Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 200: The Legend of Itachi: Don't visit relatives with friends

When Itachi told Kakashi that the headquarters were in the Land of Rain, Kakashi was quite surprised.

Because Yuyin Village was ruled by a Sansho Fish Hanzo of several shadow levels, it was hard to imagine that he would allow Xiao this nail in the country.

But in this way, it explained some things. He who took over the position of Hokage knew that Hanzo and Danzo had a good relationship, but he hadn't contacted him for a long time. Moreover, the ninja who was sent to send out the test invitation letter to Yuyin Village found that xenophobia was more serious than in the past, and Hanzo was not able to see it. Obviously the village was hiding something. The infiltration activities arranged afterwards also failed.

Kakashi asked, "Then, Jiraiya-sama told me not long ago that Akatsuki might be in the Snow Country. What do you think?"

Itachi added: "Chief Akatsuki originally wanted to use the help of Snow Country's Little Snow Princess to come on stage to confuse us by setting up a false headquarters there, but I have a sister who is disqualified as a ninja in Akatsuki."

Kakashi: "Yuekui told you?"

Itachi: "No, she almost joked about the benefits of making a film-related commission at that meeting, and was adopted by the leader. The above are my thoughts inferred from a series of fragmentary words."

Kakashi: "...In short, I received your information. Sorry, Itachi, the village owes you too much."

Itachi was silent for a while, shook his head, and said, "No, I am just making atonement for what I thought at the beginning, Master Hokage of the sixth generation, although thank you for not directly intervening, but the truth that Sister Kwai confessed to you, although there is Concealed, but what she said is true. I'm here to say goodbye to you this time."

Kakashi: "Do you want to forgive me? Or—"

Itachi: "Akatsuki's fundraising phase is almost over, so Sister Kwai has lost the necessary value, and her uneasy tone is a hidden danger, so the leader agreed to my request for revenge from Sister Kwai. I will leave this time. Go and kill her."

Of course, this is just a superficial statement. Itachi doesn't think Payne will cause him to meet Sunflower for that reason. He knows the situation well, but of course the situation that can be used must be used.

As for his confidence in where he had been completely defeated once, there was another secret, which had nothing to do with the mission, so he didn't say more.

Kakashi's face was gloomy under the mask: "...and you plan to let Sasuke know the ‘truth’ of the extermination and let him kill you, so that the more desperate truth under the ‘truth’ can be buried forever, right?"

Itachi was silent for a while.

He is determined to die. As a qualified undercover actor, he is confident that he can maintain his current identity until death and hide all secrets. But the premise is that there is no other person's affection. After he was defeated that night, all the major premises were gone.

In the past few years, he has seen that more social systems are bringing tragedies to ordinary people and ninjas, and his ideals have been destroyed in his hands after taking a step toward annihilation. He also tried to hypothesize that he assisted his father in proposing a bloodless revolution and helped Da She Wan to take the upper hand. What is Konoha now like? If he can overcome the difficulties in Fu'an and outside, perhaps Konoha will become a leader in technology and strength. The best villages, of course, have to ignore some of the ethical and humanitarian issues that arise in scientific research. If it weren't for his alienation from the people, his father would still support him to become the next Hokage. Until then...Unfortunately, he would not have the opportunity to go back in time.

Well, at least as a ninja, you have to die more meaningfully.

Because some people are not strict, Itachi had to find Kakashi, who stood at the pinnacle of power in Konoha Village and once respected his predecessors, to help cover.

Kakashi knew that Itachi had acquiesced, and he also knew that he wanted to ask himself. I understand the truth, even if it is difficult to accept from a conscience point of view.

Without more words, the Itachi who met Kakashi turned into a crow and disappeared.

"Sure enough, it's a clone." Kakashi sighed in his heart. Assuming that he can do it, he really wants to find a more balanced way for everyone. Of course, he was not naive enough to believe that he could really do it.


The Uchiha clan naturally did not live in that place before the establishment of the Konoha Village, and of course they had other clan bases.

Perhaps it is more appropriate to call it a relic in this era.

In a domed building like a large church, Sunflower was sitting very ladylike on an old stone chair that took a few seconds to wipe clean, and stared at the Itachi standing at the door motionlessly.

On one side of the wall, half of his head was exposed, half black and half white, looking at it.

Bai Jue was very dumbfounded: "Although we revealed the actual situation of Itachi's'rebellion against Konoha' to Nagato and prompted them to come here for a duel, when will this happen?"

Hei Jue said: "This is a contest of illusion."

Itachi and Sunflower are indeed fighting illusion, but they did not immediately fight in illusion. The illusion space is the same room as here. There is nothing harmful to the spirit. It is better to say that Sunflower is still drinking tea in a leisurely manner. say.

Sunflower leaned against the stone chair with Erlang's legs, one hand propped his face on the armrest, and the other hand holding a teacup. He said while drinking, "My stupid brother, can't you fail to see it, this is the leader? I'll kill your layout, right? I really dare to come. Do you think Danzo is dead and I will fight against Xiao with you as he said? Even if I might lose, you know, now Sasuke has already Uncle Snake ran out to look for you. Even if I lose by chance, you are not much better. You will definitely be killed by Sasuke. Sasuke who knows the truth will definitely take revenge on Kimo."

Itachi still looked cold: "Sister Kwai's imagination is still so rich."

Sunflower: "I don't remember any imagination that I showed "Whether it is by casually coping with my practice, I have created the current me; or it can be made in the Ninja world. The big layout of [Huang Liang Yi Meng] To give people a good night's sleep requires considerable imagination. "

Sunflower chewed the tea cup unhappily and said, "Are you saying I'm a fool?"

Itachi closed his eyes for a moment: "I didn't say that. But how far can your eyes see?"

"Hee hee, about two kilometers? Compared to this, how many degrees are your eyes short-sighted, Itachi, you and I are so close, but you can't even see my face? After all, you didn't get the means to maintain the kaleidoscope pupil power. ."

Even though a bottle of restorative medicine was used to exchange a pair of golden eyes with a large tube of wood, the medicine was not effective in curing diseases and disability.

Although Itachi remained silent, he was taken aback for a while before he said: "Well, that's right, Sister Kwai is such a person."

Actually only saw the literal meaning or something.

(to be continued)

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