Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 74: Aizen is Cacino's best encounter

"Yo." A tall handsome guy with black hair came in.

"Wangshi...this time I used Shiba Kaiyan? Isn't it always Kujo Wangshi?" For Cacino, Jack stared at Shiba Kaiyan, which was poured out of the same model except for the basic hair color and Kurosaki Ichigo. Can't afford to eat.

Not long ago, she witnessed Ichigo hacking Jack with her own eyes.

That's right, Kurosaki Ichigo's father is Isshin Shiba, who was originally a family relative.

"Don't you think this face is more suitable?" Jack changed his body and became the appearance of Inaba Ying Langzuo.

"Don't be kidding, Jack, are you skinier than you used to be? Ever since you left part of your existence with Meiyou to accompany her."

"Because only that part of Jack the Ripper is a real murderer in history, here I am just a product of a human illusion that fears me and spreads me orally. It doesn't matter if you understand this, doesn't it matter?"

Jack changed again, becoming a pretty girl with dark green short hair, a little like Inaba Kageroza-Kujo Wangshi.

During this period of time, Jack managed to connect a lot of the cause and effect of Reaper's face, and he was able to transform many people, but during these times, there are still some things that have to go to the Soul World and Void Night Palace to confirm. Not to mention the above, it is not impossible to become a passerby if you are found to be targeted by one or even both parties. However, Jack’s combat effectiveness is affected by the target. Even if he encounters a battle, he can transform again. You can take the initiative to lose the first opportunity. Don't do it, don't do it.

It just so happened that Kujiu Wangshi, who was split from Yushu Ouchi, inherited his appearance and reason and did not want to participate in any disputes, was hidden, and had not been known by the Soul World and the virtual circle. So I chose her.

The corpse soul world has a **** of death on duty in every part of the world, so these time fairies are staying in the house where the hidden barrier is opened, and they need to go out and do things to Jack, who has become Kujijo Wangshi. In order to avoid showing off the stuffing, Cacchino also temporarily referred to Jack as "Wang Shi".

"Did something happen, hopefully?"

"It's nothing, this body is entangled by bad humans because of its pretty appearance. Beating people on the street doesn't suit my style of doing things." Jack said.

"So, is business going well?"

"Successfully." Jack turned into a clone and stuffed a transformed soul into his mouth.

"Boom!" At the moment when the clone consciousness was lifted, that Jack changed into Aizen's appearance!

Compared with the projection Zanpaku knife, this is the best souvenir they have come to this world to get-Shiouxu uses the spirit of the **** of death to create the **** of death ability to transform the soul!

The corpse of the Technology Development Bureau of the Soul World can be used directly. Using the memory that Alonila can consume from the death, Jack then connects his cause and effect. Not long ago, he carefully retained the corpse who was a little insufficient after the war because of the serious damage of the captain. Soul world. Using the General Administration of Technology Development, several Reaper Transformed Souls that can create equipment even without equipment have been produced.

Thoughts and memories are exactly the same as me, so I should be able to create collapsed jade.

"That's it, I'm a copy, it seems that my body has been defeated." He said calmly. The stopping point of Aizen's memory was when Kacchino split the head of Aizen's body, and Aizen Lingzi was also collected at that time.

"Let’s go, open [Heiqiang] and go to the Xuye Palace. There are still things that need to be taken there." The blue dye clone turned around and said, "Presumably, Death has already searched and processed the Xuye Palace, but there are some things. It's not that they and the others can detect it."

"Does this understand my condition? As expected, it is you." Kacchino couldn't help asking, "Then do you know what the condition of your body is?"

Lan Ran glanced at Cacino without a virtual hole and mask, and said: "Even if I don't take the initiative to understand, I won't know all the abilities that Bengyu has given you in response to you. However, you are now resurrected, I It means that you have become a creature that conforms to the rules of the current world, but the life span should be the same as that of the imaginary."

It turned out that Bengyu responded to the small desire deep in her heart when she dismantled Kacino, and sealed the resurrection magic in the body (it was only the magic to remove the HP to zero state, and could not transform the undead race into The side effect of the survivor) and Taito's ability [Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds] is to change back to the original posture that does not belong to the follower, and the adaptation is integrated into her real posture as a virtual, which is [Returning Blade].

As a result, that little wish would be activated when he returned to the blade, and gradually "realized" through hard work, Kakino changed back to his original posture before becoming a necromancer, and was resurrected as a living being.

"Really!" Kacchino trembled slightly for some unknown reason.

"Ha!" Cirno suddenly ran over from the next room hitting the door, and stretched out her hand in front of Cacino, "In this way, can I finally eat with Kachan? Try this!"

Cirno's hands are nothing but fruit candy.

But Caccino, who was skeptical, stuffed it into his mouth, and tears couldn't stop rushing out.

"Then what? I didn't give pepper and mustard." Cirno tilted her head.

"Yeah, I'm just so nostalgic and happy." Cacino said, wiping tears from his eyes.

Once, Kacino was just a low-level fairy created by Crownpies. He witnessed raising the more low-level sunflower to level 95 in one breath. She couldn't resist the power of prostitution, so she made a request to Crawnpies. .

Fairy races are diverse, presumably Crown Pith is only thinking about maintaining diversity in all kinds, but she has become a necromancer, because she is a necromancer, so she doesn't have the taste of normal creatures. Although there are foods specifically for the, they are all tastes reproduced by the principle of sensory stimulation, just like the spicy taste that makes food more delicious but not taste but pain. The taste is good news for the undead, but it is far from the real taste.

Perhaps this is the price of power? Kacino had also heard that Paqi, who became the Black Witch, got more magic power as she wished, but at the beginning she often complained that she needed more sleep time than in the past.

Coming to this world to do missions, the food in the underworld of Xuye Palace has also improved a bit, but it is not much better.

After so many years, Cacchino has long given up and will enjoy the real taste of gourmet food. Now I feel that it doesn't matter where the strength might drop.

"It doesn't matter if the mission is successful or not, to be able to meet Ai Ran in this world... It's really great." She murmured, crying and laughing.

"Kachan, didn't we come to kill Aizen in the first place?" Cirno leaned into Cacino's ear and whispered.

"But, I can't manage so much now." Kakinuo suddenly gave up on himself.

(to be continued)

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