Reaching for the Stars Master

Chapter 681 of the Ten Trim Trendy

Malco: "Yes, standing on the bullets of the country, the big thing to do is actually not very good!"

Sonic Sienik: "Those bad guys in the Great World, is actually just a simple bad guy, even a good starting point is good, but the means extremely."

Thunder: "Spot, with soil, it is the same, even the original door is the same!"

The vortex is long: "So I am more fortunate, I have added the chat group early, otherwise, I will turn it entirely into the darkness."

"Hey! Bai Suzhen joins the chat group!"

Just when everyone talks, when you talk to the sky, a tone is suddenly sounded in each person's ear.

Everyone in the group has become excited after hearing this tone, and the extension is bigger than the other groups.

Since I have added anything in the group, I have been to the world who has been there many times, I have exposed to Sun Wukong in the superpological school. After the world's Sun Wukong, many group members are actually dedicated to the Oriental Myths.

Bai Suzhen's name, for many groups, it is not a stranger!

Especially where and Zhang Xiaofan encompasses the earlier oriental groups in groups, and the legend of the Oriental myths is more enthusiastic, and the White Snake Legend has a more famous allusion, they are more clear than others.

Which: "Bai Suzhen? Is it a happiness that breaks secular and Xu Xian?"

Thunder: "This group is a celebrity, Bai Suzhen, I am still very admired. For your own love, you can fight the world, this is the spirit that women should have! I don't know what time she is now in what time. If she is difficult, I don't mind going to help her. "

Malco: "Lian Zi Shen also knows Bai Suzhen? Haha, it seems that Bai Suzhen is more famous, when you get into the group, many people don't know ... Haha, make a joke, mainly The group was too early. "

Vortex long: "If it is a Bai Suzhen, her fate does need to change, people in love, shocking, the world is not allowed!"

Sound speed S Six: "You all know Bai Suzhen? It seems that I really should do my homework."

Qingqiu Bai Fengjiu: "It's awkward, Bai Suzhen listened to a person of an oriental, or a woman, I am still not as good as Dongfang women! I don't know Bai Suzhen."

Zhang Xiaofan: "However, Bai Suzhen is like which of the same, there are many versions of the legendary circulation, just don't know, now which version is now in group!"

Which: "No matter which version, Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian should be much more different."

Thunder: "This problem, we need to ask a question."

Prophet: "You can all guess wrong, this Bai Suzhen is indeed the habits that you think, but strictly said, but it is not what you think."

Malco: "Prophet, what is this dumb Mura? Is it another, that is Bai Suzhen?"

Prophet: "Haha, this Bai Suzhen, it is indeed the Bai Suzhen in mythology, but it is more than five hundred years of Bai Su!"

Bai Suzhen's myths and legendary circulation, all kinds of film and television works have fewer hands, and Zhou Qing has queried the group members' information in Bai Suzhen into the group.

Finally, this Bai Suzhen is from Bai Suzhen, which is "White Snake: Original", is about five hundred years ago, Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian's premises between the prostitute.

Which: "Bai Suzhen 500 years ago? This for us, it can be completely equivalent to a stranger! In addition to a name, we don't know anything!"

Thunder: "But I am very expected, Bai Suzhen, the Bai Suzhen, what happens! Whether it can be singing as five hundred years!"

Malco: "Whether it is five hundred years ago, it was a newcomer from this time, it was from a Xianxia background."

Sound speed S Six: "Don't know Bai Suzhen, what is the strength?"

Qingqiu Bai Fengjiu: "Bai Suzhen, Newcomers, Hello, welcome to join the people in the sky!"

Vortex long: "Welcome, warm welcome!"

Other groups, also expressed great welcoming Bai Suzhen.

White snake kicks the world.

Catch the village.

Within a relatively simple folk house, a woman is favored, the woman with red lips is lying in bed, whether it is a woman's temperament, or a woman's dress, and the environment of the eyes is incomplete.

Especially the woman's body, letting it have a feeling of dust, more and surrounding everything, it seems to be completely from two different worlds.

A groggy woman, there seems to have flashed some sounds, but also some people are calling themselves, the woman's consciousness is gradually recovering, and slowly open his eyes.

But I found myself within a very unfamiliar room.

"This is where?"

This is the first of the white snake, the first flashes.

"There is still just now, it seems that someone is talking to me? Is it nothing to do?" The white snake followed the left and right, but found that the room was empty, even a person.

I feel strange together, the white snake suddenly heard a footsteps came from the door, a kind of vigilance, let her flash to the back of the cabinet to hide.

The nerve is also tight, revealing the color of the face, the white snake I don't know, in this kind of consciousness, the spiritual power, the spirit of silk, also brewed in its body.


As the footsteps are getting closer, getting closer, the door is opened, and the white snake has also quietly explored a head, and retracted back.

"Who is the person? What is the purpose?" Among the brains of the white snake, it is full of tight tension.

"Hey, what about people?"

A woman's voice sounded, the white snake secretly looked at it, it was a old woman walked into the room, and the old woman found that the white snake on the bed did not see it, and a little strange.

But the old woman didn't care, and the first thing I was in bed after I wake up, I could go out.

So simply start to clean up the house.

Chapter 748 White Snake: I am not a person?

The house is very small, the old woman is turning around, and quickly discovers the white snake, the white snake chrysanthemum is tight, and the next consciousness puts a pair of gestures to fight.

Although she is completely lost, I don't know who I am, I don't know why myself is here, and my wife looks even more like a bad person.

But this kind of cautious and sensitive have deeply entered the bone marrow of the white snake.

The old woman seems to have seen the birds like a white snake, and they don't think about it. Instead, they are sighful, and they will be comfortable with a comfortable white snake: "Now this is a chaos, don't be afraid, girl."

"Who are you?" White snake was a little relaxed and stared at the old woman asked.

"Here is the Village of the Snake." The old woman continues to pack things.

Captive Village?

What is the strange village!

White snake is not so thinking.

"Girl, where are you, what is the name?" The old woman asked.

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