Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 811 Ji Xing returns! (7k)

"Here!" The flight stopped in a terrain near a canyon, and Klin and Tianjin Fan carefully lowered Nell, who had turned into a stone sculpture, down smoothly.

Bulma, Ji Yu, Gohan, and Raditz also landed one after another to check the situation before and after.

"It should be fine here... right?"

"How's Nell doing?"

"No, he has completely turned into stone, and there is no way to feed him the fairy beans."

"Would you like to try my..."

"Stop it, Ji Yu!"

After a small commotion, Bulma sighed and squatted against the smooth wall. Klin also sat on the ground tiredly.

In fact, they had only been on the run for more than ten minutes from the time the Dark Demon King Dapra appeared, but their fatigue was twofold.

The mental pressure is too much.

I originally thought that since I was practicing in the gravity ring and practicing hard in the spiritual time room on Earth, I would be considered a capable warrior in the universe.

But first they met the Saiyan prince, then the powerful Namekian, and then they met Dracula Kur and the Demon King of the Dark Demon Realm. Everyone defeated them.

Especially the last demon king of the dark world. With just a slight touch, both Klin and Tianjin Fan almost lost their lives. If Bulma Jiyu's movement of feeding the fairy beans was slower for two seconds, the two of them would basically die. how to spell?

"The damn devil, you can't defeat Ji Xing, so you come to bully me and Ji Yu!" Bulma complained with some contempt.

Yes, according to the Namekians, the powerful Dark Demon King Dapra was the culprit of the Namek disaster 500 years ago, and was eventually killed by Ji Xing.

Such enemies...are all from Earth. Why is Ji Xing so powerful? !

Klin and Tianjin looked at each other. Are we not practicing hard enough? Damn it, if you can return to Earth safely this time, you must redouble and redouble your efforts in cultivation!

"I don't know what's going on over there with Piccolo."

Precisely because Dapura was eyeing Ji Yu and Bulma, in order to ensure the safety of the Great Elder and not want to implicate other Namekians, they chose not to pursue them, but scattered and fled.

Among them, because of Nell's withdrawal, Bick's four stool legs were missing someone, so he filled in and split up with them.

"It should be fine. The key is whether Wukong and the others can win..."

Three Super Saiyans face three universe overlords and a Dark Demon King. The outcome of this battle determines everyone's fate.

"You have never seen Broly's power before. Now that he is here, there must be no problem." Raditz said.

Everyone's eyes were focused on him, with questions in their eyes, not about Raditz's trust in Broly, but questions...

Why are you here? Why act with us? Haven't you always only had eyes for His Highness the Prince, and you are unhappy with the people on Earth and are not even friendly to your own brother Goku?

Raditz paused. He didn't know why he followed here naturally. He was probably blinded by Kakarot's transformation into a Super Saiyan and felt that everything was in vain.

He tried to keep a calm face and asked as if nothing had happened: "There is something you haven't told me and His Highness the Prince yet. What is the relationship between you and Clark, and who is that Ji Xing? You weren't before Are you saying that Ji Xing is the hero who saved the Namekians 500 years ago? Are you lying to me and His Highness the Prince?"

Everyone looked at each other and unknowingly became comrades-in-arms with the Saiyans. There was no point in hiding it anymore. If they were safe, they would be known sooner or later.

Bulma hummed softly: "Ji Xing should be the Clark you are talking about. He is my husband, and Ji Yu is our son."

From this point of view, if you are his disciples, I will be your master wife! Next, show me some respect! Bulma thought.

Raditz was startled and shocked.

"He, he is Clark's son?!"

He looked at Ji Yu, who was deeply hated by His Highness the Prince, and then looked at Bulma, frowning and saying: "Are you Clark's wife? Age... Could it be that Earth and Saiyans are very similar, and they are a race with long youth? Are you forty or fifty years old?"

"..." Bulma's blood pressure instantly rose.

the other side.

The great elder Xisu, who had fallen into a semi-sleep state due to the serious loss of power due to the replacement of the dragon, slowly woke up, with concerned eyes in front of him.

"Come to your village, Fowl."

A fat middle-aged Namekian lowered his head and responded: "Yes, Great Elder. Are you okay? There is an invasion from a foreign enemy. Why didn't you inform everyone?"

Sisu was silent for two seconds and said: "It's not a simple enemy, it's one of the culprits of the disaster on Namek 1,400 years ago, the Demon King of the Dark Demon World Dapura, and other strong men.

