Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1155: Mystery Pharmaceutical Company

Here is a rugged and steep mountain range, where the roaring wind surging by, the vegetation on the mountain is undulating.

From here further south, located in a hidden mountain forest, a camouflage tent was erected, which was tightly covered by camouflage nets on all sides.

At this moment, two personnel wearing foreign military combat uniforms, armed with sniper rifles, were hiding in the camouflage tent a few kilometers away.

There were bursts of cheers and laughter from the tent, and the sound of clinking glasses.

This is a group of mixed races with white skin, black skin and brown skin. One of them is a blond and blue-eyed man who is telling a horrible joke.

It caused unrestrained laughter from the surrounding companions, and even the tent was shaken.

The head of this group is a tall white man with a beard. On the back of his head is a tattoo of a one-eyed wolf king.

The tattoo of this one-eyed wolf is almost exactly the same as that of the wolf king shot by Lu Yu with an arrow!

The one-eyed wolf man's muscles are bulging high, his arms are like hills, and the camouflage uniform is firmly supported.

The ten fingers were covered with gun cocoons, and the whole body was filled with a murderous spirit.

This is a veteran who is brave and good at fighting and killing people!

The one-eyed wolf was thinking about why the wolf king he had sent out hadn't come back, while manipulating the laptop in front of him.


At this time, the tactical computer at hand suddenly rang and lit up a new document.

It was a subordinate sent by him and the Wolf King who sent back the detected intelligence.

There are two pieces of intelligence.

The first one is an obscure satellite map, marked with various red and blue interlaced lines, and red and blue flags specifically mark some directions.

He glanced at the satellite map, then opened another piece of information, which contained only four words--

The Wolf King is dead!

The man's eyes shrank suddenly, and he stood up from the chair, full of anger.

The surrounding men also noticed his changes. In the tent, the laughter and all kinds of noises that were originally wanton anger quickly subsided.

For a moment, the needle was so quiet that the needle fell.

No one said anything at this moment, and the atmosphere was terribly quiet.

The one-eyed wolf man had a sullen face for a long time before speaking in a low voice: "Guys, the wolf king is dead, but our goal has also been confirmed!"


Everyone was shocked!

How could it be that the Wolf King actually died?

This remark immediately silenced everyone in the tent, and immediately followed by an expression of extreme anger on everyone's face.

"Who dares to kill the wolf king? Boss, we are going to break his head!"

"Yes, that guy must be found!"

"Wolf King can't die in vain, especially in the hands of this group of Longguo people..."

Listening to the angry roar from the people at hand, the one-eyed wolf man squinted his eyes slightly and waved his hand to interrupt] Give you a red envelope in cash! Follow the vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive it!

"Listen, I also want to find the person who killed the Wolf King immediately, but... now is not the time, don't act rashly!"

Hearing that, all the subordinates looked at the man suspiciously.

I don't understand why the boss of the wolf king is dead.

Everyone had the same expressions, their brows frowned.

"Why? Are you scared?"

"That's right! The mission has just begun, and the wolf king was broken into their hands. Where will we put our faces in the future?"

"We have the most advanced weapons in the world. How can those thin yellow-skinned monkeys be our opponents?"

The one-eyed man stared at them coldly, and shouted in a deep voice: "Encouragement must be revenge! Long Guo said it is good, gentleman revenge, ten years are not too late, don't forget our goal."

"Now the action will only stun the snake and destroy the entire mission. If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan! I have received a tip. A few days later, a world tank competition will be held in Poland. We can use this opportunity to complete task."

The man swept across all his subordinates in front of him coldly, his killing intent boiling in his eyes: "I will personally repay the wolf king's hatred!"

"But what we want is just above this world tank competition, and we must get it. At that time, someone will help us internally. It can kill two birds with one stone. With this action, they will be wiped out!"

After comprehending the leader's intentions, all his subordinates breathed a sigh of relief, and the enthusiasm in their eyes became more intense.

"Vengeance for the Wolf King!!!"


After the welcoming ceremony for the return from the exercise, Long Xiaoyun told Lu Yu that there was still something to discuss with him.

Lu Yu's eyes flickered, and he agreed to come down.

He knew that what the other party said might be related to the secret plan of his arrival.

"Brigadier Shi, I have something to say to the Lu Brigade, so I'll leave first."

Long Xiaoyun said something, and then left behind Lu Yu.

Shi Qingsong retracted his gaze, his eyes sharpened instantly, and turned around to yell at Li Zhijunlu.

"Li Zhijun!"


The guard company commander Li Zhijun trot to stand in front of Shi Qingsong.

"Look at what you did? We lost to the Wolf Warriors again in this exercise. Even my brigade commander was beheaded by others. The responsibility of your security company cannot be excused. Go back and take care of you!"

Shi Qingsong's anger after losing the exercise vented to Li Zhijun.

"Yes!" Li Zhijun could only smile wryly.

With his head drooping, he followed Shi Qingsong and drifted away, knowing that he would have to criticize him when he went back this time.

After Lu Yu and Long Xiaoyun left, they found a remote place to hang out.

Long Xiaoyun followed Lu Yu, a pair of beautiful eyes kept looking at Lu Yu's back, as if he wanted to see what he was thinking in his heart.

"Dragon Team, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Lu Yu took the lead to ask questions.

Long Xiaoyun returned to his senses, and his expression immediately calmed down, highlighting her own iceberg beauty.

"From today, I can temporarily hand over the command of the Wolf Warriors to you. I hope you can bring them back alive in this operation!"

Seeing that Long Xiaoyun said so, Lu Yu raised his brows and put away the careless expression.

"Did something happen again?"

Long Xiaoyun nodded calmly.

Lu Yu exhaled and looked directly at her: "Although the bullets on the battlefield can't be avoided, there is no one who sacrifices bloodlessly in battle! I am not a god, and I cannot guarantee everyone's safety, but..."

"I will do it!"

In the last sentence, Lu Yu said very firmly and solemnly.

"Thank you!"

Long Xiaoyun smiled and thanked Lu Yu earnestly.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Long Xiaoyun nodded, and after organizing the words in his heart, he slowly said: "Just a few days ago, a mysterious character'Mr. Ban' disguised as the CEO of an international biopharmaceutical company sneaked in and was in the East China Sea! "

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