Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 261: The nuclear bomb is harmless at all

Ten thousand meters above the sacred tree-

Klauen Pith was floating here, observing everything in the air, and seeing that the infield "monitor" was taken down, he picked up his hand and shook his head: "I feel that I have heard some incredible information that I don't want to hear. , I heard that Huiye's harmony has become like that, but the inside of Datongmu is actually very at odds."

"Anyway, if you fail to rely on intimate greetings, just give a gift and try it." Kraunpisi fingered the sky, "[RuinStarryMoon]."

The sky full of stars and the moon high, collapsed!

Before being struck by countless stars, Kraunpis disappeared there with teleportation magic. When she used that trick for the first time in the past, she could not move herself in compliance with the game settings. At that time, many skills were used like clicking a mouse, so. When you can gradually understand the mystery like learning the level magic that transforms into reality, you can control everything yourself.

Otohime raised her head and looked at the meteor shower and the moon "slowly" across the sky and falling here.

The starting point of the fall is too high, a guy with the ability of time and space can avoid it.

However, Kraunpisi’s goal was not to hit Otohime. Before the clone was destroyed, she felt that even though Otohime absorbed the sacred tree and became the pillar of the ten-tailed man, the roots of the sacred tree all over the ground did not disappear. The "pipe" that continues to absorb all the energy that can be extracted from the earth and supplies it to Otsuhime, remotely, is not clear, but it is very close to the original coordinates of the sacred tree.

What Kraun Pith had to do was to remove everything on the land where the "pipe" was located, including the roots of the sacred tree.

Uhime looked up at the "falling" starry sky, raised her hand, and the energetic crimson chakra ball quickly expanded like a vitality bomb, turning into a light cannon penetrating the sky and shooting towards the sky.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom..."

The falling moon and most of the stars were swept away by the crimson light cannon, becoming dust and light particles in the sky.

Although there were still many stars and fragments hitting the ground, they did not cause any damage to the root system of the sacred tree.

"[Magic Triple No Singing·Meteor Fall [TripletSlientMagic·MeteorFall]], quadruple."

Twelve huge blocks of light dragged the scorching tail glow and fell to the planet ground at an extremely fast speed.

Otohime did not rush, raising his hand is another crimson spiral light cannon sweeping the sky.

A series of explosions bloomed at an altitude of several kilometers, and all the meteorites turned into light particles in the free air, gradually dissipating.

"Taste this again!" Kraunpisi took out a small-yield nuclear warhead with a caliber of several hundred millimeters from the infinite backpack [High-end equipment enhancement Ⅹ], dyed it with a red pattern on a black background, and launched a teleportation magic on it, triggering it The fuze reached the ground in a moment.


The magic nuclear bomb turned into a purple ball of light, expanded to the surroundings, and then shrunk, turning into a small ball of light the size of a small bean, which was held in Otohime's hand. She held it to her mouth, took a breath, and blew upward—

A powerful storm resembling a category twentieth hurricane in her mouth sent a small bean-like ball of light into the air. It seemed to bloom upwards due to the influence of the wind in the air. Then, it expanded rapidly again, towards Crow. The airspace where silk is swept!

"What's the principle?!"

Alphan's voice of contact came into Kraunpith's mind--

[Probably that's right, that is the ability of the Yi Cun Mage, it seems that mysterious and low, non-living foreign objects can easily be reduced and enlarged when entering her range of surgery. It was supposed to be a kind of ability, but I don't know why she could use it. But it doesn't seem to change its size like Tao Shi and Yi Shi, otherwise it's time to use the body art showdown. 】

"That's it, but why my equipment is not used to shrink and squeeze my body?"

[There is this? Sorry, I haven't considered this blind spot yet. 】

Of course, these compatriots who have combat experience with Otsuki are watching the battle from the [Shenwei] space under the additional audio-visual sharing of Kraun Pith.

Klauen Pith did not let most of the compatriots who had gained powerful power directly participate in the war. She knew the reason why the power of the Chakra system was not effective on the Datongmu clan. From their battles with Datongmu Peach Style and Pu Style The records can be seen. Xianshu might work, but facing the current Otohime, it seems that the staying power of those who have learned Xianshu is still far too poor.

They couldn't bear several attacks at all, and Kraunpith's HP was able to bear more than ten times as much attacks as theirs. Although reluctant, the best solution was to be a meat shield.

Of course, Kraunpisi had plans to make full use of them to help in the fight, but it was not at this time.

Clown Pith was trying to avoid, suddenly a black "door" opened behind him, and Otohime with blood-red eyes shot out from it!

Klauen Pith quickly turned around and held Otohime's sneak attack with both hands. A sonic boom was hit by a shoulder-crossing blow, and she threw her into the explosion that was blown high into the sky at a speed of several Mach. It seems that Otohime cannot use the blue reincarnation eyes and white eyes when quickly deploying the time and space technique. Without the aid of these two kinds of eyes, Otohime is not an opponent of Kraunpith in physical arts.

Otohime raised her hand to Crowen Pith just before she was thrown into the magic nuclear bomb and said, "[Vanxiang Tianyin]!"

"Eh!" Kraun Pissi was dragged over in a hurry.

She wanted to teleport, but Ou Ji’s blood-red six-goed jade reincarnation stared again. Instead of teleporting herself, she disturbed the space around Crowen Pith. The teleportation was interrupted, and the two fell together. Into the explosion.

"[The world is cut off]." Kraunpisi used the original magic that had the status of the goddess of the true underworld to be eligible to learn, and required the soul to bear the burden.

Here I have to thank Sunflower for the original activity of the Dragon Clan's original I think that she was delayed in leveling because of this incident, and became more and more unwelcome to her compatriots. It is only now that she has shown it. For the sunflower of value, Kraun Pith silently thanked him.

Soon, a red translucent ball of light wrapped in Otohime and a cyan fireball wrapped in leather flew out from the other side, and then the two **** collided!

The cyan fireball is a hollow fireball made by Kraunpisi with [Lunatic Inferno], originally used to wrap the opponent and detonate.

"How could it be?" Otohime felt that the inner side of the spherical flame wall should not be able to serve as a safe zone, and the vitality and soul capacity of Kraunpith seen with her white eyes and reincarnation eyes did indeed decrease slightly.

Judging from the result of the impact, Otohime said that the hollow fireball is not very strong to her. What is the point of opening something that is so costly? Still, other attacks are brewing on this basis. In short, let's try a one-hit attack.

The moment the flame was dissipated, Otohime raised his hand to Crown Pith.

(to be continued)

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