Reaching for the Stars Master

Chapter 669 of the Ten True Drama

Two flaws in the sky, suddenly covered the past.

Three small south in the sky, starting to surround the red sand of Red sand.

Chapter 734 Vortex Gate VS The Organizational Member!

In terms of maneuverability, flying in the air is more flexible than the ground, three homes, more than a few more than this flexibility increase.

Red Sands finally used the energy of the first reel, and did not solve Xianshan.

"That's this time!"

When the first spool of Red Sand switches to the second spool period, three small south, from different directions, shooting a lot of sheets of paper.

Those sheets of paper are covered with an overnight, and the red sand is not possible to hide, but they can sound when they are countless sounds like the raindrops.

The body of Red Sand has been filled with paper.

The power of those sheets, a weapon that is bitter, is also a little different.



Located in the chest of the Red Sand, the human organization he only shot from the scrapped puppet body, I want to quietly install it to another body.

But you have learned the small south of the intelligence from the vortex head, and will you make the red sand?


A large number of paper came into the past, directly put the "bucket" body organization of Red Sand, and flew to Xiaonan's side like a butterfly.

Xiaonan reached out, put the human body of Red sand, gave it in his hand.

At this point, the red sand is considered completely.

That little human tissue is the lifeblood of Red sand.

Seeing Xiaonan to catch the red sand, the vortex is coming out of the side, ordered the Didara.

"It's really disgusting me! I actually put me in this disgusting thing! I want to kill you!" Didala gave a vortex.

The vortex door did not pay attention to Didala, but put his hand on the brain of Didara, and the power of the human space was directly launched.

The relevant memories were directly read.

After a while, the vortex is returned to the hand, Didala, .

This evil boy is in this moment, and it has finished his sinful life.

"Long door, what happened, what did you see." Xiaonan saw the face of the long door, and couldn't help but ask.

"This is a circle." The vortex is said to the small south.

"Circle?" The small noodles change.

"This is someone in order to deal with me, but specially set the circle, Didala arrests the column, just to lead me!" The face of the vortex, more ugly.

"Who wants to deal with you, who is the behind-the-scenes?" Xiao Southern asked.

"That person claims to be Yuxi Bouvelle!" The voice of the vortex, low and low.

"What, Yuxi Bouvel!" Xiaonan is shocked, she can't know Yuxi Bo sphere, that is, the legend of the Ninja, the legendary legend.

Although the Tag Valley finally lost to the thousand-handles, but in the end, the universal relationship was also died because the war injured and died, and Yu Zhibo pointed is definitely the horror that is inconsistent with the thousand-handles.

"Long door, you are in Didala's memory, is it like Su Zhibin? Is it an Yuxi Boss?" Small nourish the face.

The vortex head shakes his head: "That person is with a mask, not Yuxi Bouvel, but it is a very bad sense to act, which makes me a very bad sense."

The reason is nothing, this is not the consistent style of the soil!

Now that the soil is caught by the leaves, is it, do you look for a substitute for land?

How can it be so fast?

However, if this is really trivial, then the opponent's ambusical purpose is very clear, ten eight nine, just to recover our own tweevered look.

"Small south, let's leave here." The vortex is close to the small south.

With his current strength, the entire endure can hurt him, but since the other party has taken action, it must have passed extremely strict planning and arrangement.

There is no certain grasp, the other party should not rapidly.

Don't mind.

"If you go now, it is a bit late!" But at this time, a gloomy voice is straightforward.

With this sound, from the woods on the road, there are several figure.

When the vortex head is turned, the face does not change, and only some familiar faces: chantel, flying segment, angle, and absolute.

This is a little fate.

These, if it is not a long door to join the chat group, it will be the backbone member of the organization, but now, he has to deal with these people's joint attack.

The vortex head and the small south, the face is more ubizteen, and they are talented to fight with Didara and Red Sands. They have not been noticed at all, they have been surrounded by enemies.

"Small south, you will go!" When the vortex Changmen walked at Xiaonan.

Everyone in front of you is very strong. If he will pay attention to him, it is naturally not afraid. If you are in the south, he really does not guarantee that you can protect Xiao Nan Zhou.

"Long door"

"Fast, you are here to distract! If I own one person, I can go at any time!" The vortex is interrupted.

The little south bite his teeth, but she also knows that the whirlpool is telling the truth, so it is no longer nonsense, and the paper is flying out, forming a pair of paper wings, and starting to fly.

"Hey, have you gone!"

The molar smiles, the mortal ghosts have revealed the cold color, "the big bomb!"

A huge unparalleled saffron is smashed in the small South, whose body is huge, but the speed is also a quicker, and the blink of an eye is behind Xiaonan.

Xiaonan wants to dodge, but this rush shark is too big. She has no time to completely dodge in a hurry, and the whole person suddenly hit by this water shark.

"Small South!"

The vortex long door is changed, and it is necessary to rescue Xiaonan, but at this time, he suddenly broke out a lot of branches, forcing the vortex to make dodge.

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