Reaching for the Stars Master

Chapter 550 of the Triadow Treasury Drama

The flowers can't help but screamed.

It is this person, I have made it out for myself, I don't hesitate to kill, I don't hesitate to sacrifice my life, and I will sacrifice my life!

"White Painting, if you dare to hurt her for the Lushan disciples, I will be full of you, if you dare to hurt her in the world, I will kill the world!"

This sentence, even if it is back now, the flowers are also motivated.

This person has paid so much from himself, but he never asked yourself!

If this world is the best in the world, there is no doubt that this is the first one in the world, and seven kills holy monarchs, killing!

So although it is the first time I saw the killing, the flowers can't say kind, happy and excited.

"Sister?" Killing this voice, can't help but look at the petite girl, "You call my sister?"

"Yeah, my sister is so good!" Hu Qian branked and laughed, "It's a little bit!"

"Let's let go!" Single spring and autumn simply flew the lungs, this guy is so embarrassing to see the sacred monarch, simply sin!

It is about to attack, but the killing is straightforward to stop selling single spring and autumn, the next moment, his mind is not compromised by Li Xia called his sister.

A warmth, suddenly flowing through the heart of the heart.

For so many years, the killing Momi once fantasy in countless dreams can hear the sweet sister, but countless disappointment.

After you wake up, everything is empty!

If you don't think of it, you will not think that at this moment, in Lushan, he will hear someone called him a sister.

Although it is not Li Xia, but seeing this little bit of innocentness, simply in the same way as Li Xia, is this not a gift from his own?

"Small, how can you be in Lushan?" Killing the voice and asked softly.

It is more infinitely tenderness, just a brother looks at his sister.

"I am looking for a clear path!" Flowers a sweet and delicious.

"Thousands of bones come back, he is the seven killing the monarch killing, the world's first evil person!"

The clear voice of the Qing dynasty sounded, he was concerned about the flowers of the flowers.

The flowers are really innocent, and they are not talking about the world. It is too dangerous to talk to the killing.

"Qing dynasty, nothing, my sister will not hurt me, right, sister?" Hui Qian bones are full of authentic.

The heart of the killing is once again touched. He is a world's magic. Seeing that he is like a flood beast is general, but this is small, but it is so trust yourself!

In the heart of the killing, the figure of the flowers and Li Xia is constantly coincident.

At this moment, the killing mob made a decision, he wants to protect this girl, take care of this girl with his life!

Chapter 603, the feeling of spending thousands of bones

"Speaking, small, my sister will not hurt you, and my sister doesn't make others hurt you!" Killing strange.

At the same time, killing a mortal, put his little thumb down, turned into a skull, put in the hands of the flowers.

"Small, this skull, you are good, as long as you blow it, my sister will appear next to you first!"

Killing the flowers.

Those people in Spring and Autumn and the wilderness can't believe their eyes, they have never seen such a side!

In their eyes, the seven kills will be a murdere and unfortunate, ruthless, even if it is a little more than a little bit of the disciple, it will kill, they never imagined, the killing mob will have such a tenderness. One side!

Moreover, it is still in the face of a stranger who has never seen!

"It's her, spend thousands of bones!"

Not just single spring and autumn, the white paintings look at the flowers, and the heart is also extremely quiet.

No matter how he can't think of it, he will encounter his life and death!

Is there a thousand bones, isn't you have a life and death of my white?

"Small, my sister will deal with some things, wait back to tell you."

After the killing of Monochun, he went to the White Painting, "White Painting, our seven kills and your long stay well without committing river water, today you kill me seven killing disciples, I really thought that I was afraid of you. ! "

"You seven killed in the landscape, trying to grab the mountains, how can I leave?" White Painted.

"Solving the heavens chain?" Killing suddenly felt an accident, and also felt a sadness, got a way to Singge, "I don't say, don't you fight the idea?"

"Sheng Jun, is my self-propelion, I want to win the artifact for the Shengjun, help Holy Junyi in the world! It is the heart of the boxing, hoping that Holy Jun can understand!" Single Spring and Autumn hurriedly explained.


Killing a single spring and autumn to fly: "Why don't you listen to me! I will do what artifacts in the world!"

I saw this scene, white painting, all people in the Qing Dynasty, I thought that the killing is playing, only spending thousands of bones know that the killing is true, killing, is really no interest in artifact.

Or, killing only the rosy piano in the ten-party artifact, but the glowing piano has a long guardian, and the killing of the killing is still a rapid movement.

Even if it is seven killed, I don't dare to grab it.

"White Painting, I killed some cow noses in Lushan, but the seven-killing disciples were killed by you, and we didn't grab it, this thing is not as good as it is?"

Killing the white painting and painting.

White Painting also knows how it will not take the seven kill today. He and the strength of the killing are only between Jianzhong. He is not able to kill, and this matter can only be so can't.

"This time, this time, but if the next seven kill is so messy, grab the artifact, I will kill the seven killed, destroy you seven! I said to do it!" White Painting warned killing Say.

"I am not afraid of you! However, I am not interested in the artifact!"


White Painting was flying away, and after the killing of the flowers and spending, he also took the seven killed people.

The things of Lushan, are thoroughly reported.

However, there is no one in the time of the time, she is arranged in a room in a room, and the Lushan is now soaring stalls, and the Qing dynasty, where they are still empty, they will pay for a thousand bones.

After spending thousands of bones, I will enter the chat group once again.

Flower and thousands of bones: "Thanks to the image uploaded by the prophet, I came to the Lushan in advance, reminded the Qing dynasty, the long did not die, and the sky is not robbed."

:: "So, the killing has been to the mountains, the white painting also went to the mountain? Hua bones, have you seen the White Painted?"

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