Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1338: Master Duck King Race High

Knowing that Lu Yu was joking, Jiang Hao's heart was still severely impacted, and sometimes the truth in the joke was even more hurtful.

Seeing Jiang Hao's silence, Lu Yu was also aware of the problem and coughed twice. It seemed that he had gone forever on his heart-cracking road recently. He quickly changed the subject: "Lao Jiang, do you think I am a bird? ?"

   After asking this, Lu Yu just wanted to change the subject, and didn't want to hurt Jiang Hao's heart which was already battered.

   But when he heard this, Jiang Hao, who was still languid before, seemed to suddenly come back to life like a chicken blood.

   "Forget it, of course forget it!" Jiang Hao frowned, "Listen to me in detail."

   It seemed that what he had learned finally came into use. Jiang Hao's eyes jumped with excitement and violent light, as if he had changed his personality, he grabbed Lu Yu and began to speak endlessly.

   Seeing that Jiang Hao was so full of interest suddenly, Lu Yu was stunned, but it was an unexpected joy to arouse the latter's emotions and make him no longer sad.

   "Respectfully listen!"

   Jianghao pondered slightly, and waved his big hand: "From a biological point of view, ducks are certainly birds. Not only ducks, but the chickens and geese on the farm are all birds."

   "Poultry, poultry, in the end, carry the word "bird", which refers to birds. However, due to the long-term domestication of humans, they have evolved into domestic animals, but in essence they have not changed. They belong to the order Aniformes.

   Jianghao patted his chest confidently: "Hehe, you are asking the right person for this question. I am very responsible to tell you that ducks are birds, just like humans, they are essentially primates."

   Lu Yu nodded: "Oh, I see."

   Jiang Hao gave Lu Yu a weird look, always feeling that his appearance was a bit perfunctory...

   "Forget it, I won't tell you this, I have to call the leader to report, there really is a problem, so many ducks, I can't bear the responsibility."

   shook his head and got up, Jiang Hao's face returned to melancholy again, leaving the duck farm under Lu Yu's gaze.

   Lu Yu didn't follow, he had his own plan.

   went back to the duck shed, pondered for a moment, seeing no one around, there was no need to converge.

Before Jiang Hao and Lao Wang were there, he didn't try his own idea. Now he is alone, so he no longer hides it. He can't wait to try it out, otherwise he will really be smoked by the pungent smell here. Hair is about to grow.

   Lu Yu walked around, using his mind to urge the perception of all things to spread out, and his title of "Bird King" came into play instantly.

   In the duck shed, the sounds of the quacking ducks that were originally quacking, heard in Lu Yu's ears, and they immediately became regular, and he quickly understood why these female ducks did not lay eggs.

   "Quack, it's so hot in the duck shed! Those **** scavengers only know how to feed us, when can they install the air conditioner to cool down, don't you know if you are tired of laying eggs?"

   "I feed so much every day, my stomach is flat and I can't digest it, so I really want to go for a walk."

   "Cock...Da, let the shoveling officer lay the eggs by himself, and the female ducks also have the right to duck. Why is there no male duck here?"

   "Come on, **** human beings, too selfish, I will fight you one-on-one!"

   There was a lot of noise in the duck shed, and there were countless female ducks' negative emotions, complaining about the poor growth environment, eating too much, and panicking.

   Lu Yu suddenly understood that from the emotions of these female ducks, he could feel the reason for the drop in egg production.

   is nothing more than being full, no place to splash, too panic when idle!

   Now that the source of the problem has been found, just solve it according to the problem.

   Well, I have to find something for these female ducks to do!

   Lu Yu is absolutely professional in doing things.

   Of course, the premise is to be happy, and happiness is the most important thing.

   To make myself boring, but also to solve the urgent needs of the farm, this kind of good thing that kills two birds with one stone, Lu Yu is of course obligatory.

   Hey, it turns out that gold shines wherever it goes!

"Don't let me lead the war, I will take the ducks for a walk, who can control it?" Lu Yu hummed, happily thinking about the scene of taking thousands of ducks out for a walk. It was so spectacular and grand. ?

   If Zhang Jinzhong and Hu Guohai were known by the two old guys, they would still have a pain in their heads!

   They had a headache, and Lu Yu was very happy.

   Thinking of not hesitating anymore, immediately opened the doors of all the duck folds, and hundreds of female ducks came out happily as if they were going to the market.

   "Quack, quack!

   "Quack, quack, quack..."

   Amidst the cheerful singing of ducks, the flocks of black ducks flocked in groups, rushing forward under the command of Lu Yu.

   "Please pay attention to each combat team, stand in shifts, gather and set off!"

   The corners of Lu Yu's lips rose, and he waved his big hand, giving orders vigorously.

   Countless female ducks are male and angry, flapping their wings and leaping over the fence of the farm.

   The leader of Lu Yu walked in front of the ducks, taking the lead, gathering the mighty battle team, and marching towards the grass in the outer square.

The female ducks swayed their two short legs, swayed and ran forward happily, croaking ducks from time to time, flapping their wings and flying in the team, the duck feathers scattered all over the sky, which can be seen. How excited is the female duck in the cage.

   Under the command of Lu Yu, not a single duck was left behind. Thousands of duck groups formed a square formation, which was actually very harmonious.

   "Quack, the air outside is really fresh, what should I do if I suddenly want to lay eggs?"

   "The hen over there is Tian Tian Xie Dan has been locked in a fool!"

   "Duck, click, I'm a happy duckling."

   "Walk a hundred steps after a meal, don't worry about laying eggs!"

   "Master Duck is high!"

   Listening to the cheers of these female ducks, Lu Yu smiled and his expression became more harmonious and natural.

   These female ducks are the same as themselves. It is too boring to be kept in the duck pen all day long, and they are forced to lay eggs. Can they not feel depressed?

   But... what's the matter with Master Duck!

   I already have the title of bird king, there won’t be another duck king, right?

   led the ducks to the wide grass of the farm. Lu Yu ordered them to play freely, but they were not allowed to destroy the vegetable garden of the farm.

The group of female ducks dispersed in a rush, and rushed around with their little short legs like a splash. Not one of them went to destroy the vegetable garden. Instead, they scattered all around the pasture, gathered in groups of three to five, to turn over the grass and the dirt. Earthworms and small bugs.

   It’s been a long time since I played so much, it’s so enjoyable!

   Lu Yu smiled slightly, found a piece of clean grass and sat down, took out the comic book from the storage space, and looked calm and relaxed.

   The hot sun is pouring in golden light, and it is projected on the grassland to Lu Yu who is reading a book seriously. The picture is so harmonious and beautiful.

   Such a leisurely life of salted fish is what Lu Yu longs for!

   The sun was warm and the sun was so warm that Lu Yu fell asleep reading the book before he knew it.

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