1,400 years ago, after assimilating, Modala and Xilu were no match for the Demon King. Now if they want to defeat him, they need to assimilate on a larger scale. "

Foer was startled and said firmly: "Then it's time to inform everyone. Facing a powerful foreign enemy, how can the soldiers begrudge assimilation?!"

"It's because I'm soft-hearted." Sisu looked a little tired in his words: "Maybe it's because I'm old, or maybe it's the miracle 1,400 years ago that made me have different expectations. I hope that I can save my life with less damage." Defeat the enemy without causing more soldiers to pay the price with their lives."

If we had used assimilation from the beginning, and acted decisively when Kurd and Gula threatened to destroy the planet, and prevented them from using the Dragon Balls, Dapra would not be resurrected. Maybe it would be over now?

Namek has been growing stronger and stronger over the years, and it has been so smooth and safe that I have lost my determination. Or maybe after the disaster 1,400 years ago, we saw too many deaths, both familiar and unfamiliar, and we didn’t want any more Namekians to die?

Seeing the great elder's self-reproach, Fule quickly lowered his head: "No, great elder, you just feel sorry for the soldiers."

Sisu shook his head and looked forward.

His three bodyguards, and... Kadaz's son Piccolo from Earth?

Piccolo looked distracted, and the three guards were too embarrassed to look directly at him. He knew what happened without asking.

But you can't blame them.

Just as he cares for the soldiers, the Namekians also love him. In their eyes, his own safety is greater than anything else, even compared with the people on Earth who are kind to Namek.

If he were replaced by another person, Xisu believed that they would desperately protect the people on earth instead of running away first.

"Be prepared in advance, Fule. If the Saiyans cannot defeat the Demon King and the others, they will immediately start large-scale assimilation." He said decisively: "I'm sorry to the warriors in your village."

Foer shook his head heavily: "Please believe in our determination to protect Namek! We have the same will as our ancestors thousands of years ago!"

Sisu smiled: "Okay, then let's take Jia Yiqi as our root. Start with me and assimilate all the way until we can annihilate all enemies!"


"I don't have many years left to live. Raju can inherit the position of great elder."

Compared to the plot in which there was only one person left after the disaster and more than a hundred children were born in one person, Sisu now has more life left, but not too long.

Foer looked hesitant and wanted to persuade him again, but Sisu interrupted: "Go, get ready. This is what the great elder did 1,400 years ago, and I should do the same now. The great elder of Namek is the one who There is such a mission and responsibility.

What's more, the situation may not be that bad. The Saiyans may be able to help us kill the enemy, or maybe... other miracles will happen. "


When Ful retreated, Sisu's eyes slowly fell on Bic: "Son of Kadaz...come here, come to me."

Piccolo hesitated and walked away.

"Great Elder?"

"Are you unwilling? Facing a powerful enemy, there is no way to help. Although I am worried about the situation of my friends, I know that my past will not help, so it is better not to cause trouble."

Piccolo remained silent and acquiesced.

"Actually, you are very special, Piccolo." The great elder said: "You were born from the evil thoughts of Kadaz's son. You were born paranoid and incomplete, but you gradually became complete because you were contaminated by the goodwill of the people on earth. The concept of right and wrong.

That special situation makes you a rare person in the history of Namek...a fighting Namekian and a dragon genius.

There is huge potential in your body, but it has not been well developed. My power can help you guide some of it. Do you want to accept this gift from me? "

"Guide? You..."

"Kadaz and my father are very good friends." The great elder only said this.

Piccolo was silent for another two seconds, and his expression became firm when he raised his head: "Thank you for the gift!"

The great elder's hand was attached to Piccolo's head.

The mysterious power blessed Piccolo, and his body's potential was developed. Piccolo felt that his Qi was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, doubling, tripling...

A look of surprise gradually appeared on his face. In just ten seconds, when the Great Elder's palm moved away from his head, Piccolo felt that he was invincible!

This is of course false, but his strength has actually increased dozens of times. If it were Goku before he became a Super Saiyan, he would have been fully confident to win! With such power... it should already be of some help!

He excitedly raised his head again and saw that the tiredness on the face of the great elder was even stronger. The excitement subsided and he said again: "Thank you, great elder."

The great elder smiled: "Go if you want to, do your best and protect yourself."

"...Thank you, Great Elder!" Thousands of words still came together into this sentence. Piccolo turned around and returned as fast as he could!

