like a baby on the phone.

   "Smelly Lu Yu, bastard, where did you go these days? Why don't you give me a call? Do you still have me in your heart..."

Lu Yu took the phone away from his ears, and smiled bitterly: "Stop, stop, my ears are numb by you, can't you let me say something? It's not that I don't want to call you, it's not the special forces secrecy regulations. I didn't see me as soon as I came back. Did you call you?"

   An Ran quietly said: "Lu Yu, you have changed!"


   "Why didn't you have Ai Te me when you posted photos in the afternoon?" An Ran snorted coldly.

   Lu Yu was ashamed.

   Sure enough, women are unreasonable!

   It's useless to reason with them, it's a waste of saliva.

   "What's so good about being dirty?"

   With the lessons learned from the past, Lu Yu was a good student this time, and before the latter could speak, he just bit back: "Is so handsome and handsome is not enough for you to see? Why do you want to look at other men?"


   These words made An Ran stunned.

   seems to make sense!

   But what is wrong for Mao?

   "Asshole, where are you?" Unable to answer, An Ran simply changed the subject, his tone choked.

   Lu Yu looked up at the dormitory building in front of him, smiled and said, "It's right downstairs!"

   "Huh?" An Ran was startled: "Just now?"


   "Then you won't come back!" An Ran said fiercely: "My old lady is pregnant with your child, do I have to go down to pick you up?"

   Lu Yu coughed dryly and touched his nose: "That... the door is closed, or, shall we see you tomorrow?"

"you dare!"

   An Ran raised her eyebrows and scolded coldly, "If you don't come up today, my old lady will find a place to jump downstairs. Anyway, she fell to her death and killed her. You can take care of it."

   "Hey... don't!"

   Lu Yu immediately became soft, when did An Ran become so sturdy?

   The woman who used to be a little birdy, after getting married, really became the horrible middle-aged woman who entered the menopause in the legend?

   "I'm joking." For fear of An Ran's aggressive behavior, Lu Yu laughed with him: "Sit down, be careful of your fetus, and I will go up to you!"

   "Hmph, the door is closed, how did you come up?" An Ran raised his eyebrows coldly: "Stop coming up anyway!"


   Lu Yu madly sweats, women are really vengeful animals.

  I would rather offend the villain than offend the woman!

   "It's hard to get me in a dormitory building? It's a piece of cake, wait and see!" Lu Yu was confident.

   "Oh, then you hurry up!"

   Hanging up, Lu Yu breathed a long sigh of relief, and looked up at the dormitory building in front of him, standing in the dark.

   Announcement, the book reading app I am using recently has a lot of books, full of books, fast update!


   The tiptoes touched the ground, and the figure fluttered, like a flexible ape, jumping forward, grabbing the railing of the security window on the first floor, and rushing up lightly.

   While climbing, Lu Yu observed the direction from all directions, his hands and feet moved rhythmically as if he were walking on the ground, jumping between the balconies with strength, but in just a few seconds he rushed to the sixth floor.

   Looking at the half-opened window in front of him, Lu Yu smiled slightly and swished in before getting in.

   Bend down like a civet cat, fluttering without a trace of movement, when Lu Yu just straightened up, a scent of fragrant wind blew his face, and a soft body was immediately thrown into his arms like a swallow returning home.

   It's not Enron, who else can it be?

   Crossed his arms, put his arms around Lu Yu's neck, and affixed to him affectionately, exhaling like blue: "Lu Yu, I miss you so much!"

   At this moment, An Ran, without the coquettishness and domineering on the phone just now, was as soft as flowing water, as if he was about to melt into Lu Yu's body.

   Lu Yu smiled slightly, stroked her black hair like a waterfall, kissed her smooth forehead, and stared at the person in her arms: "Me too!"

The three words    are enough to tell each other's longings.

   The two hug each other, and the two long-separated hearts are once again closely connected.

   greedily sucking on the familiar smell of each person, without any crooked thoughts, only full of love for each other, filling the hearts, and telling the longings that have been separated for a long time.

   In the house, warm feelings.

   But in the darkness outside the house, the thick, ink-like darkness that cannot be removed, has already engulfed the entire earth.

   A long brewing storm is coming!


   In the southern border area, the playground of a Wu Jing residence.

  The tropical climate makes this place be shrouded in warmth all year round. Above the head, the scorching sun is like fire, and the blazing sun sets off the red flag fluttering in the wind below, dazzling like blood.

   On the playground, there were rows of shockers standing in line, sweating like rain from the sun, and the occasional cool breeze could not dissipate the heat of the body.

   squadron leader Chang Baoqiang led the team under him, waiting here, specially to welcome the special forces who came to cooperate with the operation today.

   Facing the rumors of special forces, Chang Baoqiang had heard about it for a long time. In the past two months, this special forces unit named'Ryzen' would often conduct activities in the border areas of southern Xinjiang, and its reputation has spread far and wide.

   And their professional martial arts, these days have been a lot easier, the hard work and tiring work have been done by the special forces, but it is rare for me to have a leisurely time.

   But Chang Baoqiang didn't take it very seriously, because it was their profession to catch these smuggled bastards, but as a result, they were preempted by others.

   These special forces are obviously here to steal their lives!

   But he can't say There are requirements on it. People come all the way to help. Chang Baoqiang still wants to express his gratitude.

   After all, the army shocked the family, everyone is a brotherly unit, and mutual assistance is supposed to be.

   And after the painful lessons learned last time, Chang Baoqiang's team also lost a lot. This time, he should be more mindful and not careless.

   The Ryzen Special Team used a victorious battle to achieve their reputation, and many people were envious of it.

  As a Wu Jing commander, Chang Baoqiang also has his own pride. He admits that the special forces are indeed very powerful, but he does not deny that his team is worse than them.

   This time, I learned that the special forces were coming, and Chang Baoqiang took the initiative to invite Ying to greet him as soon as possible.

   In addition to admiring the prestige of the special forces, there are more ideas, why not hold the attitude of whether it is a mule or a horse, and pull it out for a walk?

   To put it bluntly, this is a secret rivalry.

   He wants to compete head-on with the special forces!

   Chang Baocheng personally selected the most elite fighters in his team and arranged them behind him. Even if the sun was like fire, the team remained motionless, like trees standing upright.

   Strict military capacity and military discipline, in order to give the other side a prestige, to fight for the initiative of this mission.

   "Look! The helicopter is coming!"

   Someone in the team shouted.

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