Reaching for the Stars Master

Chapter 270 of the Ten Wanjie Drama

Prophet: "Is it? If the ancient mage is willing to shoot, then Casilla is not enough to be afraid!"

Time and Space Rose: "According to the level of strength in the group, the ancient mage should be the god-level strong!"

American Captain: "Things have not imagined so optimistic, I didn't cause the Master to pay more attention to the Master! She just sent the king and I act together."

Sonic Sienik: "No, with the ancient Master's skills, he should know that the captain is telling the truth?"

Xia Ling: "Yes, and the ancient mage is not a future! Is it expected to kill her in the future of Casilla?"

In the Avengers Four Mili, the green giant shuttled back to Kama Taji to find a strange doctor, and the resulting shuttle has a deviation, the green giant has already returned to the next five years!

At that time, the strange doctor did not appear, but it was only a proud genius doctor.

The green giant is naturally not found to find a strange doctor, just find ancient one, ancient awareness and unparalleled know, a small doctor will become a special doctor after five years!

And tell the green giant to the other five years!

This kind of person doesn't pay attention to Casillas' things?

Casillas gave ancient one, and almost let Dormam come to the earth.

Prophet: "Ancient Master should not be foreseen everything. Re-link four he can predict that the strange doctor will be born five years later, but there is no pre-knowledge of the Siki doctors will give time to the tyrant."

Mei Changshu: "At that time, the ancient one can predict the future, maybe because the future happened, she has experienced it? Also, it is not a reason, but she predicts the future ability, it is really limited."

Zhang Wuji: "It is also possible that the ancient mage has something else, this high-person person acts, the average person often does not look into."

American Captain: "No matter what reason, in the past, the ancient mage did not pay enough attention to this matter! If she has always been this attitude, everyone will come back later."

Prophet: "There is no problem, there is any need, we will have in the first time!"

American Captain: "There is everyone, I am relieved, I have a prophet, I read the chat history, after two and a half months, I can purchase the orientation invitation card. When I am, everyone can invite themselves. What is the invitation? "

Which: "It seems that the captain brother has a person who wants to invite."

Prince Shat: "I just saw the American captain's image, the captain wants to invite, is it Carteric agent?"

Zhang Wuji: "It is definitely a sister of Carter! It is the biggest regret in the heart of the team!"

American captain: "Since everyone guess, I will say hello to everyone, I really have this idea, I don't know how everyone is."

Zannan Wanjie Drama

Zannan Wanjie Drama

Chapter 289 Zhou Bing attacks into the song, the God is coming!

In fact, invite Carteric specialists, the world is full of private affairs that belong to the US captain, but this private affairs are closely related to everyone in the chat group, so the Captain America will ask everyone's opinion in advance.

What's more, the US captain also looked at the instructions for the directional invitation card, that, it is necessary to authorize every group of groups in the group to take effect!

The wishes of the American captain want to invite Carter, so they will give you a vaccination in advance so carefully.

God knows that the US captain has been excited when there is a directional invitation card in the chat history!

He saw that Carter reunited again, and even said it again!

As long as everyone is in a group.

Although it is two time and space, what is the relationship?

In the chat group, they can pass, voice chat, can be called video, you can invite the other party to enter your own live broadcast, or even directly invite each other to your own world!

Not too convenient!

Prophet: "If there is no accident, the chat group will be upgraded two months later, and the mall is updated, you can buy it."

Prophet: "As for those you want to invite yourself, everyone has a chance! At this point, you will be relieved!"

After getting the reply to Zhou Qing, the US captain completely put down his heart, and the whole person seems to have become slightly fluttering.

American captain: "That's great! All, I will not talk to you, there is something to do! Southern, you will pass the day!"

"Hey! Group members of the US captain offline!"

Swirl head: "The captain is getting more busy recently, and it will come out before the water group. During this time, there is no time in the water."

Which: "I really don't know when the team grows up."

Zhang Xiaofan: "Perhaps, after the killing is destroyed, it will be destroyed?"

Sonic Sieke: "Extinguish a stericate, there will be a second tyrant, the third extracterization, the uncomfortable strong in the universe! Captain is afraid that it is unrestrained in this life!"

Bumblebee: "Maybe this is the fate of the superhero, the so-called must have lost, the superhero has got a powerful power, will always lose something."

Black Leopard: "The Bumblebee, you are so horror, then we have these people? We have got a chat group, then we will lose something?"

The black panther's words make everyone feel slightly, carefully think, this black brother said, it seems a little reasonable?

What will we do if we will lose?

Prophet: "Don't you have heard a word is lucky, there is always a very fortunate person, saying is us!"

Time and Space Rose: "Yes, I think it is a chat group, it is my biggest luck!"

Swirl Director: "I learned a lot of new vocabulary in the group. I think this word is used to describe chat groups and then appropriate."

Prophet: "Nice long, summarize very precise, your modern knowledge is not bad!"

Prince is sacrificed: "The prophet, all the position, the next subordinates, Zhou Bing has come to the song!"

Which: "Zhou Bing attacks into the song? The god is not right away? Prophet, we have passed it! The Tiangui Kui will give it to me!"

At the time, I became excited.

Zhang Xiaofan: "I can also teach the thunder of the day!"

Zhang Xiaofan is also eager to try!

Since the accident occurred in the grass temple village, Zhang Xiaofan has always been very inferior after the income door of Qingyunmen is.

He is too bad to practice, and even the unprecedented difference between history is not over. If someone else will be ten times, he wants to learn, Master is not easy to have a hope for him.

Inti-theiente and he introduced the throne, but it was a brilliant unwanted genius. In the two comparison, he became more self-defeating.

In addition, the secret of the secretaries secretly secretly and others, in Zhang Xiaofan, the fragile heart, plus a crit.

Always go to the seventh pulse, Zhang Xiaofan is spent in depression.

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