Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1169: What kind of fairy operation is this?

When Harvey pretended to enter the tank compartment of Lu Yu's trio and aroused Zhang Neng's vigilance, he regarded this shrewd guy as the biggest imaginary enemy in this trip plan.

But he found out that he was wrong, so wrong.

Just when the opponent's tank collided with them, and passed them by.

Only then did he know that the opponent he should really value was actually Lu Yu who was idle at the venue today, who seemed to care nothing about everything, and looked like a good man.

This person is the trickiest of all opponents.

What a guy who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, he was almost fooled by this guy!

Harves gritted his teeth, he was pouting out of his teeth with a chill, and ordered: "Speed ​​up now and pass them in the next corner!"


The next second, the tank speed suddenly increased.

The friction between the crawler track and the gears revolves, making a thick metal clash, and throwing mud and sand to the surroundings.

This steel behemoth issued a huge roar from ancient times, roaring towards the 965 tank.

The moment the rear chariot rushed up, the cow with the widest view in the captain's seat worked hard and immediately noticed.

"Attention, the rear tank is catching up, ready to suppress!"

Lu Yu, who was driving the tank, raised his mouth and said lightly: "It seems that they want to overtake on a curve, but they have to wait until the next life."

"You eat spinach, your tone is so big?" Zhang Nengli said a little disbelief.

You know, they are driving armored tanks, not cars strolling around on the street. There are two mirrors for you to see the whole situation.

The tank lane is very narrow, only twice the width of its own car bottom.

Moreover, the field of view in the enclosed compartment is extremely narrow, and only one periscope can observe the outside world, and the angle of view that can be scanned back and forth is very limited, making effective observation impossible at all.

It's not just superb driving skills that can make up for it.

Unable to capture the dynamics of the vehicles behind, it is impossible to calculate their course of action in advance and make evasion in advance.

Unless there is an aerial drone that captures the scene and transmits it to the cab in real time, the outside scene can be clearly seen.

The test in the first round of the competition is the basic skills and the level of actual tank operation. Drones are not allowed to enter the field, and they cannot be seen even if they want to see it.

"Why, do you think I'm talking big?"

Facing Zhang Nengli's questioning, Lu Yu casually shrugged: "If the Harvey behind he dares to fire and blast us off the driveway, then I really can't stop him."

As Lu Yu said, this is a game after all.

Harvey played the game with purpose. Before the mask on his face was torn off, he didn't dare to act aggressively.

Therefore, it is destined to be a coward.

Lu Yu had already seen this guy thoroughly. His so-called scheming and arrogance were just to cover up his original face.

To put it bluntly, it means to be strong in the outside world!

"Your eyes go up to the sky?"

Zhang Energy snorted twice.

I really didn't know where Lu Yu's self-confidence came from, so I had to express my exhaustion and stopped talking.

Lu Yu only treated him as a child and didn't bother to care about it.

But having said that, he really had eyes staring at him from the sky.

Lu Yu had long used the perception of all things to communicate with all the nearby birds and beasts and let them soar in the sky.

Thousands of pairs of black eyes refracted everything that appeared on the ground, all under Lu Yu's control.


Behind the 965 tank, Harvey's tank rushed over with a roar.

Soon, the distance between the two tanks narrowed to five or six meters, but in front of such a huge monster, they seemed to be close together.

"Come!" Niu yelled hard.


Lu Yu replied, driving the tank to the curve ahead, quickly shifting gears to reduce fuel.

However, this speed is still about twice as fast compared to other tanks when cornering.

Harvey's team members are naturally not vegetarian, and their various technologies are definitely approaching the world's first-class level. They are biting behind Lu Yu and the others.

Two cars rushed through the curve one after the other, Harvey stared with excitement and loudly urged the driver to overtake.

Of course, Lu Yu would not give the opponent this opportunity, and at the moment when he passed the curve, he made a violent operation.

Then came a scene, which made Zhang Nengli in the same car almost bit his tongue.

It's too early to call myself Lu Yu just now!



The strong friction between the tracks and the gears splashed out countless sand, gravel and mud, and smoke billowed, almost covering half of the lane.

When Lu Yu drove the tank through the curve, he still maintained the extremely high speed, and turned the huge steel behemoth into a sports car.

In full view, a high-level drama of tank drifting and turning was staged, which was even more exciting than the movie.

Half of the tank weighing more than ten tons flew up, relying only on a track to support it, and dashed through the curve.

While drifting and cornering, the entire tank body traversed to fill the lane, so that the Harvey tank following from behind, without any chance of overtaking, was squeezed out of the lane.

Harvey's eyes were about to come out, watching this scene in disbelief, thinking he was having a nightmare.

The organizing committee of the stadium observed this amazing scene through the big screen and exclaimed.


"It's so exciting and incredible. Only God can complete this super-difficult tank cornering technique..."

Even the host Ivy, who was standing on the podium, opened a big ruddy little mouth at the moment, and sighed into the microphone: "The great Long Country tanks used a technique of drifting and turning at full speed to keep their opponents behind. , Let us cheer for their wonderful performance!"


There was enthusiastic applause on the scene, and waves were higher than waves.

In the Long Nation camp, the female soldiers of the communications squad who saw this amazing performance, including Lan Zhiguang and Yang Jun, burst into enthusiastic cheers and applause.

The whole camp is filled with joy!

After the tank drifted smoothly over the Zhang Nengli and Niu were still sluggish in their efforts, it is hard to imagine what they have experienced?

Before the two were shocked to express their opinions, Lu Yu turned his head and grinned and waved his hands indifferently.

"Haha, the basic operations are not worth mentioning!"


The two were almost shocked internally by this lethal sentence.

Niu worked hard and Zhang Nengli was speechless.

If this is a basic operation, what is a fairy operation?

Can't go to heaven? !

However, just when the two were speechless for Lu Yu's pretense.

The Harvey tank following closely behind, I don't know if it was also affected by the opponent, and it also broke out with amazing combat power.

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