
   Lu Yu smiled slightly, and comfortably threw away the melon seed shell in his hand, and slapped his hands in front of the soldiers on the farm, making a crisp knocking sound.

   The applause was like giving orders. At the moment when it sounded, all the ducks in the battle raised their necks, their movements were neat and uniform, and their small eyes were sharp, giving off a spiritual brilliance.

   The moment the applause fell, a duck standing in the first row of the team suddenly uttered a high-pitched cry: "Hey--!"

   Although Song Kaifei didn't understand what it was saying, he automatically translated two words in his mind.

   Chong Duck!

   Sure enough, the next moment all the ducks flap their wings, their plump body and short legs, they charge up but are extremely agile, shaking from side to side, rushing towards Song Kaifei overwhelmingly, and flying duck feathers in the sky.

   Song Kaifei was dumbfounded, and cried out strangely: "Emma, ​​didn't you say that animals are not allowed to be refined after the founding of the People's Republic of China?"

   "You guys!"

   He scolded, expressing his anger extremely strongly, but as soon as his voice fell, he was startled by the overwhelming momentum of the charge, and he couldn't help taking two steps back.

   Hundreds of female ducks charged and sounded the horn of war. Even Song Kaifei was stunned by the indomitable momentum.

   Just when he was stunned, he was swarmed by ducks, surrounded by swarms of ducks.

  The few female ducks headed by    fluttered their wings and flew, taking advantage of this charge of courage, they pecked at Song Kaifei fiercely with their sharp beaks.

   The other ducks surrounded Song Kaifei, using the harassment method of guerrilla warfare to cooperate with the leading combat ducks to poke his toes and calves.

   is tolerable or unbearable, being bullied by a duck, Song Kaifei completely saved himself.

   He roared, just about to lift his leg and kick it over and knock down a few.

   As a result, before his legs were raised, Jiang Hao, who was standing by and watching the battle, shouted distressedly: "Be merciful under your feet, a duck is more than two hundred yuan!"

   Song Kaifei's legs flicked inexplicably, and he almost didn't trip himself.

What does    mean? ?

   Have to pay for it if it breaks?

   Fuck, it's no wonder the captain is so confident, he didn't count him to death!

   Do you think I will be caught with my hands, ridiculous!

   My ace pilot will be defeated by a few flightless ducks?


   "I'll be with you!"

   spit out two words, and Song Kaifei would kick up again.

   However, the shouts that had just stopped again sounded: "Don't kick it badly, this is the common property of the army. I have to report any loss to my superiors. You can't eat it!"


   Song Kaifei was about to vomit blood, and the kicked foot was also stiff in the air.

   This Nima is still a fart? A big hat of the common property of the army is deducted from him. Can he still afford it?

   Song Kaifei stopped, but the fighting ducks chasing him next to him couldn't. They madly poked him with the ducks and screamed happily, sisters, go!

   So many ducks pecking at people together, it is also very painful, Song Kaifei's face is green, and he glared at Jiang Hao who was yelling next to him.

   Are you special, can’t you afford to have fun? At any rate, he has thick eyebrows and big eyes. I thought you and the captain didn't deal with each other. How come you betrayed and become an accomplice in a blink of an eye?

   Jiang Hao was talking, winking his eyes at him, saying clearly, "Comrade Colonel, you have to take care of you, and I can't help it."

   Looking at Lu Yu who was licking melon seeds with a light smile on his face, and then at Jiang Hao who was yelling and winking, Song Kaifei swallowed speechlessly, completely convinced.

   Captain's careful eyes, as always, have not changed!

   Knowing this a long time ago, it would be better to speak frankly and unfairly from the beginning, so as not to end up being pecked by a duck.

   quack quack!

   The group of ducks shouted in excitement, flapping their wings flying around him, Song Kaifei's movements were stiff, and he could only passively be beaten, don't mention the depressed and depressed heart.

   couldn't fight back, the female ducks flocked forward again and again, and soon his figure was drowned in the feathers in the sky, and there was a vague cry from inside.

   "I was wrong, Captain, I plead guilty!"

   "Uuuuu...I shouldn't listen to Fan Laohu's words and hide it from you!"

   "I gave up, can I give up?"

   Don't mention how sad that miserable cry.

  The soldiers on the surrounding farms all looked stunned.

   I didn't expect that these female ducks who laid eggs were so ferocious that even the special forces were defeated.

   "Chief Lu is too good, how did he do it?"

   "Don't ask me, even the squad leader doesn't know, but these ducks are really too fierce, just like professionally trained killers!"

   "I feel that these ducks can be on the battlefield. Is it too much for them to lay eggs?"

   "No, you will have to take a detour when you see these ducks in the future."

   "That colonel is so miserable! Not only was he pecked by a duck, he was also covered with duck feathers and duck feces..."

   "Don't laugh, people are angry and don't dare to offend Chief Lu. Be careful to come over and beat you up later!"

   Seeing the excitement around is not too big of a whisper, causing Song Kaifei, who is struggling to resist in the ducks, the face covered with unknown objects turns from blue to white, from white to purple, and finally as black as the bottom of a pot.

   "Brother Yu, I was wrong!"

   "Please let it go!"

   "Can't I admit defeat..."

   Seeing that the offensive of the duck group is getting more and more fierce, it is a bit unstoppable, Song Kaifei has no spine to come to beg for mercy for three consecutive times.

   Seeing that he was almost taught, Lu Yu stopped playing.

   spit out the shell of the melon seeds, Shi Shiran stood up from the pony, held back a smile, and waved to the ducks who were still holding on to the charge: "Retreat!"

Give an order, those ducks who are still fluttering immediately stop attacking, like an orderly fighting force, retreating like a tide, shaking their fat body, and lined up to the shed. Drilled inside.

   This move opened the eyes of everyone on the farm, cheering loudly!

   "Haha, today is really an eye-opener!"

   "It's so fun, the special forces vs. the fighting ducks are much more exciting than Batman vs. Superman."

   "Unexpectedly, the ducks on our farm can be so fierce, even the special forces demand for mercy!"

   "Head Lu is a wolf killer, and he will not let him go when he is so cruel."

   Song Kaifei walked back in embarrassment, of course he didn't suffer any injuries, but his image was too...cough cough, duck feces all over his body!

   It is estimated that he will not be able to sleep if he does not wash himself out tonight.

   "Captain..." Song Kaifei looked at Lu Yu with a grimace in his eyes: "I think it's good for you to stay on the farm."

   Lu Yu glanced at Song Kaifei playfully, and couldn't help but laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, your image...Come on, take a picture of you and remember it."

   Without a word, Lu Yu took out his cell phone, gave him 360 degrees without blind spots, took a picture, then quietly opened WeChat and clicked to send it to the old A field group.

   He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Li Erniu, Xu Tianlong, Fan Tianlei and others were also separated.

After    was sent, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Lu Yu's mouth!

   "Hey, comfortable! I feel comfortable all over..."

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