Reaching for the Stars Master

Chapter 363 of the Ten Trim Trendy

Which: "Xia Ling sister, I think I can let Li Xuanjing go to the movie. I have a drama when I will come!"

Black Panther: "Li Xuanyuan can take some oriental ancient martial arts or Xian Xia drama, absolutely fire! After all, this is his very color!"

Sea King: "I am so bad that you have learned to know the martial arts drama! You usually don't have less chart!"

Mei Changsu: "When Su Mou is bored, sometimes it will be chasing some play in the group, have to say that the drama is indeed a very interesting way. If Li Xuan is really a drama, Su Mou is Some expected. "

Xia Ling: "This is just what I am worried, I don't want Li Xuanyuan! I don't want him to become a star!"

Everyone in the group has been speechless. How do people have douted their minds to become a star, are you just over?

And Li Xuan is a fire, this is just a feeling of everyone. Listening is good, but can not be used as a reference, do you think more?

"Hey! Group member magic women online!"

Xia Ling: "Ruiwen, you haven't gone online!"

Bumblebee: "Do you think Rui Wen is very idle? Don't forget that Rui Wen has been busy rescuing variants!"

Black Leopard: "Rui Wen made me think of the captain, all rushed to my own race."

Seeing the Black Panther, Zhou Qing suddenly thought of a very interesting thing.

The X-war and the Avengers alliance series are both works, and the world background of both parties is actually the same.

Just because of the copyright, these two series of films did not connect, but the movie said that it was only the performance of the lens. There was no affunity in the X-war series movie. It does not mean that there is no Avenner, just There is no shot of the Avengers!

Of course, it is also possible that this is two completely independent worlds, but what is the situation, it's really not good.

If this is two interoperable world, it is interesting.

Prophet: "Ruiwen, I have a problem, have you heard of the American captain?"

Magic Female: "American captain? Are you talking about the old group of the group, US captain?"

Prophet: "I don't mean this, I said, have there be a US captain, Iron Man, God Shield Bureau?"

Prophet: "No, no, the American captain is there, the steel man should have yet, the Shen Shun Bureau is there, Rui, have you have American Captain and God Shield?"

Black Panther: "Prophet, is there a captain in other worlds? Is that the parallel world in our world?"

Prophet: "No, I just asked casually, verify a guess in my heart."

Time and Space Rose: "Although I don't know what guess, I feel very gainful."

Rui Wen: "No, there is no American in my world, and there is no goddess". "

Zhou Qing can affirm that the world of the X-war World and the Avengers Alliance is two independent worlds, not interworking.

Zhou Qing couldn't help but feel the things that the X-war will fight side by side with the Avengers, that will be a sense of things!

Chapter 387 The second generation sentinel robot appears!

Swirl head: "Rui, how is your situation? The relationship between variety and ordinary people is still so nervous?"

Sea King: "I think it should be not very good. It is a lot of confusion when I appear! And,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Prophet: "Friendly tips, they are still not ordinary prison, but the military secret base! Nature can be more serious than ordinary robbers! This is already upgraded to the war's level!"

Which: "Listen to the first and Haiwang big brother, how do I think that the variant's day is more sad?"

Rui: "You guess, the days of variants are more and more sad, many variable breeder bases have encountered a hit, Charles has to close the school, transferred students!"

Bumblebee: "The problem between variety and ordinary people, it is really a big problem, it is too difficult to solve!"

Mei Changshu: "This is the opposition and coexistence issue of two races, which is a big problem since ancient times!"

When the magic woman suddenly uploaded a group of photos to the group, the group of photos was very vague, and most of them were not comprehensive. Only one or two could reluctantly see clear, and it seems to be taken. Some robots.

Bumblebee: "Rui, what do you mean by passing these photos? Why is these robots used?"

Which: "Robot? How can I suddenly have a unhappy premonition? These robots will not be used to deal with a variety?"

Time and Space Rose: "If this is true, the magnetic king has the ability to control the metal, he may be able to deal with this robot, but others are dangerous!"

When Zhou Qing is seeing these photos, they are directly forced. These photos are clearly the sentinel robots!

Although it looks like, and the future mature model is distinguished, it has also been similar to six or seven points. It's all completely separated from the initial generation machine!

How is this situation?

Zhou Qing's foggy water, these photos, is it true to the sentinel robot?

The timeline is completely sorry. When the sentinel robot is in decades, the X baton and the magnetic king are all old!

What's more, the King Kong Wolf has been shuttled in the time and space, returning to Poland, will be responsible for the Rivan of Riviners to send the prison!

The sentinel robot project has been abolished, and the X batches have reversed the future. In other words, the sentinel robot should not appear!

However, the set of photos from Riuri is also clear that the sentinel robot!

"Open the privilege of the group, query the event background of this group of photos!"

Thoughtful, you can't touch the mind, immediately use the group owner privilege, and start the background query of related events.

Soon, he got the relevant results.

The set of photos of the magic female uploaded, is indeed a photo of the sentinel robot, and it is more accurate, it is a photo of the second generation sentry robot.

Throughout the two time lines of the X-Police reversed the future, the sentinel robot has a total of four generations. The prototype of Poland is the first generation. Almost put the old version of the X-war police is the fourth generation, but in these two In the timeline, there is still two generations!

However, the film space is limited, and it is not fully displayed. It is presented, only the first generation and the fourth generation!

Magic Women: "Prophet of!"

Which: "The encounter of variants is too poor!"

Prophet: "Rui, your guess is correct, in fact, this robot is the sentinel robot you encountered in Poland!"

Magic Female: "Sentinel robot? Is this project not abolished? Tras is now crossed in special prisons."

Tras, is the head of the sentinel robot, and the sentinel robot is R & D.

After the Poland Event, the President of the United States changed the views of the variability, and also changed the attitude towards the sentinel project, and Tras was therefore entered the special prison.

So the magic woman thinks, and it is not doubting to this robot. It is just the sentinel robot!

Prophet: "Tras is indeed locating, the project is indeed abolished. But this kind of thing will not last long, because there is an extremely enemy and variable breeder who is in!"

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