Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1290: Are you the rescue team of the embassy of country m?

Chapter 1290 Are you the rescue team of the embassy of country m?

Lu Yu shook his head helplessly: "Don't think of me as a superman. I can't save so many people. They want to survive and can only rely on themselves... eh?"

Speaking of this, I saw the brave female doctor Rachel before, suddenly appeared in front of him, looking at herself with a pleading look.

"Hello, gentleman!"

Rachel's chest rises and falls and asks: "I admire you for your bravery just now. You killed the mercenaries by yourself...Excuse me, are you sent by the US Embassy to rescue? Are you a member of the SEALs?"


Lu Yu shook his head. If it hadn't been for the brave performance of this little girl just now, he would not even be interested in answering.

Hearing Lu Yu's negative answer, Rachel's face was disappointed: "Oh, I'm sorry..."

"you are??"

After she finished speaking, Lu Yu waved to interrupt.

"I think, instead of just standing here and wasting time, you might as well find a gun to save your life, so that you can live better!"

Speaking of this, he had a tone of voice, and curiously looked at each other up and down: "By the way, who are you? Can I get in touch with the embassy?"

Doctors in this country are actually qualified to send US Navy SEALs for special protection?

Although Lu Yu didn't think it was possible, if he really wanted to, it would be good for him to make good use of it.

Once the SEAL team arrives and fighting breaks out, he can take advantage of the chaos and bring Wen Yin out of the siege, much simpler than him alone.

Wenyin's safety can also be better guaranteed!

When Lu Yu fell into deep thought, Rachel's face appeared a little embarrassed, she seemed a little embarrassed, and he hesitated for a while, then said: "Well, yes, I have their social account on Witte, I hope... I hope it can be dispatched. The SEALs came to rescue us."


Aite's social accounts? ? ? !

Hearing the girl's open-minded answer, Lu Yu couldn't help but stroke his forehead.

Wen Yin was full of black lines, speechless.

The scene also fell into an atmosphere of silence and embarrassment!

In such a war-torn country, even the U.S. consulate was too busy to take the lead!

Girl, did your brain break through the sky?

At this time, Aite's social accounts...are there any farts? !

What kind of brain circuit?

This is not a pit in the brain, but a big pit! Moreover, it is a big, big, big pit.

How can a foreign girl who looks so good look like a mentally retarded? Is the brain inherently defective? ?

Lu Yu sighed and shook his head. Just seeing your performance, he thought it was a personal character, so it was a personal name.

He frowned and looked at this innocent female doctor, really not knowing what to say.

You treat yourself as the commander of the United States. With a click of their account, Aite can make the SEALs willingly span more than half of the earth and stage the call of the king?

10,000 grass mud horses in Lu Yu's heart ran by...

This answer made him really dumbfounded, and even Wenyin was shocked with a weird face.

I just saw Rachel’s heroic performance and still admire him. From the bottom of my heart, I regard the other person as an idol.

The brain is a very good thing, but unfortunately you don't have it!

Gently shook his head and sighed, Lu Yu had no time to complain about Rachel.

They are still in the enemy's camp, facing crisis at all times.

The heavy machine gun fired just now was just a small shock. Who knows, when the enemies outside will regroup and rush in?

At that time, no one here can escape!

Withdrawing his gaze, Lu Yu took out his mobile phone and immediately dialed the fat boss waiting outside.


The phone rang twice and was quickly connected.

"Oh, boss Yu, did you pick up so quickly? I thought you would run away alone." Lu Yu laughed and teased.

Succeeded in saving Wen Yin. Since the latter was fine, Lu Yu's heart that had been hanging down a little bit, regaining his former loose tone.


On the other side of the phone, the fat boss coughed slightly awkwardly, and then he smiled flatteringly.

"Hey, brother, look at what you said? Although I was cheated and smashed my compatriots, I am really a good person!"

After a pause, he added a puzzled sentence: "That's right... What, I don't have a surname Yu! Do you admit the wrong person?"

"It's not important!" Lu Yu shrugged.

The fat boss smiled angrily and asked, "How is your side? I heard fierce gunfire all over here, and the shot was fierce... How are you going to get out?"

Lu Yu said lightly: "You drive the car to the back and wait. I will make a hole in the wall later and I will come out!"


The boss scratched his head in doubt: "Open a hole? How to open it?"

"Don't ask too much! Just drive the car away, the farther the better, and don't blow you away."


The fat boss was shocked. He noticed that Lu Yu used the word bang, and smirked, "Oh, I know, you have to pay attention to protect yourself. I also hope to hold your thighs and take me all the way. , I can’t get out of here alone!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and drive quickly."

Lu Yu cut off the phone after he finished his sentence.

He picked up an rgd from the ground, loaded the ammunition and aimed it at the front wall, and got a suitable distance. Lu Yu did not hesitate to pull the trigger.

There was a loud bang, and the entire lobby on the first floor of the hospital seemed to collapse, the ceiling was shaking violently, and smoke was filled.

When Lu Yu hit the back wall of the hall, he was simply and rudely blasted out of a human-high gap, the bricks splashed and collapsed, and the pungent dust choked people! "

Throwing away the weapon, Lu Yu took Wen Yin, who was clutching his nose, and rushed through the gap as quickly as possible.


Rachel coughed violently, fanning the dust in front of her eyes with her hand, saw two shadows disappear from the smoke and dust, and hurriedly chased them.

Others reacted one after another, but they couldn't do anything else. Driven by their living beliefs, they rushed toward the cave entrance.


The moment he rushed out of the gap, the fat boss drove the car, a drifter stopped in front of the two of them, and waved and said, "Get in the car!"

Before he could say more, Lu Yu took the lead in stuffing Wen Yin into the car, and got into the car immediately, urging the boss to drive.

boom! !

The off-road vehicle roared like a beast, and at the moment of speeding up the start, the female doctor Rachel was quick-eyed and pulled a local girl into the car together.

"Please, take us away!"

Rachel begged: "She is the daughter of Dr. Chen. Her father dedicated herself to scientific research and medicine and made outstanding contributions to world health. She must be protected."


Lu Yu snarled, acquiescing Rachel to get in the car.

At the moment the car moved quickly, his body slightly leaned out of the window, holding a silver desert eagle in his hand, aimed at the Red Scarf gangster who was catching up behind him, and fired several shots.

With the gunshot, several criminals who were trying to chase up were killed and fell to the ground.

However, there were more Red Scarf troops besieged from all sides.

The crowd was raging, and the shooting was to leave the off-road vehicle here.


When the front of the car turned, it looked like a dormant beast, desperately breaking through the hunter's encirclement, rushing out of the encirclement, and countless figures were lifted out.

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