Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 182: Infield and Outfield

"The hairy thief, I found you." Pu Shi said, took out a pill and ate it. This was when he stabbed An Qi and took the opportunity to pull out a little whirlpool before the fishing rod was sealed. .

Soon, his injuries healed, and his aura increased a lot.

"It's actually taking drugs, so shameless!" Sunny also didn't want to think that she could always hide her figure and could treat herself at any time.

"Drink!" The Pu-style red light fish basket spouted a huge wave, sweeping towards Sunny.

As soon as Sunny opened her light wing, she flew into the air, and then countless invisible wind bullets chased her, penetrating the light wing, and shot down Sonny, "plop" into the water.

"Beep Beep!" Thunder roared in the water, causing a lot of damage to Sunny's hp.

"No, this level of invisibility can't escape the white eyes. You can use [Mirror World [irrororld]] and there are restrictions on attacks. It just so happens that everyone is gone-[Sun Burst]!"

With Sunny as the center, the flame swept across a radius of tens of meters, dispelling the flood and thunder and lightning, and forcing Pu Shi to retreat. Remove invisibility to avoid unnecessary consumption of meaningless p.

"It's coming out, little mouse." Pu Shi's mouth curled up.

"What's the matter? Your signature fishing rod is gone. In any case, your skill intensity is worse than mine, right?" Sunny said.

"Do you think I can't absorb Chakra without that?" Pu-style red light fish basket made a "pupupu" sound.

Sunny knew that this was the invisible wind bullet that shot down herself, and she could only defend without knowing the range of the fire.

"[Power Sanctuary [f-s]]."

Summon an egg-shaped mask outside the body, covering the whole body.

Across the mask, as the mask was banged "bang", Sanny saw Pu-style flying fast approaching and raised her hand to touch the mask.

"[Hungry Ghost Road]!" Sunny Guangyi quickly retreated, preventing Pu Shi from touching.

"[Huangquan Biliangban]." Pu Shi immediately switched the blood-red six-hook jade reincarnation eyes and opened the door of time and space.

Sonny's figure stagnated, and she found herself ramming into the space-time gate directly behind her, and Pu Shishi caught it. The red light fish basket was bombarded against the mask from zero distance, causing the mask to shatter like an eggshell.

"You!" Sonny turned and staggered the red light fish basket to bombard the trajectory, and kicked Pu Shi's head with an axe and kick.

Pu Shi's eyes changed back to white eyes suitable for assisted body surgery, raised his arms to block Sunny's attack, and then several serial push palms fell on Sunny.

Every time she is hit, Sunny feels that P is decreasing, but with her insight, the counterattack she wants to make will be interrupted in the middle.

"Sure enough, it's a terrible battle against Otsuki. Although I can rely on my own creation to absorb natural energy with the flowers on my head, it is difficult to make an effective counterattack when suppressed by the combination of white eyes and reincarnation eyes. I have to break away." Ni thought to herself, preparing to release the highest-level illusion technique to escape.

"[Mirror World——"

"Huh!" Pu Shi's arm flicked, absorbed a little p and disrupted Sunny's magic control, interrupting the magic of trying to hide again and shoot the black gun completely.

Sonny was anxious, and said anxiously: "Didn't the signal for reinforcements have been sent? Why haven't they come?"


Different Space Battlefield——

"Mr. Sasuke, everyone!" The blogger finally plucked up the courage and stood up.

"Don't move... Bo Ren." Jin grasped Bo Ren tightly.

"But if we don't do anything, everyone will—"

"It's useless," Sumire also looked tremblingly, "I am also arrogant. I got a lot of chakras, so I think I can participate in such a battle..."

"But..." The blogger pointed to the battlefield.

Both Sasuke and Anna were nailed to the ground by a few thick black rods, and they couldn't move for a while.

Alfin is still making the final resistance.

"What the **** are you..." The purple-black giant slashed [Dark Fang Huang Quanjin] desperately towards Tao Shi.


There was an explosion, but Tao Shiki stomped on a sword that was an unknown number of times larger than him, and then disappeared.

The flowers of writing wheel eyes on Alfin's head have all bloomed, visiting every direction.

"There—" The purple giant turned around with a sword, and turned back to the original peach style that attempted to sneak attack from behind.

Tao Shiki swiftly turned over and avoided a sword, and with a flick of his hand, while a "pop" sounded on [Suzano], his fists and feet landed on the purple-black outer armor one after another.

"Bang bang bang!" A few black rods suddenly appeared, and they were inserted on the [Suzano nohu] to expand and crack the armor. Under the action of fists and feet, the powerful defense of [Suzano nohu] was instantly penetrated. .

This set of combos takes less than one second.

[Suzano Noh] No matter how huge, the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed in the ant's nest. Alfin was hit by a peach-style punch from the small hole, and he quickly fell to the ground, followed by a few black rods. It also fixed her firmly.

Tao Shi used a simple and rude attack to knock down the three of them one by one.

Momoji did not put the two children in his eyes, and muttered to himself, "Go out and grab the fox and the tortoise and the other one", ready to open the space portal and leave anti]. "The clover-shaped kaleidoscope of Alfin flashed red, his body disappeared, and he appeared intact and not far from the black rod on the floor.

Momoshiki cast his mouth impatiently: "Is it the same ability as Pu-style's reincarnation eye, trouble."

"You also know the trouble. It's a pity that I couldn't kill me." Alphan said, secretly that this was originally his own kaleidoscope ability, this is an illusion of repentance that can turn unfavorable reality into illusion, and [Yixie] The difference between Naqi is that he won't let his eyes-immediately-go blind, but the time he can go back is only a few seconds.

"Next, maybe it's not your luck." Tao Shi said at the same time--

"Shoo!" A few black rods suddenly appeared, stuck on her body, but penetrated through.

Alfin's body was hit hiding in the 【Shenwei】space at this moment.

The previous hard-to-eat peach-style attack was to confirm that when the black sticks that appeared to hit the body out of thin air, the peach-style had any omen.

Except that the Peach is faster and the attack is not visible until it is hit, it feels like it is no different from Lingxian shooting small black bullets with a finger gun or shooting a black stick as a machine gun with his open palm. Perhaps it is the same energy they use. Sure enough, the ten tails that Lingxian collected are the sacred tree of big tube wood.

Alfin blinked slightly.

Momoko's body "whoops" and becomes Sasuke, and Momoko is nailed to the ground by countless black rods instead of Sasuke.

Sasuke, who had just activated the [Tian Hand Force] to shift his position, groaned as soon as he touched the ground, and knelt down. He was wounded with several large wounds on his body. How could he still be able to stand?

"The soul is pale, the reincarnation eyes of inferior creatures--" Tao Shi angrily wiped out the black stick on her body.

Anna broke away with a black stick and rushed to him, and the sharp claws grabbed the peach-like neck with the momentum of pulling the carrot.

(to be continued)()

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