In the cab, the captain fell on the console, a big hole in his head.

The co-pilot next to him was also killed with a single shot and died for a long time.

The plane is in an unmanned state.

Looking at the dense cluster of dashboards, joysticks and various buttons in front of him, Lu Yu felt a pain in his brain.

His grandma's, I can't fly a plane!

At this time, Zhao Fei ran in after him: "How about, can you change the course of the plane?"

Lu Yu silently retracted his gaze, and shrugged: "Can you fly a plane?"

"Ah...?" Zhao Fei opened his mouth in astonishment, "Go, fly the plane? Will I open it..."

Lu Yu: "..."

Nima, are you still thinking about joking at this time?

Reluctantly shook his head and sighed, expecting this unreliable guy is unlikely.

The two returned to business class. At this moment, the passengers in the first class and business class were all concentrated here.

Many people are frightened and worried about their unknown destiny.

Those who are successful in suits and leather collars, even perform worse than ordinary people.

His face was pale as paper, his lips trembled, and his embarrassed appearance was inconsistent with their identity.

Many girls were frightened and crying in a low voice.

Lu Yu frowned and scanned the audience, and asked, "Who among you can fly a plane?"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

Lu Yu was disappointed and roared, "Listen to me. If none of you can fly a plane, then we can only wait to die!"

The voice fell, but the scene remained silent.

But a person came from the economy class and said out of breath: "I...I will drive! Let me come!"


Lu Yu looked for fame.

I was shocked to find that this guy was actually the young man who was poured cold water on him just now.

Running to Lu Yu all the way, he took a few breaths and said solemnly, "I know a little bit, but I'm not too proficient, but since no one can fly a plane, please let me come!"

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, a little is better than nothing!

Moreover, the look of this guy is obviously the face of Longguo, although he is not old, it does not affect the firmness of his expression.

It made Lu Yu a little more confident in him.

"What is your name?"

"Xu Zheming!"

Sure enough, he was from the Dragon Kingdom.

"Okay, Xu Zheming, the plane is handed over to you."

Lu Yu grabbed him and went to the cockpit.

The bodies of the captain and deputy captain were cleaned up. The young man Xu Zheming sat in the main driver's seat, and Zhao Fei served as his deputy.

Seeing that there was no problem, Lu Yu left and went to the cargo hold behind.

The cargo hold was dark and there were many dead bodies on the ground.

On the cargo hold walls on both sides of the front, there are many small red light spots flashing.

Lu Yu frowned and approached. Suddenly, the spider reminded him of a strong danger.

"Damn it!"

Stunned, Lu Yu turned around and ran back to the cockpit.

Seeing that they were still busy, he asked calmly: "How's it going?"

Xu Zheming hurriedly manipulated the dashboard, too late to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

Through the front windshield, you can see the commander’s mansion not far below the plane.

At this moment, many teams have already assembled on the ground, with long guns and short cannons aiming at the aircraft, seeming to shoot them down as long as they get closer.

Bang bang bang.

Years ago, people fiddled with both hands quickly, pressing several buttons in succession, and then pulling the joystick.

The aircraft began to deviate to the right, leaving the established route and avoiding the commander's office.

Xu Zheming flushed and was very struggling, Zhao Fei rushed over to help.

The two worked together to make the plane deviate as quickly as possible.

At first, the people waiting below were extremely nervous, but suddenly realized that the plane seemed to have taken the initiative to avoid it, and they were all dumbfounded.

Commander's Office.

The secretary is reporting to the commander in chief: "Master commander, the plane took the initiative to avoid us just now. Some special changes may have occurred on it to cause this situation!"

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The commander was silent for a moment and ordered: "Track the flight path at all times, and don't let it go."


When the team outside was still a bit confused about the situation, suddenly, a call came from the radio.

"Call the ground, this is the plane, this is the plane! Can you hear me clearly?"

The plane overhead has not left yet, it is circling in the sky.

The commander-in-chief quickly turned on the radio and shouted: "I am the ground commander, please report your situation immediately!"

After speaking, the commander quietly waited for a reply.

But the radio signal seems to be interfered with, making a sound of electrical current.


As soon as the intermittent sound fell, in mid-air, the fuselage of the hovering aircraft suddenly exploded, emitting thick smoke and fire.

The blooming flames are just like gorgeous fireworks, which can be seen clearly even far away.

All the ground teams were stunned, and the commander's mansion was also in a daze.

The crowds who were accustomed to watching and watching the crowd were equally dumbfounded.

What's the situation with this Nima?

Okay, why did the plane blow up? !

"Hello? Please report! Call the plane, can you hear it?"

The commander-in-chief shouted into the radio.


There was a few electric noises inside, and there was no sound.


The commander-in-chief's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, he cursed secretly, and roared, "Quickly, calculate the location of the crash and evacuate immediately."

The ground team started to move around, and at this time the plane was also a mess.

"Damn Chechnya! All lunatics!"

Lu Yu cursed with a sullen face, fastened his seat belt in position, and firmly grasped the handrail.

"What's the matter? Me, what did I do? Why is this happening..."

Xu Zheming also panicked and said incoherently.

The plane crashed out of control.


Zhao Fei's body became unstable, and he was thrown into the air, then slammed on the floor.

"His grandmother's dead sand monk placed explosives in the warehouse. It seems that the thing exploded just now," Lu Yu said with a deep face.

Zhao Fei got up and found a chair embarrassingly to hold it firmly to avoid being thrown out again.

Several people looked very ugly.

Putting explosives on this is pure suicide!

The cabins behind were also completely messed up, with passengers screaming and yelling, cursing loudly, and crying desperately everywhere.

The roar of the aircraft's engine and the chaotic and disorderly sound were mixed together and intertwined into a doomsday tragic song.

Lu Yu took a few deep breaths, kept himself calm, and shouted at the panicked Xu Zheming: "You are right! The only thing you have to do now is to keep the plane stable and control it to a no-man's land. The casualties were minimized."

no solution anymore.

In the face of this kind of disaster, Lu Yu's personal ability was so small that he couldn't change it.

The only thing that can be done is to do everything possible and obey the fate.

"Fuck brother, we have handed all our lives to you, give me some strength!"

Seeing Xu Zheming still stunned, Zhao Fei shouted.

"Okay, I will try!"

Xu Zheming gritted his teeth, grabbed the rocker desperately, and flicked various buttons with his other hand.

He was not sure about success or failure.

But if you don't try, everyone can only crash with the plane.

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