Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 24: Danzo's faithful successor·Jianjin

"Little sister, ordinary people are forbidden to enter here." The water plant worker said to Crow Enpis.

"Ah, I yelled to the doorman at the door for a few times and didn't respond, so I walked straight in." Kraunpiss pitted the doorman without hesitation, and continued, "I heard that my friend is here to experience work? Come here. Look, can't it?"

Confirm that there is no object in this area that may be in trouble, and slightly activate [Group All Race Confusion [MassCharmSpecies]].

"Ah, oh... there are indeed a few nice kids, who are your friends?"

"Jin... well, is Jin Jin there?"

This is a pseudonym, and the real name should be Shinrakushin.

"Eh much? Looking for me?" A purple double braid with a safety helmet marked "Safety First", the girl dressed in a sailor suit and black stockings responded, and the other two dressed slightly brighter The young girl came over.

"This is the ontology. Was it the clone that was involved in the collection of carats before?" Crown Pith thought, and said--

"This is a ninja student? Is it really suitable for a ninja to dress like this?" She groaned.

"Why, do you have an opinion? Squad leader, do you know anyone?" the short-haired girl behind the double braided girl asked.

"Excuse me, are you?" As soon as Kasumi said, Kraun Pis rushed up to her head and slapped her head, shouting in a playful tone, "Ah! You haven't seen it since you came to Konoha Village." It’s too much to forget me when you make new friends!"

Instantly activate magic [Soul Operation [ModifySpirit]].

"Ah, ah blanket ...... oh." After Jin dizzy, shaking his head, answered a God, tears would be "rushing" to flow down.

Her companion seemed to think it was Crown Pith who beat their monitor to tears, and was about to have an episode of—

Suddenly, Shino hugged Crown Pith tightly, his head leaned on Crown Pith's shoulder, crying with joy: "Really... It's been a long time since I saw you... I thought you were already, already... I can’t see it anymore. I thought you were dead, so why is there no contact at all?"

Kraunpith was also confused-she didn't add this setting.

The memory that Kraunpis sets for Sumire is: her family and Sumire's parents were once colleagues of Danzo's Konoha Anbe, so they knew each other when they were young. Because Konoha village wanted to clean up Danzo’s forces and pursued people who had participated in anti-humanitarian research and endangering social incidents. Because Konoha village was the dominant family, other places did not dare to take in these people, making Danzo’s power impossible. Do not flee the village and live a displaced life in Tibet. After that, she and Sumire never saw each other again.

In fact, it is very reasonable, because An Qi and Xinle raccoon do know each other. Although it is a bit contradictory in the timeline, it is harmless.

"Oh." Then Kraun Pith immediately figured it out. Sumire's mother died of illness, and his father seemed to entrust everything he had to his daughter before he died. This result is not for those who were chased by Konoha. Not surprising, it is not surprising that he has no connection with him and is considered dead.

She didn't dare to call Kraun Pith's name in her mind here, and she didn't know if Kraun Pith was using other names to hide her identity, so she was afraid of being discovered.

Clown Pace smiled bitterly, closed his eyes and patted Sumire on the back.

"Did you come to the village alone?" Jin asked, letting go of Kraunpith and wiping her tears.

"Well, I'm the one. Are you okay with being so busy?"

"Well, it's okay. Although it may have been a little harder, it is very important work, it doesn't matter."

Crouppis raised her head and thought for a while, whether there are puns on the surface or the bottom of Sina's sentence, but it doesn't matter whether it is a pun or not, so she asked: "Can you ask a question?"


"How was your time in Konoha Village during this time? Was it hard to be alone? Was it sad? Did you feel worried at night?"

Jin hurriedly said, "No, nothing like that. There is no major problem in life. Everyone also recommends me to be the monitor. It is indeed a lot of trouble, but..."

"Wouldn't I just push it all to you if you are so bullied." Crown Pith squinted.

"No, that's not the case. Even though my hands are busy sometimes, I feel that as long as there are bloggers, I'm very happy."

"Why are you mentioning Bo Ren suddenly!" Kraun Pith violently gently pressed her hands on Jin's shoulders.

"Eh, eh eh eh -" Jin rolled her eyes on the spot and her cheeks flushed red and crashed.

The two girls with Sumire looked like "we understand".

"Hey, the idlers retreat." Kraun Pith pushed out of the factory, pushing Sumire, which seemed to be still crashing.

Jinye felt a sudden enlightenment in front of him, recovered, looked up at the clear blue sky, and said: "Speaking of which, when I met you, my father and mother were there. They clearly lived a life of hiding Konoha and chasing soldiers, but You are very welcome."

"Ah, um." Kraun Pith could only nod her head in response, it was her memory for Sumire.

"How are your parents? How are they?" Sumire asked.

Crown Pith didn't want to add any more characters, so he shook his head: "It's gone."

"Really, I am the same." Sumire seemed to fall into the memory. "My dad is a very talented ninja, but I am not as talented as my dad. I am always very upset and nervous, but I live with everyone here. Together, I gradually become happy, and sometimes I think about...what I was doing in the past, what I am now."

"That's it." Crown Pith sighed, let go of Jin, and said, "How do you feel about what is happening in the village?"

"I don't know... but I think it's over soon."

"I know, but your chakra collection speed is too slow, and it's about to be This is for you. Let's get away from the suspect for a moment." Jin's back injected all the dark chakras given by An Qi into the technique on her back.

"This, this is!" Jin felt the surging darkness. Fortunately, the technique his father left her was sufficiently rigorous and concealed, otherwise Hokage might be attracted by this one.

Then, Kraunpisi lightly nodded Sina's forehead and said with a gentle smile: "In some places, you are still luckier than me. At least you will be with your parents for a few years after that. Precious time, and since then, I really haven’t lost it at all. Although losing it is an eternal pain, you must cherish it."

"Yes, thank you."

Kraun Pess walked out of the factory and waved back to Sumire. Sumiy bowed slightly to Kraun Pess, tilted his head and smiled like an angel, then turned and walked back to the factory.

"Yes, how can I forget it?"

Jin's father is the number one Danzo, and he is not only loyal to Danzo, but also has a strong belief and personal worship.

(to be continued)

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