Reaching for the Stars Master

Chapter 875 of the Ten Wanjie Drama

Shi Chang and old, they scored thoroughly to get rid of the worship, escaped, and everyone can not only be used to kill, but also to track!

However, the master of the Bymoon is controlled, turned into other ordinary birds!

"Bourny to teach the master!"

The scene sounded a few exciting, then the atmosphere became nervous, the stone was old, the Jianxian, Ziyi and other people, Qi Qi fidelids to the forefront, made a pair of attitude .

Li Xiaoyao, Tang Wei, and the generals of Tang Wei, and the generals and others are not willing to show weakness.

"You ... just do you want to kill me?" The worship of the Moon is like this is not seen, but shaking his head is unfortunately, "I am really sad, you are all high people," Some, but I have a very good person ... "

The people who have respectful to the master of the Moon, there is no doubt that it is the long old.

"But you, but all think about killing me, I am really painful, I also want to know, this is why!" The worship of the Moon is not understood.

He is not installing, not a gesture, but really thinking.

Although the means of the Moon is extremely extreme, it is undeniable that the departure point of the worship of the Moon is never killing.

Instead, in order to create a better world!

This malformed psychology, it has been fighting with the previous vortex.

"You don't have to do this, I am here, not to be with you, but sincerely want to talk to you, the same, also verify some things."

The Lord of the Moon said seriously.

Chapter 959, Bye: Do you know what the earth is in the shape of the earth?

"Talk about? Ok, what do you want to talk?"

Among the people who are nervous, Li Xiaoyao is relaxed, but it rang.

I saw him holding his long sword, then I went to the Moon.


The wine sword is serious, and I am a little worried about Li Xiaoyao.

"Master, it doesn't matter, the worship of the Moon, is not a person in the hand, he said that it is talking about it, then talk about it."

Li Xiaoyao said that he didn't care.

I have seen Li Xiaoyao, who is "Xianjian" image, can say that the Lord of the Moon is still very understanding.

There is no doubt that this person is certainly not a good person, but it is hard to say that he is a pure bad man.

Although the Moon's teacher did a lot of bad things, it was not a guy who did not speak, no evil.

The Moon's teacher looked at Li Xiaoyao, but it took a few more appreciation. Even the people of Shi Chang, the fans like the Jianxian, the attitude, the mentality, the reaction, but not as young people.

"As a young man, you are very difficult!" The Moon said to Li Xiaoyao.

With the status of the Moon, Li Xiaoyao can be so praised by him, in fact, it is already very unrest.

"It is said that it is good to say!" Li Xiaoyao hangs and lanted his hands on the Moon.

"After the witch, no matter what you believe, I now see you in front of me, rejuvenate, I have a new life, I am happy to be happy."

The Moon, who is looking at Lin Qing, and said it is.

"You are less fake!" Lin Qing was cold and cold.

Dai Yue's teacher did not explain more, from many years ago, the misunderstanding of himself is already very deep, not three words can be said.

"The mysterious power, you are here, I used to never, I don't know your existence." The worship of the Moon finally went to the Haiwang.

"Haha, my situation is somewhat special, you can't know me." The sea king smiled, meaning the authenticity.

The worship of the Moon is slightly moved, and the other party does this, what does it mean?

He felt a curiosity of a silk.

"Can you tell me, what is your situation?" Congyue is sincere.

"This problem, wait for the opportunity, you can ask Li Xiaoyao, see if he is willing to tell you." The Haiwang took this question and passed Li Xiaoyao.

"So Li Xiaoyao, are you willing to tell me?" The Lord of the Moon will turn his eyes and turn to Li Xiaoyao.

"This is done, you have to talk to us, are you not talking about it? That start!" Li Xiaoyao put his hand.

"You are the strongest person in the world, my righteousness, wine Jianxian, two women, and the strong people who kill the Warcraft ... You are far more than the average people. People, but you, but do not agree with me! "

"This makes me reflect. Why is this? I want to know a reason, is it really me, did you do something wrong?"

The Lord of the Moon is really reflective and sincere.

This is the advantage of the Bymoon, and it is also a quality of the only scientist in the world: a certain kind of mentality, knowing to question.

Even if you are questioning yourself.

Of course, even if it is questioned, but if you can't find a reason to convince the month, then everything will eventually be empty.

The Lord of the Moon, still will still be obsessed with his paranoid concept.

"Of course, I'm doing wrong! So many people have to do it with you, can't you explain? We have misunderstood you, but never do, everyone misunderstood you? Don't say it. Including your righteousness. "

Li Xiaoyao is of course authentic.

"You all have misunderstood me, because I stand on a high height than you everyone, the understanding of this world is too far away, and you certainly can't understand me. Do something, you don't even know, what is the shape of the earth ... "

The Moon's teacher is analyzed.

"The earth is not a circular!" Li Xiaoyao took the mouth and interrupted the words of the worship.

The earth is circular?

Shi Chang is old, and the Jianxian, including Zi Yan Lin Qing, Zhao Lingrier, etc., I can't help but take a look.

The earth is clearly flat, is there been deliberately said?

At this time, I have to play a worship, a little less suitable.

What they didn't think of, after the Moon, after hearing this sentence, he turned out to show the color of surprised.

I saw that I was so staring at Li Xiaoyao, asked: "You don't know that the earth is circular?"

"I don't just know that the earth is round, I also know that the earth is not the center of the universe, the sun does not turn around the big turn, it is the opposite, it is the land around the sun."

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