"Yeah, who they are, how did I have never seen?"

Also found that the two of Lu Lin Xuan and Firemuli, sounded a budget.

But in general, the long-await leader is the most eye-catching.

In the past, Liwell's leader heard that everyone's worship is, it is nothing, it doesn't care.

But at this time, he felt a little harsh, because after the experience of the two people of Lu Lin Xuan and the defend, he felt that he didn't afford to praise everyone!

The strongest person is not him at all, but the two women!

Of course, with the benefits of the Lee Willer, he even has this idea, it will not be said.

"This investigation team ... it seems that there is no dead!"

"It's really! There is no body that is coming back!"

"What is going on? The investigation team did not encounter the giant this time?"

"I don't know, is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

Soon, everyone found this extremely key.

Investigation Corps, even alone did not die!

You must know which investigation team is not the death and injury in the investigation task.

Which time I came back, isn't it a corpse?

This time I'm coming back, everyone even felt a bit weird.

But in general, the atmosphere is quite warm.

In this eye-catching, the investigator returned to its headquarters and detained at Anne.

However, even the prisoners such as Anie, the investigation team currently has no thoughts for interrogation, because they are all on Almissic.

Length of the head of the head of the Aiwen.

Head of Ayewen, Leeil, Hanji team leader is here, of course, Almie is also less.

But now, there is no round to Almie.

The head of Ayewen will introduce the leader of the matter and first introduce the Levell General and Hanji captain.

"The real identity of Anie is a giant, and will arrest Allen in this wall survey action, this kind of thing, Almissa knows in advance?"

Lili Willer's leader and Hanji team leader is very surprised.

These two have been so long-term investigating team, but the understanding of the giants is extremely limited.

Before Allen Giant, they never know what the relationship between giants and humans, never known that the original people will become a giant.

But Almin, such a young man just joining the investigation team, knowing, but it is obvious that it is much more than they know.

"Almie, I am really more curious! The two mysterious and powerful friends, or this major and amazing intelligence ... your body, hidden many secrets?"

Hanji captain stared at Almin.

"Irventine head, Leville, Hanji captain, next, I will tell you the truth of this world, you are ready?"

Almin has a few people, meaning deep and easy.

The atmosphere in the room, suddenly became heavy and suppressed.

After a few seconds, Li Willer did not open the coagulation: "Almie, what is the truth of this world, what is it?"

"Where is the giant outside the wall? Why do they prey in the wall? How did these three blocks the high wall of the giant?"

Al Mini throws these three problems.

Three people from Alvent member, the faces are not changed.

These three problems can be said to be the three ultimate problems of direct hit, it is a person in all walls, but it has to be clear, but there is no one knows the problem.

After a few people took a breath, the head of the Alventone said with a heavy tone: "Almie, please say it."

Why Almin will attack the origin of the giant, the wall outside the wall, how is the three walls of the three walls that have been established, and everything is all, a five hundred one told Aiwen's head.

There is no doubt that these three people are like being thundered, all shocked.

"So, in these three walls, in fact, all is a giant?" The Alman's long-lost is a long time, he can't believe it, muttering.

"Yes, ami's harden you also see that this three walls are hundreds of thousands of giants, and use hardening capacity."

Almisson nodded.

"All I have said, in fact, in the information of the Allen Basement, I will know if you got the information."

Almin said.

The seniors of the Ayewen were opposite each other. After the exchange of several eyes, the Alman Head said: "Almie, what you said today, it is too much, before we start to confirm Please keep your confidentiality, don't pass it, can you? "

There is no good refusal to this alony.

He should go out after the identity of Laina and the other two giants.

As for the source of these intelligence, Lu Linxuan's identity of the two people, from the head to the end, Almine has no mention.

I am also a smart person, I know that Almie didn't want to say, I didn't ask.

Anyway, this is not important for them.

Next, their number one thing, natural is to verify that Almie said all this.

Verify is actually very simple, and Anie is in a big trip, they can go directly to the quality, while holding the walls open, see if there is a giant in it.

Very good operation.

As for the Basement of Allen, it is a bit troublesome to verify it within the Mary wall that has fallen.

If the first two things have been verified, the Basement of the Allen home is still not going, what is the relationship?

Chapter 981 Aldian, how do you freeze?

After the Leville head, there is no matter what is Alman temporarily.

Although Allen and Sanchao two people look at the eyes, I want to talk to Almin, but it is a pity that Almin is currently not empty.

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