"Kakasi, you will go back, I will deal him alone!" Zhang Xiaofan called in Kakasi.

Don't look at the might of Uki Bo, but it is easy to have a very weak, and the Shen Wei is also a fatal weakness for the Zhang Xiaofan who has seen it. It will not exceed five minutes!

And when it is continuously, it can't even move!

Xiao Nan took advantage of this weakness of Uzhi Bo, and continuously detonated hundreds of millions of detonatics, and fell five minutes, and he was directly killed.

If it is not Yisi Bo, it is really dead!

For the average person, it is a bit difficult to reach the non-duty continuous attack for five minutes, but for Zhang Xiaofan, this is not a problem.

He can use the water to be tied with water, and you can have all the time to bring the soil, and it has been got to the blur!

Of course, the god sword is not good, don't say it is Zhang Xiaofan, even if it is Tao Xuanzhen, I can't do it for five minutes.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan wants to deal with the territory, it is easy, as long as he is nearly body, the land is the !

From this point of view, even if you are coming, you want to give a strong force than Zhang Xiaofan.

But these things cachi don't know!

Kakasi was shocked by Unexpello to earth, and it coincided with such a tight, how did he dare to neglect?

He thinks, it is two people to bring Unexpello!

Carti did not hear from Zhang Xiaofan at all, continue to rush to the land!

Zhang Xiaofan has a bit hurt, I have to be a Kakasi, the long sword is extended, and the road Radewei has been brewing, so as to launch an attack on Kakasi in Yuxi Bo, thereby solidizing an instant, Wave belt soil.

Kung Fu, Unexpell Belt and Kakasi I'm awkward "collision" together, Kasi's body, "passing through" the body of Yuxi Bo.

Yuxi Bo belt the moment in both sides, and the iron chain in the hands of the hand, instant solidification, Kakasi directly was bonded by the iron chain of Uchiwais.

I am uniform in an instant!


At this moment, in Uki Bo, he did not ignore Zhang Xiaofan, his writing, suddenly shot a large hand of the sword, and covered with Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan's heart, the big film is turning around, and completely blocking the sword attack of Unexpello, but at this moment, Zhang Xiaofan's god sword is also forced to interrupt. .

Water Thunder and God sword Royal Ryor is all Lei Tao, but a yangmine is a glory, Zhang Xiaofan does not do it in the same way.


However, although God swordsselves can't use, Zhang Xiaofan's fire stick, but he flew out at this moment, and slammed into the soil belt soil.

Yuxi Bo has begun to make a sprout, but Kasi, who is bundled in the iron chain, is a rushing in the opposite direction, and I will be born with the sole band.


This is a slap in which Yizhi Bao is directly flying directly by Zhang Xiaofan.

I haven't come to transfer Kakasi to go.

Kakasi's bondage, and it was automatically released as Yuxi Bo belt soil. He opened the iron chain.

Chapter 533, Naruto Falls into the hands of Unexpello!

Two consecutive times were hit by Zhang Xiaofan, and the soil is still stupid, and it should be understood that the weakness of the Shenwei, it will be mastered by Zhang Xiaofan.

Although there is such a thing if you don't understand why there will be such a thing, the Ninja of the fire launches himself at this moment of solidification, which is wrong.

Although it is very angry, it is very unwilling, but it is also understood that Kakashi and this person are in the case, it is not easy.

And his main purpose of this time is the nine tail. It is Ni Xin Ni, can't be delayed here again!

Yuxi wave belt is very decided to decide: withdraw!

"It's a powerful ninja that you like, but also can't stop what I have to do!" After Unexpell, the land had, the Shenwei made out, people disappeared.

"Well, Kasi, this guy went to the room! I have to stop him!" Zhang Xiaofan has become more dignified, and then directly using the chat group.

First, I suddenly returned to my own world, and I took the chat group and shut it into the house!

Because the time is very pressing, once Yischo belt away from Nanyin, even Zhang Xiaofan didn't know where Ji Xin Na will be brought to where, when the nine tail is set, then the Xiaofan came over. It's too fail.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan will pay attention to the other, directly spending the points using the chat group twice, instantly goes to the house of Ni Ni.

This is the fastest way!

In this way, Zhang Xiaofan's figure is then disappearing in front of Kakasi.

Kahasi left and see again, there is a bit reaction in an instant, and three people who have fiercely fight, only have him alone!

I have a lot of cards, whether it is Yischi's too soil or Zhang Xiaofan, it is too powerful for him.

He has never seen any of these two people, even if he replicates more than 1,000 kinds of sickness, he has never seen it.

And the identity of these two people is also a mystery, let Kakasi finish completely capture, full of mist.

, is the most realistic portrayal of Kakasi now.

" !"

Then, the Kakasikou sent a worrying self-language, and a few bouncing rooms, people did not disappear, appearing outside the house.

There is a protective juncture outside the Nai production room, even he can't enter!

In addition to the four generations, there is no one.

No, it's not right, the mysterious guy with the tiger skin mask can go in, and that person is obviously to understand the time and space.

There are also Zhang Xiaofan brought by the teacher, it seems that it is also proficient in time and space, and it should be able to go in.

If you are good, these two people are afraid that they are already within the house.

"There are four generations of adults, Zhang Xiaofan has passed, should Yin Net should not do things?" Carti can do it at the moment, only silently praying in your heart.

Kakasi guess, Zhang Xiaofan and Yuxi Boceli have two people, and it has appeared in the house.

Although Zhang Xiaofan used the chat group to shuttle in the first time, he was still a step.

When he appeared, he was seeing Ux Zhiwei with soil, grabbed the Naruto that had just born, used to threaten the four generations of wave wind gates.

"Let go of Naruto! What is good for good discussions, please let go of the Naruto!" The four generations were calm, but the sound was still trembled, and it could be seen in his heart or some panic.

After all, I was caught in the hand, but my son who had just born!

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