Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 185: Reversal

Winkworth fell to the ground, unable to move, seeing the reincarnation eyes in Tao Shida’s hand approaching him, would he be refined into a pill by the eyes in this palm?

Wenka's eyes widened: "Dark Fog of the Sky" shot out two dark rays that belonged to her kaleidoscope pupil technique.

The dark fog of the sky looks like a dark ray but actually does not contain dark attributes. It has the ability to accelerate aging. Once it is irradiated, one second is several decades. I don’t know what the life of the big tube is.

She had forgotten the peach-like ability at this time.

The peach-style absorbs the light beam with just one grip. The last resistance gave the buff instead, and Winkaworth closed his eyes in fright.

Suddenly, the space is distorted.

Sasuke squatted down and pulled out the black rod from Winkaworth, and said, "It's okay, if you can maintain your curse status, this level of injury should not hinder the fight."

"The soul is pale ah ah ah ah ah ah ah"

On the other side, a peach-style almost crazy voice erupted.

He recovered and found that he was entangled by countless flower vines. Almost at the same time, he had just stretched out his entire right hand that wanted to use Winkawozi to absorb Chakra alchemy, but was chopped off by a dazzling long-handled sickle.

It turned out that Sunflower's healing power was quite good, and Sasuke had already repaired it.

He asked Sunflower to recall Anna, ready to escape, and summon Huavine to tightly restrain himself.

To activate the rebellious high emperor's spirits, Tao Shi must use his right hand to make eye contact with Samsara, so as long as he doesn't give him a chance to contact.

When Momoji stretched out his right hand to Winkaworth, Sasuke made the same movement as Momoji, asking Anna to immediately chop off his right hand, and immediately activated the heavenly hand to reverse the position.

Therefore, Momoshiki sensed that he and Sasuke had swapped positions, and for the moment he was restrained by Hana, it was too late to shrink his body or detach with brute force, and his right hand was severely cut off by Anna's sickle.

"The soul is pale ah ah ah ah ah ah ah"

Peach-style is used to use the right hand of the high emperor's spiritual statue, so that the opponent can not use the big move casually, and can absorb the chakra to assist the alchemy and refine the chakra fruit. So he was chopped by the opponent, and he almost lost his sanity. The eyes of reincarnation released several times the mist of the sky that had just been absorbed.

He had always wanted to use his opponent’s body to make alchemy, so keeping his mouth alive, humans can make chakras for their big barrel wood to make alchemy. It’s a good habit to cherish the seedbed of grain, isn’t it?

Now he is going to kill everyone except Renzhuli and Tail Beast

"Hey Weihan Chichihime" Sunflower flashed back and tried to counteract Momoka with pupil technique.

"Woo" Momoji shook like a cramp, which weakened the beam deviation a bit, but did not disappear.

"Doesn't it work well for Datongmu?" Sunflower waved his hand vigorously, using pure magic to construct a sickle to block the beam.

Using pure magic to create form changes is the correct way for sunflowers to open the "Dream Summon" card, but pure magic is good for creatures that are summoned by magic or great magic to construct their bodies or maintain their existence by magic. .

However, the direct shaping of pure magic power is one less transformation step than the other abilities of the Sunflower Institute. It was only when Sunflower was working as a mercenary that he found that using this to build a one-time shield seemed to be better than rank magic.

Before the sickle was exhausted by the accelerated aging of the light beam, she opened her mouth and said: "The fire escapes and the fire is gone."

The scope is so large that the peach-style is inevitable. The giant meteorite-like fireball completely wiped out the beam, and flew against the peach-style for a certain distance and set off a violent explosion.

"Puff puff" Sunflower suddenly staggered a few steps forward, and when he looked down, several black rods had already pierced out of his chest.

Behind her, a peach-like figure was coming out of a dark space-time gate, and her clothes were burned to pieces and embarrassed.

Peach-style loses the high emperor's spiritual deity, and the most threatening one becomes the sunflower of infinite p.

Anna immediately glanced at Tao Shi, shooting petrified rays.

Momoshiki shrank his body and disappeared and avoided.

Sunflower evokes gorgeous wings and flies into the air. Relying on the healing power of sapphire to assist in repairing the body, the regenerated body pushes out the black rod. She looks left and right to avoid the problem of dead eyes with coral-colored writing wheels.

"The fire escapes there and the fire is lost" Sunflower once again blew out a fireball the size of a meteorite. If used well, the writing wheel eye with the white-eye telescope effect is also very useful as a magnifying glass.

Hit again, the peach-style space-time ability is not instantaneous movement, as can be seen from the black space-time door that tried to switch the space for the first time but was still hit and opened in the same space. So as long as the attack speed is fast enough and the range is large enough, it will definitely hit.

But the ability to activate it really does very limited damage to Taoshi.

But Sunflower is an infinite p, and she fights with the peach style who can no longer **** blue, she thinks she will be able to fight to the end.

"The soul is light" Tao Shi is so angry that he can only say this sentence, but his hands are the small is not good, then come the big one.

Momoka changed back to its original size and flew high in the sky, raising only one of his remaining hands: "Dog feed for life, pheasant hunting, monkey rock"

The earth dragons that spit out lava just like the one just now came out one after another; the flame formed a phoenix the size of a tail beast, and flew with a long and hot roar; and more stones and lava wrapped in a peach-like style. Get up and turn into a lava giant even slightly taller than the tail beast.

Tao Shi once fought with Zuo Ming, and gradually liberated his powers. The result was like a gourd baby saving grandfather one by one. In the end, he was defeated. He learned the lesson this time and simply used all the tricks that could be used at the same time.

"Sunflower is speechless, the output power is not comparable.

Is the lava giant bigger than a complete body?

The goal of Taoshi is not just sunflowers. He personally rushes towards Sasuke and Winkawozi on the lava giant wrapped around his body, ordering the flame phoenix to rush towards the sunflower, and the earth dragon to attack other miscellaneous people. Saturated halal blows, and will not give you any chance to take advantage of the loopholes.

"Fire Escape"

"Water Escape"

Sunflower hit the flame phoenix one after another on a large scale. It's useless, it's all useless, Huo Dun was eaten directly by Phoenix, Shui Dun should be restrained, but the Phoenix actually evaporated such a large amount of water. This is Sunflower looking for an opportunity to secretly copy the ninjutsu known as the tailless beast dry persimmon ghost shark.

"Don't come here." Sunflower turned decisively and fled. Attracting this one is already considered as the most benevolent. It's not considered to leave his compatriots and run away.

While flying away, she took out the sapphire wand that she never used directly and turned towards her back. Because sapphire can automatically construct the magic form according to the sunflower's ideas, it can make the sunflower not need to bother to control the magic, and can use the fastest strike as a restraint. Suitable. ()

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