Reaching for the Stars Master

Chapter 192 of the Ten Wanjie Drama Transfer

Everyone looked stupid, Mei Chang Su's kung fu, is it so strong?

"You can, so many years, you have been in martial arts, but it is still a lot! I will come with you!" Moming couldn't wait to go.

This time, Jing Wang, the neon-gun main people have no longer stopping. After all, the strong strength of Mei Changshu has been revealed.


Jing Wang called this time.

Mei Changsu and Mom I have to start fighting against the battle. As a result, it is still easy to defeat.

The Chinese church is silent, and it is simply shocked the chin, the intelligence of the unparalleled Qilin Tale, Mei Changshu, even the martial arts is also so horrible?

"Brother, I can't think of your martial arts is so powerful!" The neon Phrady is surprised and happy.

"Nothing, this is my luck." Mei Chang Shu is authentic.

His destiny can have such a huge shift, not because of the dog, inadvertently added to the chat group?

I saw Mei Chang Su's martial arts is so powerful, everyone is a good mood, talking about smiling and returning to the room.

After a while, I talked for a while, Mei Chang Su stood up and said: "All, my friends are here, I will pick them up."

"Xiaowei wants to pick it up? What is the friend, can you make you attach great importance?" Jing Wang is so curious.

"Xiaojue, I will go with you!" Mom I just stood up.

"No, I can go alone." Mei Chang Su hurriedly pressed Moming to press it.

He did not let the people in the group directly shuttled to the room, which was that the scene was scared, so the collection location was selected outside the Suzhai.

When he came to the door, there were some people outside the door. He is Haiwang, the wasp, Zhang Xiaofan, and Xu Changqing still.

And other people in the group are moving in the land and continue, and the space is constantly distorted, and there is another figure, and there is an emergence.

When Malco appeared, his side, there was a giant of almost six or seven meters, and there was also a white beard.

" , this is another world? It's a magical chat group!" White beard wondered the surrounding environment.

Then he started to got a group of everyone, smiled and greeted everyone. "Hello, I am white beard!"

"White beard is old, don't introduce yourself, we all know you." The Haiwang went to the One Piece World Executive Mission, and it was more familiar with white beard, so he said.

"You are white beard grandfather! I finally saw real people, I can't think of you, it is so huge! It is huge than I think!"

Which is also excited to run over.

" , good cute little child, are you Malco telling me? But you are really small, it is much smaller than I think."

White beard laughed, where to stand in front of him, he didn't get his own calf. It is really too mini. He needs to have a very low head, in order to see which positive face.

Chapter 203 Iron Man: I will die in the future?

"Prophet, all, we arrive, there is Tony."

The voice of the US captain sounded, and it was a distortion of the space. He and the steel man's figure also appeared in front of everyone.

Like white beard, the first thing after Iron Man appears, is to start the surrounding environment, and muttered in the mouth: "Jaweis Jaweis?"

But he found that Javis has completely dropped the line!

"Tony, here, there is another world, your Javis is here, I can't get a role." The Bahoai twisted the big body and walked over and said to the Iron Man.

"Or, here, there is only a signal shielding device, fully shielded signal transmission, so I can't contact Jaweis." Iron Man added.

Always until now, he has not fully believed that the American captain said, this is another world, everyone's people are from other people.

As a scientist, he has always been more rigorous. Everything has its own subjective judgment, and it will not be too easy to believe in others, especially some of them sound ridiculous.

Even if those words, the American captain told him.

However, although I have doubtful to this kind of saying, I will be very happy to join hands with the last time I will join hands to hit the Nava Fleet.

"Bumblebee, hello, I haven't seen you for a long time, you have everyone, I haven't seen you for a long time." Iron Man has a group of people in the bumblebee, with the perspective of Iron Man, this is not easy.

After he said, the Iron Man was put his gaze on Malco and white beard.

These two people have never seen it.

"Hello Tony, my name is Malco, this is a white beard, Edward New Gette." Malco introduced themselves on the Iron Man.

"So Mr. Edward, are you an alien?" Iron Man is agreed with white beard.

"Alien? What does this mean?" Unfortunately, the white mustache is rooted to hear what the Iron Man is saying.

"You can understand it so much." Malco added that he was in a group of time, and some modern vocabulary mean, he still knew.

"What about the long door? He hasn't arrived yet?" I asked again in the four under the four times.

Among the first Battle of the Earth, he and the whirlpool headband were responsible for guarding the insight into the mother ship, and his impression was deeply incomparable to the strong strength of the whirlpool.

At this moment, I saw the whirlpool portrait, and I asked in the mouth.

"Iron Man, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

A voice sounded, followed by a distortion, three shadows, appeared in front of everyone, is the long door of the whirlpool, and the obvious face is surprised and a nervous Niko, Xiao Southern.

"Baiko, Xiaonan, they are everyone in the chat group." The vortex is introduced for the two people in Niko and Xiaonan.

"Xu Changqing, hello!"

Biko and Xiao Southern two first saw Xu Changqing. At the beginning, I have done half-Tibetan and group hidden. It can be said that it is a comrades who fight side by side.

Xu Changqing smiled and said with the two people in Miki, and then two, they started to observe some other people in the group.

"These people are so strong!"

After a while, Means and Xiaonan were very surprised, especially the guys who called the prophets and people called Sony, gave them a dangerous feeling!

Even the most short child, also makes the Niko and Xiaonan feel some depressed!

That child, the same is very strong!

After the mainmen of the whirlpool, Xia Ling, the black panther, Sonic Sienique and other groupors have also arrived.

After the vortex long, Mei Chang Su was very enthusiastic, and the people walked into the Suzuki and came to the banquet hall.

Jing Wang, Mom, Nice, Night, the main people, seeing Mei Changsu out, and then brought back such a large group of people, can not help but face each other.

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