"Uncle Wukong and Stinky Gita seem to have merged together, and now they are two against three."

On Bulma's side, after explaining the situation to Raditz, it was Ji Yu's time to explain in the air. Through extraordinary perception, Ji Yu could basically restore the battlefield situation.

"Meet?" Raditz said in surprise. His Highness the Prince will fight side by side with Kakarot?

Others were relieved, because in the previous three-party battle, only Wukong seemed to be at an absolute disadvantage, and it should be better now.

"Well, they have reunited!" Ji Yu quickly confirmed: "But the cooperation doesn't seem to be very good. Judging from the fluctuations of Qi, they were injured again. They should have been hit by the wave. Oh, Kurd My anger is also declining. Have we made appointments one by one to resolve them? Stinky Gita shouldn’t be able to..."

The actual situation was just the opposite. Frieza and Kurd couldn't hold Vegeta anymore and took the initiative to join up with Gula. Vegeta was very annoyed and asked Goku to deal with the two weaker ones. He fought Gula himself, but Goku refused. , then a quarrel broke out, and the three people on the opposite side took the opportunity to get fucked.

Every time he heard about the fighting situation between Goku and Vegeta, it was not good news. Krillin turned to Ji Yu and asked: "Where are Broly and the Demon King?"

"Well..." Ji Yu put his fingers on his forehead, turned his head to the other side, and said with a flash of light: "The Demon King's Qi is rising and falling violently, and Broly's Qi basically overlaps with his. It should be suppressing The Demon King is fighting, and the winner will soon be determined!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and Raditz was even more happy: "As expected of Broly!"

Although he feels a little sorry for His Highness the Prince, he has no ill feelings toward Broly, who has protected the Saiyans for so many years, not to mention that he is his younger brother: "I don't know how well Broly has been able to control his sanity over the years. If he can Recover after defeating the Demon King, and the battle is over!”

"It's over!" Ji Yu said at the same time: "Both the Demon King's Qi and Broly's Qi have stabilized! Hey... Broly doesn't seem to have killed the Demon King? Is he leading the Demon King towards Uncle Wukong's battlefield? ?”

Not killed? Everyone felt a little strange, but in any case, it was good to win. They were looking forward to Ji Yu's subsequent broadcast. Klin and Tianjin Fan were also trying hard to sense the Qi that was about to enter their perception range.

A minute later, Ji Yu's face was confused and he didn't speak again.

"...What's wrong, Ji Yu?"

"It's... strange. When Broly got there, he should have directly controlled Gullah. Gullah's energy was rising and falling like the previous Demon King, but at the same time, the Demon King also controlled Kurd? Frieza turned and ran Lost?"

...What is this mess? The devil has taken control of the Kurds? Wasn't he knocked unconscious by Broly? What, are you convinced?

"Huh? It seems that Stinky Geta attacked Broly, and Uncle Goku was also helping? Broly also hit them back?!"

What? ! Broly hasn't come to his senses?

"It only took a moment, but Broly went after Frieza again. When he caught up, Gula started attacking Uncle Goku and Stinky Geta again. Demon King and Kurd also started to help attack them?!"

There is no need to comb it now. Everyone looked at Ji Yu in confusion. Klin hesitated and said: "Is Ji Yu's perception... affected by something? Isn't that possible?"

"Impossible!" Raditz shook his head decisively: "Even if Broly falls into madness, he will destroy everything around him. The Kurds are more likely to be his first target!"

Ji Yu's face was stern, his mouth was bulging and he didn't speak any more. After carefully sensing it for half a minute, he said, "It's not good, everyone, run away!"


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, they heard the roar of an explosion!

Boom - then two afterimages exploded to the left and right cliffs of their canyon terrain, causing a landslide-like earthquake!


"Careful! Squat down!"

The gravel and sand crashed down like sea water.

Krillin, Tianjin Fan, and Raditz quickly divided into three parties to protect Bulma and the two children. They sent waves to break large rocks and soil, and used their bodies to protect the small gravel. After another half minute, the three embarrassed people raised their heads to check the situation, and then their eyes slowly opened wide.

"Wukong (father)!"

"His Royal Highness Prince?!"

The one who collapsed the rock wall on the left was Goku. He was lying softly in the sand, with half of his body buried under the soil. He had exited the Super Saiyan state, with blood marks hanging from the corners of his mouth. His breath was extremely weak, and it was difficult to speak: "Hurry, run away!"

