Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 4 Chapter 77: Chariot lane (heavy fog)

Klauen Pith really didn’t know how to give tens of thousands of fairies a different name, so based on the difference between direct and collateral fairies, he cut it across the board——

The blonde is called "Alice" because she looks like that kind of character with a blue maid outfit.

The green hair is called "Midoli" according to the Roman tone of the hair color.

Finally, according to the birth order, the serial number is increased from 0 to show the distinction of different individuals.

There was only a moment of embarrassment, and Kraunpisi put away the feelings, stretched out his hand and asked: "Bring it to me. You want the most advanced."

"Yes—" x2

The two goblins turned and flew back into the jungle. After a while, they flew back, each holding several bundles of things that looked like some kind of cloth or fur.

Kraunpisi took a volume and used the low-level authentication magic learned in the academy, and smiled happily: "It's true, but it feels like fur, no one can see that it is human skin. Right? But, where did these people come from? Human beings are different from other races, so don't you?" But there are still doubts.

Since Kraun Pith is active in the human kingdom, naturally he is worried about this matter.

The blond Alice No. 0 put down the bundles of processed human skins in her hand, and pointed her hand to the west: "Recently, Dajiang has been here."

"Dajiang has always been concerned about his father's needs. It is said that during the recent battle between the religious kingdom and the elven kingdom, the elven kingdom annihilated and captured a small army, and both the corpse and the prisoner were handed over to our compatriots (indigenous elves). Now, the elves seem to have this habit for a long time. Then Dajiang just asks those compatriots." The green-haired Midori No. 0 added.

"Well, everyone did a good job, then, I will accept these." Kraunpis said, throwing all the bundles into his infinite backpack.

And Meliface, who watched not far behind, continued to be frightened: Oh my God, the attitude of elves towards captives and corpses is too cruel, but it can be imagined that many demi people like to eat people. The knowledge itself is a must Examining common sense, it's not surprising that this kind of thing happens. In addition, the spirit of becoming a monster changed, and she got used to being with monsters, so Meliface's feelings stopped in shock.

"So, how about the homework for tank performance tests and tank use exercises made with different regional technologies?"


"Ashamed to say."

"Why, can't it?" Kraunpith's face turned slightly worse.

"No, no, how dare you! If Dad wants us to fight for you, we who are weak and not good at attacking magic, have such an iron turtle shell and weapons that can be used to attack, it would be great."

"And for those of us who cannot be integrated with the body, as long as the vehicle is large enough, it may become possible to travel the world with the body."

Alice No. 0 and Midori No. 0 said separately, and then they said in unison: "It's definitely not Dad's fault, it's our lack of control ability!"

"I never seem to admit that I was wrong..." Kraun Pith was a little speechless.

"The two pieces are the finest pieces that Lunabai obtained after consuming a lot of the wood that my body struggled with pain. Even Father Fluda couldn't cause scars, and immediately started the chariot lane... No, start the'tank'. Two', immediately drive two chariots around the jungle for a week, and then shoot at me!"

"Yes—" x2

Then, after the two fairies made a few gestures to the forest, they blew a rhythmic whistle.

Immediately, two tanks (five pairs of road wheels with disc turrets slightly in front) rushed out of the forest, one yellow and one green, two tanks that looked exactly like t-62s, followed by a handsome flick of the yellow car, green The car turned almost steadily, and both cars rushed out towards the direction of the so-called "track".

When Kraunpisi sat cross-legged on the spot and used her senses to accurately confirm the status of the two cars, Meliffis touched it and asked softly, "What is that? Why would you children easily agree to attack you? Instructions?"

"Huh, we can't hurt Dad." Alice No. 0 despised Meriface.

At these times, the two cars are still racing uncompromisingly. Although everyone is a goblin, the rivalry between the direct line and the collateral line and the big-eyed and small-eyed relationship still exist.

The golden t-62 uses Imperial Graham technology. All aspects of the power required depend on the use of expensive materials to make the magic circle and magic lines inlaid and engraved in the interior to operate. Each component that needs power can operate independently, allowing All actions of the tanks are very smooth and do not interfere with each other. However, the imperial vehicle damping device simply relies on large springs, that is, the suspension of the t-34 is further simplified, and the structure is quite simple, but this also makes the vehicle uneven. Bounces very well in the wild.

The emerald green t-62 is dwarf Graham technology. It has built-in Graham core components equivalent to the engine, and each place that needs power is connected by the connecting rods that originally operated Graham's hands and feet. There are many more parts and shock absorption. The device is similar to a short torsion rod suspension. In principle, it is equivalent to that of the Soviet Union in the 1950s, but the number of parts has been further increased, so the weight is a bit heavier. Fortunately, the shock absorption ability is not bad, but because of the drive connection of the Graham core The rod is directly connected to the driving wheels of the tank without any transition in between, so that the tank can only be steered with one-sided locked brakes, and the tank in the hurricane has to drift across the field and almost overturned several times.

Sensing the two racing chariots, Kraun Pith sighed. She didn’t like this kind of round-headed car that looked a little clumsy. A few years ago, Luna finally had enough technical proficiency. Later, Kraun Pace begged her to make the chariot turret into a handsome angular turret.

It’s just that Luna said that these woods were changed by magic and she ran to touch the buckler in order to find the impression of easy-to-imaginable reference objects. To imagine a wedge-shaped armor, it would have to increase the time and work time. Mana consumption, if this factor is slightly tolerable by Kraunpith, then another problem makes her have to give up the angular turret:

The strength of the armor generated by magic is equivalent to casting. If each piece of armor is carefully forged and spliced ​​like a dwarf, it would be okay to make an angular turret. If it were cast... Is the weather pretty good today?

But this point cannot be changed even if wood is used as the material, so, for the sake of quality, Kraunpith had to reluctantly give up the appearance of the tank that he considered handsome. But in the final analysis, it is also an aesthetic issue. Some fairies seem to like the image of the round head and round brain, and they think it is quite cute.

They just want to have fun by themselves.

If it doesn't work, then it will be a big deal for Kraunpis to make a suit like a movie prop car by himself. Doesn't Russian filmmaking often use tiger turrets on these round heads?

(to be continued)


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