Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 15 Chapter 57: Children's cooking is war

It took Yuuki and Ran a long time to get out of "child hell" and Stella came to the kitchen to "take refuge".

In fact, it was just the first time that the children seemed to see players who came here from other servers, or the kind that repaired the villains who made them afraid to go out, and the result was extremely enthusiastic.

But Yuuki and Ran, who are not the dean of kindergarten teachers, can't cope for a long time after they simply amuse the children. Moreover, the easiest thing to amuse the children of the players with SAO is naturally to play with weapons - in this reality It's definitely a way to **** off or freak out parents, and they're embarrassed to be a bad example to children who still have hope of returning to reality.

However, they were also dumbfounded at this time who wanted to find something to talk about—after seeing Stella cooking like a war.

They've seen Klauen Pissi cook a big pot of rice, and Stella is a completely different style.

It seems that all the system operation interfaces that can be pulled out by various kitchen equipment have been called up, from bottles and cans for ingredients to pots and pans for ingredients.

Most of the food prepared for the children is quite simple, such as bread and potatoes, but Stella peels and slices the potatoes very meticulously - just like worrying that peeling and removing a little more will starve the children or bread A little bit of inequality will be unfair.

As for the seasonings for the main food, Stella fine-tunes the ingredients with an accuracy of 0.1%.

Multiple tasks were unfolding side by side, as if the meal time could not be delayed even for a second, and Stella moved back and forth with afterimages all over the kitchen.

Obviously, players can make initial actions just like casting skills, and then everything will be handled automatically by the system.

"Stella-san is really good. I'm not wrong technically."

"No, I'm still a long way off. After discovering the auxiliary effect of [Magic Books] on cooking, I can finally understand what the cooking world looks like in the eyes of Master Zhu Cai, although I can't do it yet, But sooner or later I can jump out of these frames and use my own hands to achieve this level!" Stella looked full of enthusiasm.

"Need help?" Lan asked kindly.

"No, it's not necessary! If I had to rely on outsiders to help me in this level of practice, I wouldn't have the face to serve that lord the best cooking!"

Fuss also ran over, bent down ninety degrees and said, "Absolutely, absolutely, 1 Cole will never default on her debts. After you are done with these things at hand, let's talk about making money immediately!"

Although it was actually the other party who was being unreasonable, but because there were too many children here, Yuuki and Ran, who were reasonable, felt a sense of guilt.

"Well, if you really have no spare money, it doesn't matter if you don't pay it back... On the other hand, if you are willing to accept our employment, we will be very happy." Lan took the opportunity to make her initial request.

"Really? Is it worthwhile work!" Furston asked, straightening up a little excitedly.

"The value is hard to say, but I think it's meaningful work," Lan said.

Then she omitted the key information and gave the general content, that is, their companions were maliciously kidnapped by others, because it is very troublesome due to the possible prison location, and the lack of combat power is a small matter, and it is not impossible to accidentally cause a large-scale meaningless conflict. , so it is difficult for them to do anything on their own, so they want the help of the residents of Aincrad.

"There is such a thing, it can't be said that you haven't seen it, right, Stella!"

"That's right, it must not be tolerated. Let's go save people together after Nim returns!"

The two people with a lot of muscles in their brains immediately became warm.

But Fuss had to pour a little cold water on themselves: "It's probably not going to work when Nim comes back... Stella, you should also take a look at Nim's state."

Stella inexplicably clicked on the teammate tab and found that Nim was actually displayed in the labyrinth mission, in a state of unable to communicate and sleep.

"Fell asleep during a mission? It's incredible that Nim would take the initiative to find a mission. Although the latter is very similar to what Nim would do, does it matter?"

"It doesn't matter, Nim is more sensitive to danger than us. I'm more worried that she will fall asleep and forget her mission. If she doesn't come back and we leave, who will take care of the children?"

"Just train them to not be afraid of those villains, right?"

"You can do it so quickly. Those people will sweep away all the monsters that are suitable for children to practice."

"Let me interject a little, is there no one else here willing to help?" Yuuki interjected, the world shouldn't be that bad, right?

Fuss: "It was there at first, but under the pressure of those villains, they all ran away."

Stella: "Just a bunch of cowards, but after all, they were ordinary humans. Unlike us, it's not easy for them to survive here, and we can't blame them."

When Yuuki didn't know what to do, Ran, who was already operating the interface there, asked, "Excuse me, can you call up the map to confirm where your friend is?"

"It's okay to say." Fuss opened the menu to select his own map visualization and turned to Lan.

"Fortunately, there is some distance but not outside the circle. Since we are still in the team, we can use the transfer crystal to go there." Lan said.

"Transferring crystals, oh, that kind of thing that the Terran who calls themselves players are hoarding because of their How can we have that kind of thing." Stella said casually.

Or it should be said that non-players can't explode that kind of props in the fight against monsters.

"Then, I'll lend it to you." Lan took out two transfer crystals, "Go help your friends when you're done cooking, as long as you're willing to hand this over to us temporarily."

"Crystal is expensive, isn't it?"

"It doesn't matter, if you are willing to help us in the future, we will be very happy."

"Thank you!"

But the embarrassing thing happened next. After Stella was busy in the kitchen, Fuss and her fiddled with the crystal as the player did, but there was no response.

"Sister, why do you think they (NPCs) can use crystal transfer?"

"Xiaoyou, I just sent a message to ask about 'mouse'. She said that the NPC transfer mechanism is indeed prepared. If it doesn't work here, the player must bring it."

Then there was a moment of silence, none of the sisters could say that they would leave all the work here to one person.

"If you don't mind, let me go?"

Yuuki and Ran looked out of the window in surprise, and realized that it was Merida, who really didn't follow before, that is, she crossed the malicious blocking area alone?

Melida didn't take their surprised expressions as surprise that she was coming, and explained: "Oh, those people in charge of blocking the road are wearing heavy armor and holding heavy weapons, and the AGI can't be high, then I just jump over and run. Find an opportunity to enter a dead end and use [Hide] to get rid of them."

(to be continued)

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