The one who collapsed the rock wall on the right was Vegeta, who was also in the same embarrassment, but lying on the ground with his right hand reluctantly grabbing the sand.

"Damn it..."

How, how could this happen?

Everyone couldn't believe it for a moment, and then heard a harsh and evil laugh: "Hehehe~"

Turning around, they saw a blowfly dancing up and down, and five figures lined up in front of the blowfly.

Dapra, Broly, Frieza, Kurd, Gula! And the exact same thing is that they all have characters similar to M printed on their foreheads!

Except for Broly, who remained in the legendary Super Saiyan state and seemed to be unconscious, the other four had extremely malicious faces on their faces, like a big bad wolf staring at a little sheep.

From the beginning to the end, Ji Yu's perception was correct! But he sensed that when Broly was pressing down on Dapura and beating him, Broly, who had lost his mind, had been controlled by Babidi who was secretly chanting a spell. At that time, he hugged Dapura and let Babidi control Dapura!

Followed closely by Kurd, Gula, and finally Frieza, like dominoes being toppled, no one could escape.

With the five warriors under his control, Babidi felt that his life had reached its peak, but he was not satisfied yet. He also wanted Goku and Vegeta!

Using these guys in front of him as hostages and threatening Goku and Vegeta who are less evil-minded, he will be able to rule the entire universe and become the king of the universe without even resurrecting the seven warriors. !

"How could it be?" Raditz clenched his fist and said, he being controlled by the enemy? !

It's over... On the other side, although they don't know what's going on yet, everyone can see that the situation is terrible, terrible.

The little bald Klin's face was full of fear, and his teeth were chattering, but he still slowly protected the front: "Bulma, Ji Yu, Gohan, you run. I, let's block it!"

How to block? What to block?

Such doubts also appeared in the mind of Piccolo who had just flown not far away.

Carrying the great elder's power to stimulate potential, he thought that his return would bring help, but the situation turned so bad in an instant.

Even Goku and the Saiyan Prince were defeated. Just one of these five people could easily kill me.

I should turn around and fly away, immediately inform the great elder, and allow the soldiers to assimilate. Only in this way can I have a chance to reverse the situation at this time.

But Klin, Tianjin Fan and others...

No, why bother with them?

Demon King Piccolo's malice surged up, and he shouted in his heart: Don't make a mistake, Piccolo! They are friends of Sun Wukong who killed your father! After locking you in the Turtle Fairy House all these years, forcing you to be a good person, and treating you as a friend, have you really been tamed by them? !

Besides, only if you are alive can the gods live, the Dragon Balls on the earth can still take effect, and there is still a chance to resurrect them, so you should turn around and run away immediately!

He looked deeply at the frightened Krillin, Gohan with a helpless face, and Bulma holding Ji Yu tightly... and closed his eyes.

"Everyone, run!!"

The next moment, he appeared in front of Klin with his arms spread out, roaring as if he was trying to build a wall with his body!

He makes a critical choice that affects his own destiny and the destiny of others.

At this moment, the evil spirit left by the Great Demon King Piccolo completely melted away, and Piccolo had a new self, dominated by good thoughts.

And more importantly, this made Babidi, who had already planned to order the arrest, stunned for a moment.


A few seconds later, when Babidi came back to his senses and let out a disdainful laugh, and was about to order Dapura again, he was interrupted by another voice.

"Why is it so lively?"

That voice echoed behind Ji Yu, who was about to carry his mother on his back and run away. Most of the people present were very familiar with this tone.

Vegeta, who was lying on the ground and struggling to get up, relaxed and tried to turn his head. Goku, who was about to fall into coma, also tried to open his eyes.

Piccolo continued to raise his arms in confusion, Krillin opened his mouth slightly and stumbled to make no sound, Tianjin Fan opened his third eye, and Raditz trembled and looked back.

Bulma's eyes immediately turned red, and she hugged Ji Yu and didn't dare to look back for a moment, for fear that she might be hearing hallucinations under the desperate situation.

"Ji Xing (Clark)!"

On the contrary to these people, the moment Ji Xing appeared, the dark energy broke out on the three father and son Dapra and Kurd. Including Babidi, extremely gloomy and hateful eyes were cast on them, and each one seemed like Gritting his teeth, he shouted: "Ji Xing (Clark)?!"

"Damn it! Are you really not dead yet?!"

Standing behind Ji Yu, Ji Xing looked around, his eyes briefly stopping on Babidi and Broly, and he roughly guessed the situation.

