Reaching for the Stars Master

Chapter 176 of the Triadow Treasury Drama

Prophet: "This way, I uploaded the strange doctor's image, everyone knows what happened."

"Hey! The group master has been introduced to the image of the image."

As usual, everyone has finished using a one-touch experience mode, then, one will not be calm.

Black Panther: "Master! I can't think of it in my world, there is such a magical and powerful group!"

Xu Changqing: "The magic of Kama Taji makes Changqing open the eyes, it is more than the Xianli in the Lushan, and it is not much more!"

Xia Ling: "It's too cool, waving can shuttle space, manipulate time, folding space, white tofu, your Lushan Xianke, don't you do this?"

Malco: "Xia Ling you can't be so much better, Yu Jian fly, there is also a strong sense of the superman, Kama Taji is also unable to do!"

Bumblebee: "The original captain's world is not only a threat to killing, but also Domum is in the tiger! Just, it has been invested by the ancient mage!"

When I knew that the earth was at this moment, and at the time, when I was in the universe demon of Domum, everyone couldn't help but bumpy.

Think about the strange doctor who fights such a demon, it has disappeared, and everyone deeply felt a burst pain.

This is a lot of things, too exactly.

Chapter 186 Two God-level strong people invaded the Earth?

Sound speed S Sik: "This is indeed a little exempt, Stephen's customs to Kamata Ji, is to cure his own hands! Then it will become a strange doctor, but it doesn't go to Kamarta Ji. "

American Captain: "This is really letting me don't know what to say is good. I was worried that he had a danger of life, so they did not expect that it did not expect that the strange doctor also disappeared!"

Hai Wang: "Captain, you don't have to blame, how can this thing blame you? You also save people."

Prophet: "I am a little responsible for this matter, I should take into account this possibility, I will pass the image early."

In fact, when the US captain should investigate the members of the future Avengers, Zhou Qing also considered that he would like to pass the images of the relevant members. In that, the Captain Captain did something simple and convenient.

It later, Zhou Qing was thinking about it. He is just a group of chat groups, and it is not a babysitter of the US captain. It is impossible to think about the US captain.

He uploaded the recipient three and four, so that the US team had a clear and clear goal, this is already enough.

However, it is clear that Zhou Qing's consideration is not thoughtful, he won't think of it anyway, the American captain will rescue the strange doctor of the car accident!

Butterfly effect is dead!

Zhou Qing felt a lot of annoyance, but in any case, this thing happened, and how it is annoyed, but it still needs to be a countermeasure to make up for the world that lost the strange doctors will be threatened.

This is also the most concerned about everyone.

Sonic Sienik: "If the two doctors disappeared, then in the future, who goes to Casillas? Who goes Domam?"

Hai Wang: "Isn't there an ancient mage? That is the strongest mage of the earth, the guardian of the earth!"

Black Leopard: "Unfortunately, the ancient Master is still killed by Casillas!"

Malco: "I feel that it is an ancient mage who chooses death. Her soul in the hospital can fly back to his body, but she didn't do this because she felt that she found successfully, I can rest assured Go. "

Mei Changshu: "Malco means that there is an ancient mage in, Casillas and Domar, don't worry?"

Xia Ling: "But the ancient Master and Domam have confronted for so many years, there is always no way to drive Domam out of the earth! State to have a role of such a role of Siji."

Bumblebee: "The captain goes to Stephen's illustrated truth, convince him to go to Camatai?"

American Captain: "This is basically there is something possible. Now Stephen, it is a proud, conceited scientist materialist. Let him give up his good future to learn those things in his appearance is monster, afraid of a bit difficult."

Prophet: "Everyone doesn't have to worry, wait until Casilice appears, let's deal with him! With our strength, Domamgan, Casilla is still doing?"

Black Leopard: "Yes, Domam and the ancient Master have for so many years. The ancient monk will not have Domam, but Domum is also the same, but the ancient mage! As for Domam, or hand it to the ancient Master Let's shock, we can just block Casillas! "

Xu Changqing: "At present, it can only be so this."

Bumblebee: "Poor ancient Master, clearly can be relieved early, and it is necessary to start falling into Domam's long confrontation."

Xia Ling: "I think it, this has saved the ancient martial arts! There is Domarum, she will not have a dead!"

Sea King: "Although listening to some awkward, Xia Ling said, it is indeed some truth. If the ancient Master has always been alive, it will not dare to come to the earth!"

Prophet: "That is not necessarily, the ancient mage is affected by Domam's clamp, it is estimated that it is not possible to furnish. Mum and the tyrant. "

Zhou Qing's sentence, directly let the group have no sound.

Domarn and Killer, these two are the super hegemon of the universe, and the well-deserved gods, this metamorphosis, there is an invasion of the earth is already a global disaster, if two together

Everyone dares to think.

Even if you have an ancient mage, this is very unlikely, the situation is very unlikely.

American Captain: "Prophet, I, I will start it now, go to Kama Taji to warn ancient martial arts, and in the next day, I will stay there, investigate Casillas them, try to prevent them In advance, the Casillas will stop Casillas in advance! "

The Black Panther: "The captain began to be busy with the same world. As the same world, I felt very shy, captain, this time I went to Kama Taji, I will go with you."

American captain: "It is also, then we will see it online."

Prophet: "Captain, Black Leopard, you will first wait, in order to avoid similar things, I decided to upload the image of the Avengers member, let's take a look."

"Hey! Prophet uploaded images Thunder"

"Hey! Prophet uploaded image Raytheon 2"

Then, a series of suggestions, Zhou Qing, a trip of Ray, three songs, Iron Man three songs, American captain, two songs, anthers, two songs, amazed captain Movies, all uploaded to the group.

Yes, it is to prevent this Oolong, who has no strange doctors, or when it is, it is not a general.

The people in the group have used one-touch experience mode. When you look at it, then you will start to have a lively.

The Black Panther: "The surprise captain is too powerful. It turned out that Luo Nan came to the earth many years ago, but he was scared away by a surprise captain!"

When Luo Nan invaded the Earth, everyone passed the live image, almost the same as the powerful experience of Monoan.

This metamorphosis is that the prophet is needed, and the three people of Xu Changqing and Thunder will be able to kill!

But this metamorphosis is actually scared by the surprise captain.

I didn't dare to fight in the game.

Xia Ling: "Yes, the captain, how do I feel a little biased in the direction of the Future Avengers? The key should be looking for a surprise captain! She has a strength to deal with the tyrant!"

Xu Changqing: "Changqing feels that the surprise captain and the superman we just have just got,"

Chapter 187 Lead is not resistant, let's play the golden ball!

Why don't I know this? In the four of the Avengers, the surprise captain, but a person who took the glove of the glove, and the enemy's strength needs to get rid of the power of the strength of the gem!

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