Bumblebee: "For six months, human beings are generally in October, this is not said that Mr. Su is still a four months? Is this not a blink of an eye? Maybe I will enter the group next time, it is going Drinking Mr. Su's full moon wine! "

Mei Changshu: "Neon is a person who is martial arts, the body is very good, so we don't know when we started until than three months, neon phrases were spitted, after inspected, I know that there is a pregnancy. I am happy, I am busy taking care of neon phoenix.

Wei Wei: "Mr. Su, don't explain, we are not a real place to blame you! Your mood, we can also understand!"

Raytheon: "When your child is full of moon wine, Mr. Su did not punish a few more people?"

Malco: "Mr. Su, what is your son, I don't know if you want it?"

Prophet: "This is also a problem that I care more! Mr. Su, the child is six months, you must have thought about it?"

Sea King: "Haha, I am also me. I have been going to see what the name of Southern Southern Son! Sudden the literacy, it is a good name!"

Mei Changshu: "The name Su is indeed thinking, but you may have to let you have some disappointment, Su Mou gives me two words, Lin Fan, very ordinary name."

Malco: "Lin Fan, Mr. Su is hope that his son will be like a gentleman, is it a life?"

Hai Wang: "Yes! Mr. Su is in the name of the child! In fact, in the world of Mr. Su, Pingping Fanfan's life is the best."

Bumblebee: "Mr. Su is so enlightened, the skills of one, the neon Phraphic Lord is also a female Zhonghao, two talents, should they break away? Is it a bit unfortunately! But though, I also agree with the sea king's words, flat ordinary The life is the best. "

Mei Changshu: "This is the will of Su, Su Mou hopes Lin Fan, you can live in an ordinary person, flat ordinary life! Don't have to experience many twists and soul! Neon is also thinking!"

Thunder: "Haha, there is so, but Mei Changsu, you and neon son are not ordinary, because his parents, it is very extraordinary!"

Wei Niyu: "Yes, Mei Changsu's child can not come, his brother is the level of the emperor, Jiang Lee, the Lord, the Lord of Yunnan County, the emperor, and ! "

Chapter 761 is not the source of geeks!

Bumblebee: "No, it is precise because Lin Fan can live ordinary life! Because his parents are ever, there is only the ability to give Lin Fanfan life! Any force can break this ordinary life, Mr. Su Can break! "

Malco: "In fact, think about it, the river is also very reasonable, because Mr. Su is too big in his world, so you want to give Lin Van what kind of life!"

Raytheon: "This is not exaggerated, with the strength of Southern Soviet, I am afraid that it has reached a person, it is enough to rank the whole world? After all, Mr. Su's world is a low-spirit world!"

Wei Niyu: "I remember Mr. Su's cultivation of Taiji Xuanqing, I don't know now, have been cultivated to the first few layers?"

Mei Changshu: "Still the fourth floor! It is also a little embarrassing, so long time, Su Mou has been moving into cultivation, and now inch."

Bumblebee: "Tai Chi Xuanqing Road practice to the fourth floor, you can reach the extent to which the special magic weapon is cultivated. Once the exclusive magic weapon is cultivated, you can fly! The real can be an enemy!"

Hai Wang: "I don't know if Mr. Su has to practice his magic weapon? But with the cleverness of Mr. Su, this must be inseparable!"

Mei Changshu: "Oh, Su Mou is indeed a lot of time to practice Taiji Xuanqing, but this magic will still have not forgotten! The extent of royal flying, Su Mou is three months ago, it has reached ! "

Prophet: "This is good, in the world of Mr. Su, there is no one in the world, without any army, can, Mr. Su."

Prophet: "Mr. Su has been completely over his world! He can end a war alone, one person destroys a country!"

Raytheon: "This is the biggest reverberation of Mr. Su to make his son over ordinary life! But Mr. Su, I really broke it, it is also a little unfortunately."

Mei Changshu: "Nothing is unfortunate, once people have power, after the world is bumpy, it will not be willing to ordinary! Sometimes, with the power of over the world, it is not necessarily a good thing!"