Didn't he manage to kill Babidi last time?

My return was perfect, and I was a hero. Fortunately, I opened a space channel of a certain size and immediately contacted my son's energy. I teleported back. In another half minute at night, something big was going to happen.

The people in front of me are all acquaintances.

"Goku, Vegeta, long time no see, why are they all in such a mess?"

Goku forced a smile, and Vegeta bit his little white teeth again to show Ji Xing.

Ji Xing stopped teasing him and opened his arms to Bulma who looked at him with red eyes. Bulma immediately threw herself into his arms and Ji Yu hugged his thigh tightly.

"Ji Xing (father)!"

Ji Xing smiled and said, "I'm back."

"Ha, haha..." Klin stuttered with laughter from his open mouth.

Although the five powerful enemies are still lined up there, they are more powerful than the people on earth had imagined before, but for some reason, Ji Xing seems to have an aura that makes people feel at ease, and his calm and calm demeanor really makes people feel at ease. Peace of mind.


At the same time, the one who was very happy was Shin, the King of the East who had been in despair before.

Although Ji Xing, who travels through time and space, is considered a criminal to him, his level is still inferior to that of Babidi. When facing the devil, all other things can be temporarily put aside!

After a slight delay, his voice appeared in Ji Xing's mind: "Ji Xing, I am Xin, the King of the East, don't show any weirdness, and listen carefully, what I say next is very important to the universe.

The evil magician who controls Dapura, Broly and others is named Babidi. He is the son of Bibidi who created the evil demon that almost destroyed the universe 5 million years ago.

His goal is to resurrect the devil. Once that happens, the entire universe will be enveloped in a devastating disaster. We must stop him!

But the legendary Super Saiyan Broly is a far stronger fighter than Dapra, and you are probably no match for him. Fortunately, Babidi was complacent because he controlled five people, and now he appears in our What’s in front of you is the true body!

Next, the two of us work together. I can briefly restrain Broly for two seconds. You must kill Babidi first at all costs. Only in this way can you have a chance to win this battle! have you understood? Reply me with consciousness! "

A second later, Ji Xing's voice echoed in Xin's ears: "You've been watching, how can you make the situation evolve into this? It's better not to cooperate, I'm afraid you'll trick me."

The Eastern Kaioshin was startled, and his blue face turned red.

As for the outside world, under the eyes that were staring at Ji Xing angrily, the first thing that crackled and hissed was Frieza's spying voice: "Damn it! Don't stop me, Babidi! Bastard Clark, I must do it this time Kill him with your own hands!"

"Call me 'Sir Babidi'." Babidi was not satisfied with Frieza, one of the weakest and most dissatisfied with him, and snorted: "You are no match for him. Dapra~Revenge The opportunity has come, do you want to do it yourself?"

After a brief shock and panic, he had come to his senses. What if this damn Earth warrior appears again? Now that I can control the five great warriors including Broly, there is no way I can lose to him again! Won't lose to anyone!

Do these ridiculous guys think the savior is coming? No one can save you!

Dapura snorted twice, puffed out dark red air, flew forward two steps, and turned his insidious eyes on Ji Xing's family of three.

"Leave it to me. I won't be careless this time." He said: "Ji Xing, 500 years have passed, you won't forget me, right? Did your family make a wish to fix their appearance?"

Behind the scenes, Kurd and Gula also hate Ji Xing. If Ji Xing hadn't killed Frieza and left a glimmer of hope for the Saiyans, the overlord of the universe would not have been in trouble over the years, and would even be controlled by Babidi now. Got it!

But when they finally found this 'Clark', they were furious and had many doubts in their hearts.

The age is wrong, the name is wrong, only the looks match. But it sounds like this guy is a strong man who can single-handedly kill Dapura once, or 500 years ago? When he killed Frieza 23 years ago, he needed a sneak attack!

Being hit by these malicious glances, Ji Xing let go of Bulma and Ji Yu and gave them a comforting smile: "Did Ji Yu protect his mother well during this time?"

"Of course!" Ji Yu raised his head.

"Well done, leave the rest to me."

Ji Xing nodded and stepped out of the crowd, his eyes meeting the hateful ones in the air.

"What, Avengers?"

After reading it, Ji Xing lost eight days of writing, plus two requests for leave, which is ten days... This is the first time since writing a book, and there are more than 7,000 updates every day. I didn't expect this foreshadowing when constructing the plot. It's so long that everyone can guess the plot haha.

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