Reaching for the Stars Master

Chapter 563 of the Ten Wanjie Drama

What's more, the owner of the red flame gold beast, the wing of the Chun Jun Cang is willing to rebel, anti-animal rule, let the Tianzi face!

For example, today, there is a special meaning in it, at most, and the majesty.

It can only be said that people who think of this idea are really a genius.

"Emperor, Xia Tiao, said here, I have an idea, but will not let the Hall, how do this trainer?" The Si Xingjun also proposed.

Bai Fengjiu is a white prostitute of the Qingqiu. It is a new lady's late generation, and it is indeed suitable for identity.

As for the heaven, it is really a more suitable candy to choose, no way, the night Chinese is too low, and it is not enough weight than the night, and can not let the elders of the night. Come.

Originally, it was a gourmet cousin of the night, but it was clear that there was no white phoenix nine.

The East Vintage March looked at the company, he couldn't help but nod: "It is a bit reason, I also think Bai Fengjiu is more appropriate."

"What is more suitable? You are ready to show what show." Bai Fengjiu is a little low expectation, and a little bit of a little.

"Under the little temple, this is a fun show." The Si Xingjun began to introduce Bai Fengjiu to Bai Fengjiu.

Zhou Qing and others listened, nothing more than the circus juggling of the circus and the like.

Tang Zhenqi four-sea-watery red flame golden beast, now being used as a monkey, and everyone feels sympathetic for the red flame gold beast.

Bai Feng nine, she did very much to perform this show, but considering that she serves as the host, everyone will continue to travel in Tiangong in the chat group, and only have time practicing, and only have a job.

After the east Hui Dijun, Bai Fengjiu continued to visit the Tiangong in the chat group, unknown, and even came to Zhu Xiantai.

"Here, is the place where the white is white is suicide?" The black panther gave a lot of surroundings, can't help but say.

"Yeah, when the white shallow was hurt, he was hurtful, and he jumped down, so he jumped down, but now, white shallow is happy and the night is coming together." Time and Space Rose sigh.

"Hey, is there anyone?" Hui Qian is surprised, in the paragraph step, there is a desirable figure.

"Who is that person, look at the back of the eye."

"Today, the big days of white shallow and night gaps, who actually ran to Zhu Xiantai."

Everyone is very unexpected.

And the people on the stage of the fairyai heard the movements behind him, couldn't help but turn, and everyone saw the person's face.

"Su Jin!"

"Is Su Jin!"

Everyone feels very unexpected, no one thought, standing in front of the fairyai, it will be a lot of Jin,

Sujin is difficult because of being sad, do you want to commit suicide here?

"On the first world", it is a white-shot, which is white-shallow, and it is also a cycle in the past.

"Su Jin Niang?" Bai Fengjiu called the scene, and then his face took the board.

Because I have seen the reasons for the image, Bai Fengjiu is also the annoying of extraordinary.

"Xia Tiang!" Su Jin sorted out his mood and went to Bai Feng Jiu.

Don't see that she is the side of Tianjun, but the status is true, her component is really like Bai Fengjiu.

Especially now, in the future, Bai Fengjiu will become a junior in Qingqiu, and the identity status of Sujin Tong Bai Fengjiu is getting stronger. She does not dare to let go of Bai Feng nine.

"Su Jin Niang didn't run this, what is the Sendai?" Bai Feng nine asked without an expression, and it was no good tone to Sujin.

Sujin can feel obviously to Bai Feng Jiu's hate. For this point of Jin Jin, it has always been very strange. She is very depressed. She clearly has not sinned Bai Fengjiu, and she has not sinned anyone in Qingqiu. Just hate yourself?

However, it is a very smart, very well-known person, even if he knows that Bai Feng Jiu is annoying himself, but also politely answers: "I casually wandered around these four weeks, I didn't think it was here."

Su Jin, this is not to say, the big marriage of the white and night, the whole four seas is very happy, very happy, only her sad, soul.

It is very depressed in the heart, so it will be turned around in the Tiangong, and it is indeed unintentional to this feminine, but it is not the case. Su Ji is not open, I want to commit suicide.

Sujin is not so glassy.

On the contrary, she also gave this survival wedding and prepared a gift.

Su Jinyi is not a person who gave up!

"That seems to Su Jin Niang and this Sendai, and there is also a fate!" Bai Fengjiu has a definition, but this is the meaning, Su Jin is not understanding.

Su Ji can hear, only Bai Feng Jiu's endless coldness and sarcasm.

"Let's go to other places to turn again!" Bai Feng Jiuxi will no longer pay attention to it, he greet the people of the chat group, began to leave Zhu Xiantai.

Only a person who has continued in the shadow of Zhu Xian Tai.

Chapter 618 completely healing ink

Following Bai Feng nine to visit the Tiangong after the Tiangong, the time is almost the same, the people have no more shopping, followed by Bai Feng Nine back to the wedding scene.

At this time, the hall is simply the people of the people, the people are full, and the big people from the four seas are gathered together, called a lively.

What kind of wing race and so on have some people come, and everyone in the chat group even sees the current Wing.

"It is also a poor person who said to leave, love is white, but you have to stay with a person who doesn't have a half-time feelings."

After the Wei saw the departure, I couldn't help but shook my head.

"Poor fart, departure is a slag male, since there is only why white shallow is going to marry the mysterious woman? No one can force him to marry the mysterious woman? Since you marry you as a man, you should be responsible for the mysterious woman , But what do you have to do? "

Xia Ling can't help but open.

Everyone in the group is not right, the truth is true, this is true, clearly knowing that the mysterious woman is not white and the mysterious woman, then after marry, then the mysterious woman is so cold, since you don't marry Not finished.


Everyone is chatting with a chat, and the ink is coming over.

"On the god!" Bai Feng Jiu hurriedly rushed to the ink.

Ink is a grandfather of his father, the whole year of the four seas, the whole year of the four seas, who is stationed in Kunlun, and makes an indelible contribution to the stability of the four seas.

For ink, Bai Fengjiu is respectful from the heart.

Bai Fengjiu knows that ink, God is not specially designed to find himself, but to see the high people who say that everyone will save him with a losing lamp.

"On the ink, this is the prophet, that is, he tells me that you can condense your Yuanshen with the tipless light." Bai Fengjiu immediately introduced Zhou Qing immediately for the ink.

"On the ink, how do you feel? What do you feel?"

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