Wei Ni: "Mr. Su said this is very reasonable. Think of the world of the world, because of the power of the whole world, it has led to the death!"

Sea King: "There is my brother Oom, isn't it because he has too powerful power? Once people have too powerful power, they will be dominated by the power of the power, the slave This example is too much! "

Thunder: "I said that we have a common topic, there are many mad people in our world, all this! Frost giant, dark elf ... we have lost too much!"

Seeing the chat in the group, Mei Changsu Yue felt that he did it.

He can control the power of the whole world, not what to move, keep your heart, the experience and encounter with Mei Changsu are inseparable.

Mei Changsu is not a power to get this power at the beginning, but after the heart is completely mature, it will be mastered.

But Lin Fan?

It is not the same, there is Mei Chang Su and Neon Phoenix, Lin Fan's life is destined to be smooth, will not experience any suffering, then let him master too much power, even if Mei Changsu is not relieved.

Mei Changshu: "Well, this time, it is to tell you this good news. I have to take care of neon phoenix! When Lin Fan is full, I will notify you to drink full moon!"

"Hey! Group members Mei Chang Su Up!"

Hornet: "Mr. Su, this guy, this is a happy life! The husband and wife are happy, there is a child!"

Sea King: "Bumblebee, even your creature, can you feel the feelings of husband and wife? If you say that your transformers are mechanical life, the primeway is completely different from humans, do you have this concept?"

Wei No: "Don't just don't have a family, it is estimated that the sex is not divided."

Thunder: "According to the principle of evolution, the difference between the creatures is to reproduce the descendants, and their breeding in vitro is breed in vitro, and the gender does not have any meaning!"

Bumblebee: "If you really have a serious understanding of my world? Our transforming is also a good or female! Although our breeding method, the world is not related to men and women!"

Bumblebee: "But Mr. Su is really fast! He is not said that Siyu's explosion mother is too easy to say that Qi Jade is too easy to say, maybe I want to ask her something! If you don't leave God, you will go! "

Malco: "In fact, I also feel a little. Your world's geeks are a world hidden danger. For a long time, the Hero Association has not been solved for many years, but now, only need to kill a mother's geeks? Is it true? Mr. said, is it a bit too simple? "

Hai Wang: "It is also possible that everyone thinks more. In fact, many things are really not so complicated! The monsters are not solved so many years, but because the Heroes Association has not found the mother's geeks!"

Thunder: "The Hai Wang said, it is actually very reasonable! Of course, Mr. Su said, there is a certain truth! But what is the exact thing, I think, in addition to the prophet, there should be no one knows exactly. "

After eliminating the mother's geeks, the geek problem of a fist in the world will not be completely solved, this problem, Zhou Qing naturally doesn't know.

However, this is not tight, Zhou Qing has a privileged privilege, and he just queried it.

Soon, Zhou Qing got the answer.

Prophet: "Unfortunately tell you the rumor, Qi Yu and Sony Sony's geek problem, there is no complete solving, you kill the mother's monsters, not the true source of the geeks!"

Prophet: "Because of the monsters, it is actually manufactured in other existence!"

Wei Ni: "It's true that this is true! Southern Sui is very accurate! It is worth" Mr. Su! "

Malco: "Prophet You actually use the word, you should be very happy, the geeks are not completely destroyed, the river should be happy in the hearts?"

The Bumblebee: "It can't be said to be happy. After all, the geeks have caused a big disaster for the ordinary people in this world, but I personally, I will not be so bored later."

Chapter 762, Wei's Missing Money

Qi Yu is also difficult to bubble: "Mysterious geeks, is it another other existed? Sure enough, our world's weirdo is not so easy to solve!"

Sonic Siens also bubble: "The existence of making a mother's geeks, how powerful is strength? Is it the strong people of God?"

Bumblebee: "Qi Yu teacher, Sonic! One said that you suddenly bubble, you have been diving!"

Raytheon: "It is definitely, otherwise everyone doesn't have them, how can they know in the first time? It is definitely in the peek!"

Malco: "If you can't think of, Si Jade is still in this kind of good!"

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