Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 5 Chapter 21: Spine

"Honghong Honghong Honghong Honghong humming ............"

Just as Kraunpith’s magic tree felt that the surrounding smells became pleasing to the plants and a little bad for people, suddenly the entire jungle was shaken by the magic erupting centered on the magic tree, which lasted for a while. , So that the fairies in the jungle became a commotion.

"Cough cough cough, Alice No. 3, do you call this life magic? Cough cough..." Klauen Pith, whose HP had dropped slightly, coughed up a few breaths of smoke after magic.

"If my tree canopy is big enough, cough cough... squeezes out a part of the jungle (including the position of the tree fairy body), are some children going to suffer too? Speaking of, I have seen the jungle from afar. The magic-like exercises released outside, I thought it was the sixth or even seventh-level magic at the time." Kraun Pith was a little angry.

After all, any attack in this world does not bring teammates from injury.

Alice No. 3 noticed the emotions of Kraunpith and quickly explained: "Yes...Yes, it's not so high. Even the high-level life magic is only the fifth-level magic. It saves magic power. Isn’t it? It’s very convenient to turn any organic matter within a radius of two hundred meters into fertilizer. If you want to satisfy your taste buds, you can also use it for barbecue..."

"No. 3, you, are, doing, what, what, fly, machine, ah!" Alice No. 3 stuttered before she was kicked to the ground by a flying kick that flew in after she came to her. on the ground.

"How many times have you said it! Don't use that forbidden food in the forest! Do you want to make fertilizer while Dad is still alive!" Alice 0 sits on Alice 3's back. , Bowed her head to Clown Pith: "I'm sorry, Dad. My sister actually did this kind of thing, and as a big sister, I will take care of it."

"That is to say, will you make me fertilizer when I die to the point that I can't be resurrected? No way, the value of my magic tree corpse is wood, right? I use this kind of good wood to make fertilizer without wasting to death?!" Kraunpith made complaints in his heart.

"Ah...No. 0, doesn't Dad have a passive skill that can neutralize the damage?" As soon as Alice No. 3 spoke, Alice No. 0 was added a butt——

"Idiot! Didn't you reach the level that can break through Dad's passive skills the day before yesterday!"

After a few seconds--

"...I'm very sorry!" Alice 3 directly knocked her head on the roots of the magic tree.

"Just know, Alice No. 1777, Alice No. 1778, come here." When Alice No. 0 waved to the two closest blonde fairies, he called them over and asked them to set up Alice No. 3.

"The wrong child must be punished and taken away," Alice No. 0 said. “It is the first time that the rule has been implemented because it hurt Dad and the circumstances are serious. Alice walked into the depths of the jungle.

Soon after, there was a heart-piercing scream from the lush trees where the vision of the magic tree could not be confirmed. Alice’s voices are the same, but it is not difficult to imagine that this is 3. The sound of the number.

Then, Klauen Pith knew the punishment measures at all levels negotiated by the fairies, because the progeny fairies were stronger and more severe. Alice No. 3 was given the most severe living crime: the punishment of spine--- Press on the ground and break open the center of the body to pull out the "spine (not the vertebrae, but the woody layer of the trunk corresponding to the little magic tree.

It is forbidden to do any kind of treatment until the "spine" is processed separately, because the healing magic will make the stripped limbs that have not become other things return to the body like a timelapse.

This is not a bad thing for the Tree Fairy as a whole. It has learned a lesson and obtained high-quality wood.

Finally, the wood of Alice No. 3 was made into a barrel for the chassis of Luna’s failed practice combat vehicle, and it was installed on it to make a convertible self-propelled gun. Until it was completed, Alice No. 3 had been lying in the cold. On the ground, groaning in pain.

"I remember Star made a weapon with his spine? It hurts to hear Alice 3's voice. How did Star do that with a smile on his face?" Crown Pith thought .


"Ah sneeze!" Star sneezed.

"Who talked about it?" Sonny joked.

"Well, it's not a weird thing that I am being talked about for being such a good person.

"Don't you feel ashamed to say it yourself?" Sunny was speechless.

Now the two goblins are doing nothing, because they are leisurely doing the audience, and the show they watch is—

Frost Dragon's Blood Washed Naga, Probably. The reason for the ambiguity is only because even though the naga is almost completely destroyed, in fact no drop of blood has been seen, and everyone has frozen to death on the breath of the Frost Dragon.

Only a few naga and the little Hailong from the "town house" jumped into the sea and escaped, of course they were let go.

"It took us a while to come here. I don't know what happened to the war, Star, should I take me back?" Seeing that the matter here is over, Sunny made a request.

"Okay." Starra asked Sunny to launch the teleportation magic, and she stayed by herself.


"How could this happen! How could this happen!" The little sea dragon Tirasis, who was less than thirty years old, was struggling desperately on the island that he had just landed on.

It looked back from time to time, fearing that those Frost Dragons who suddenly invaded the territory would be chasing.

It is not uncommon for different dragon tribes to kill each other in order to fight for But a dozen of them suddenly appeared, just like several tribes coming out of the nest, this kind of battle is too weird to say!

Tirasis is very confident in his own strength. He even learned a few magics that shouldn't be automatically understood at this age. However, the so-called self-confidence is also compared with the same number of dragons of the same age. More than a dozen, most of them are older than themselves——

Gang formation to bully Xiaolong! you!

Even if they let them run over the Naga village that they regarded as property, it was a little bit angry, but you are an idiot if you don't run away!

A few surviving naga are also following, seeking refuge.

To be honest, Tirassis doesn’t want to care about these inferior creatures, but if it just runs back to see its parents crying, it will be laughed at. Who would believe that several tribes will attack them all at once, for sure. Is it an excuse to conceal one's incompetence?

So a witness is needed as a fig leaf, even if this is just an unreliable inferior creature and not very easy to use, it can be regarded as a fig leaf, isn't it?

(to be continued)

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