Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1020: There is always a way out

September 11?

Lu Yu remembered clearly that the day of the incident was September 9th!

It seems that he has been in a coma in this place for two days and two nights?

He took a deep breath and tried to open the phone, but he was prompted to enter a password.

"Go! Damn fruit company!"

Lu Yu cursed, a lock screen phone is equivalent to a brick, and he was about to throw it away.

But suddenly...

He remembered that he seemed to be able to unlock the phone code lock, right?

Shaking his head, the plane was hit hard when it crashed, and he was in a coma for two days.

There is still some confusion so far, which has caused him to remember a lot of things.

Holding the phone, returning to the stone and sitting down, Lu Yu forced himself to calm down and start thinking about the next step.

Two days have passed since the incident, the outside world must have received the news, and it has long been a mess.

Now, Zhao Fei must be found first to make sure he is still alive.

Only in this way can there be a chance to escape.

Enduring the hunger in his belly, Lu Yu got up and looked around, looking for a direction and walking step by step into the forest.

Just now, he had already circled around and found Zhao Fei's body, indicating that he should be still alive.

There is a high chance of not dying!

Zhao Fei, also wearing a bulletproof vest, can guarantee his safety as long as he doesn't hurt his head.

I don't know how long he has been away, Lu Yu's mouth is dry.


Moving on, Lu Yu's energy was shocked when he heard the sound of water flowing.

"Haha! The sky is endless!"

Secretly sighed, he looked for it along the direction of the water, and sure enough, he found a small river.

The river water is very clear and transparent, without any pollutants.

Drinking water is one of the instincts of humans and all animals.

Just like breathing and eating.

With this kind of conditions, Lu Yu didn't dare to desire too much. He immediately squatted by the river, leaned his head over and took a few big mouthfuls of water.

The cool river water seemed to have washed Lu Yu's fatigue and made him feel more energetic.

After drinking a bowl of water, Lu Yu sat down by the river, and suddenly, a strange thing floated from the upper reaches.

When he got closer, Lu Yu took a closer look and realized what it was, he was clearly alone!

The man turned his back to the sky, looking at his clothes and face.

Hey, by coincidence, I still know each other.

This stuff... is actually Zhao Fei!

Lu Yu washed his face, waited until Zhao Fei approached along the water, reached out his hand to hook his clothes, and salvaged the goods.

After taking it back to the shore, Lu Yu threw it on the ground.


Zhao Fei coughed violently, opened his eyes weakly and stared at Lu Yu: "Fuck! Can't you lighten it?"

After speaking, wow, vomiting blood, seemed to have suffered a serious injury.

Zhao Fei was soaked all over, and in addition to being injured, he would definitely catch a cold if he continued like this.

Lu Yu took a pile of firewood and set up a bonfire by the river to warm him.

"Why are you **** floating down from above?" Lu Yu asked him.

"How do I know?" Zhao Fei said feebly, lying beside the fire: "I was already in the river when I woke up, and I was injured again, so I simply used the water to run around, saving myself. A waste of energy!"

Lu Yu rolled his eyes straight up taking this guy as it should be.

If you are too lazy to be a man, you are also a strange flower!

At this moment, Zhao Fei had changed his clothes, which was taken from the body.

Due to his weakness, even if he was leaning on the fire, this guy was shaking with cold.

At this time, Lu Yu noticed that the latter's left arm had formed a weird twisted state, and it appeared to be fractured in the impact.

Seeing Lu Yu's eyes on his arm, Zhao Fei smiled bitterly: "I won't die this time, I should retire when I go back."

A hundred days of injury.

This injury, can't lie in bed for three months?

Moreover, Zhao Fei is not too young, the older he is to engage in dangerous work, the easier it is for accidents.

He said that he retired, maybe he didn't do it casually.

Unlike Zhao Fei, the other party can retire at any time, but Lu Yu cannot.

The country still needs him now.

If you dare to retire, I believe Zhang Jinzhong and Hu Guohai will join forces to kill him...

These two times, Zhao Fei has made great contributions. As long as he retires, he will be given a large sum of money to ensure that he has no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life.

"By the way, what shall we do next?"

Zhao Fei frowned and asked.

Lu Yu was stunned, and his thoughts were pulled back to reality when he heard this.

"I don't know how big this forest is. Tonight, let's go ahead and choose another direction tomorrow morning and continue on our way!"

He pondered for a moment and said.

As long as you keep going in one direction, you will definitely go out.

Now, besides food and water, the threats facing the two are the wild beasts hiding in the woods.

"All right, listen to you!"

Zhao Fei frowned and yawned and touched his stomach: "However, I'm really hungry..."

"Endure, I'll talk tomorrow morning."

Anyway, Lu Yu didn't need to worry about this guy if he didn't die from starvation overnight.

After supporting him up to the tree, Lu Yu climbed onto a tree himself, leaned against the trunk and started to rest.



In the middle of the night, the howls of various beasts one after another in the forest made the two people feel uneasy.

In such a terrifying environment, he fell asleep.

Just after the two fell asleep, the outside world was already in chaos.

As early as one day ago.

Inside the Office of the Security Bureau.

Hu Guohai held a pile of materials tightly in his hand, his whole body slumped on the chair.

On the big screen in front of is playing a sensational big news!

"Yesterday, a Maozi passenger plane crashed in an air crash, causing serious casualties. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality..."

Except for the sonorous and powerful voice of the announcer on the TV, there was silence in the office.

After a long time, Hu Guohai was expressionless, grabbed the phone and dialed out.

"Hello? Old Hu, why do you remember calling me? The sun is coming out from the west today!"

Zhang Jinzhong's joking voice came from the receiver.

After speaking, I found that no one responded, and it seemed strangely quiet here.

"Huh? Old Hu, did something happen to you? If it's not convenient to talk, you blink."

Zhang Jinzhong's expression gradually became serious.

"problem occurs!"

In just three words, the words were extremely heavy, indicating Hu Guohai's attitude.

"what's up?"

"Come and talk!"

The phone hangs up.

At the other end, Zhang Jinzhong didn't dare to have any delay. He changed into a suit and rushed to the Secrecy Bureau.

Half an hour later, he opened the door of Hu Guohai's office and hurried in.

"Old Hu, make it clear, what happened to his mother?"

Zhang Jinzhong slapped on the table and asked.

Hu Guohai was silent, and pointed to the news that was rolling on the TV.

Zhang Jinzhong leaned in immediately and looked at it carefully for a while: "Mao Ziguo's plane crashed... well, it crashed?"

He was stunned, relieved in his heart, and relaxed on the sofa: "Eh, what am I? Isn't it a plane crash, it's not us..."

"Lu Yu and Zhao Fei, they are performing missions over there during this period of time. I have calculated that it will be back in these two days."

Hu Guohai finished speaking silently, then raised his head: "But now, I can't reach them!"

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