Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 320: The dead save the world

When the sealed fairies in various places were quickly unblocked and rescued, Konoha, who could not hear the news immediately, was gathering at various battlefields and storage locations with the help of Thunder God. Unblocking was willing to fight together for peace in the Ninja world. Companion.

There were also battles, because Sunflower ordered the mixed fish [Reincarnation] made by her, the coalition forces and the remaining Baijue forces, to attack many of the ninja coalition forces' rear strongholds and material transportation units.

It is the same reunion of people separated by Yin and Yang, but it is not the same as the battle in the early days of the war. This is the true "tea party" for the dead.

For example, Tsunade and the resurrected lover Kato Dan and his companion Jiraiya murmured, such as Sarutobi Asma wanted to add another strength to his disciples, such as the previous generation Dokage heard that their successor and relative had come out. I'm in a hurry to save...

Until, An Qi began to carry out a strategic bombardment of the coalition forces in the entire Ninja World!

A huge ball of light blasted across the night sky, "planting" a bunch of "mushrooms" on the earth that rushed into the sky.

This attracted everyone's attention.

Naruto felt bad, and immediately used the [Fairy Mode] to perceive it. Every "shooting star" that passed through the sky caused the ninja's overall chakra number to continue to decrease, and life was constantly disappearing.

"The direction of that one is!" Kakashi's gaze followed one of the "shooting stars" to the direction of the coalition headquarters. Then, as the only commander level of the coalition that can operate normally, he received the coalition headquarters. Final contact.

The pinnacle figure in the Ninja World who had gathered hundreds of living and dead, was also quiet at this time, looking at the direction of the explosion.

It’s not that there are no people who can deal with [Tail Beast Jade] immediately. The dust of Earth Shadow can destroy anything, and the second and fourth generations of Naruto can also transfer [Tail Beast Jade], and as long as the power of ninjutsu is strong enough, even if it cannot be destroyed [ Tail Beast Jade], it should also be able to deviate the trajectory so that it cannot blow up the target.

However, no one can reach the high altitude flying over the clouds and strike at a long distance.

Even a ninja with flying ability can't keep up with the flying speed of [Tailyuyu].

"Hey, Mrs. Kakashi, how is everyone!" Naruto reflexively rushed to Kakashi and said eagerly.

"Hmm..." Kakashi didn't answer immediately, but was sorting out the messages sent at the last moment before Nara Lukisa and Yamanaka Kaiichi were killed.

I always held up my hand with a stern face and said: "If my perception is not wrong, now that the Ninja Coalition removes the people here, there is no unit that can form an organizational action. Right now, this is the full strength of the coalition. "

"It's really ironic." The second generation Tukage said without sarcasm, "Does this war have to rely on us as the dead as the main force to turn the tide? But Uchiha Madara was also resurrected by Uchiha's survivors. This war is simply two. The deceased summoned by the [Reincarnation of Dirty Land] developed by Hokage will bring disaster to the world."

While glaring at Feijian, Zhujian spoke to him: "So all that said, Feijian, let you develop less weird forbidden techniques."

Then he was turned into a state of pure white sluggishness by saying, "Big brother, don't you say a few words".

"The old man admits that this technique was indeed abused by Uchiha's imps because of Konoha's supervision. It is still humans who can use the technique." Shunjian said, "Medical ninjutsu can also kill. Killing Uchiha Madara and his accomplices on the battlefield is the best policy."

"Hey, the directions of these pieces don't seem to be very friendly here." Someone pointed to a wave of [Tail Beast Jade] whose trajectory was falling.

"It's so dense! How many volleys of tail beasts are there?" someone asked.

"It's Demon," Shion trot all the way to the front, calling out the pink wings of light that represent her strength, and preparing to take it personally, she said, "Angie uses the seal technique to destroy the world of Demon Demon, which is similar to another one that I don't understand. The monster has been fused in its own body and has gained tremendous power. I have seen such a big one with twenty bursts."

Other capable powerhouses are also ready to go, ready to use their skills to fly [Tail Beast Jade].

But it was a burst of golden light across the air, knocking all the light bullets out, and scattering around, and a group of light and mushroom clouds rose up in the uninhabited wilderness.

"Naruto!" Sasuke yelled at Naruto flying in the sky, his tone flat but dissatisfied.

It’s good to resist [Tail Beast Jade] and hand it over to the dead of Infinite Chakras. Sasuke and Naruto’s six ways of power entrusted by the Six Ways of Immortals are the killers against the enemy, and they really make them more powerful than the God of Ninja. How can power be wasted? Naruto is indeed a huge chakra, but he can't ignore it with so much consumption of [Tail Beast Jade].

"Calm down a little bit, Naruto." Kakashi said, "Although it is a bit rude to other Ninja village companions, but in our village, the relationship with An Qi is not bad at the same time and the place where the companions are located. Deliberately let it go. It seems that even if she is on the enemy's side, she has not completely let go of her previous feelings."

"Absolutely, I will end this war with my own hands!" Naruto, with tears in both eyes, almost spoke in a vicious tone.

He can feel that most of his best companions in these years are alive.

Except for Ning Ci, the best "Twelve Little Strong" are still alive, but except Tian Tian, ​​the others have become weak (infected by the virus).

At this time, Kakashi said to everyone: "Next, I will state the news and intelligence that the headquarters has desperately summarized and analyzed during this time. This is probably the last battle of this war."

Before his speech he looked at Sakumo Hagiki who came to meet together: "Father, can I trouble you to go to Uchiha Madara first? I will tell you the exact location."

The location of Togo and Uchiha Madara, which were sensed by the headquarters, were not marked by the **** of thunder, and the resurrected Sakumo was faster than Mizumon’s "Soul" world zeroth fast man in terms of constant movement speed. .

After all, even though the water gate can move continuously in space, it can throw kunai at a normal shadow-level speed; Shuo Mao now has no structural burden and chakra restriction of a living person, and can achieve unlimited maximum speed.

Sakumo Hagi turned into light and disappeared quickly. Watergate said to Kakashi, "Kakashi, I have something I want to try."

He said that he had left behind in the previous battle. If it goes well, you can completely remove the enemy's high-end combat power, but the enemy's situation is unknown, and there is a possibility of failure, and there is no chance of being guarded by the enemy.

Kakashi looked up at the light bullet that still flew through the air from time to time, and said, "No, it's better not to try it. Ms. Watergate should be able to see the right time better than me, why should you ask me?"

(to be continued)

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