Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 734 Disconnection and reconnection

The large hollow under Mount Enzo was originally a space that could only appear after the Great Holy Grail was successfully summoned, but now it welcomed a visitor.

He is the eighth generation patriarch of the Einzbern family, and has survived for nearly two hundred years. Irisviel is his masterpiece, and the adjustments Illya received were also made by him.

It was he who led the illegal summoning in the Third Holy Grail War, summoning Angola Newman and polluting the Holy Grail. It was also he who 'hired' Emiya Kiritsugu in the Fourth Holy Grail War and provided Emiya Kiritsugu with King Arthur's sword. sheath.

He is equivalent to the history of the Holy Grail War. He expects the third method more than anyone else and is more familiar with the Holy Grail system than anyone else. Today, Eubustakheit von Einzbern wants to destroy this place.

About nine years ago, his conflict with the Clock Tower destroyed the Einzbern family, or in other words, his lack of cooperation led to the attack by the bandits in the Clock Tower. He killed many people who peeked at the wealth of Einzbern, but in the end, he was unable to defeat four people with two fists, and Einzbern became history.

As the founding family of the Holy Grail War, the remnants of the Einzbern party are no longer eligible to participate in the war. They can only watch the magicians in the Clock Tower and outsiders compete for their Holy Grail.

As for Emiya Kiritsugu and Illya, who took Illya away during the robbery of the Einzbern family, they were no longer considered Einzbern's people.

"I would rather cooperate with those magicians from the United States than let you bandits from the Clock Tower successfully take away the Holy Grail."

Looking around with nostalgia, Ubstak Hat detonated several magic bullets with a very complicated mood. Amidst the roaring and shaking, the large underground cavity began to tremble violently!

Rubble fell and smoke filled the air.

"This... it's over." With the Holy Grail system operating at full capacity, this kind of damage is enough to bring about an even greater explosion. Ubstak Hat sighed and turned around, looking at a figure wearing a robe that suddenly appeared behind him.

"Guardians? The Clock Tower is not all idiots, but it's too late. No one knows the Holy Grail system and this place better than me."

Then he saw the face under the robe.

Cold, perfect, holy.

Wheat-colored skin and lion-like white hair were tied into thick braids hanging on his left shoulder. Those calm eyes seemed to be able to see into the past, present and future.

Ubstak Hat's pupils instantly dilated, and he stayed blank for a long while before he saluted devoutly.

"The last patriarch of the Einzbern family, pays homage to the master of the seventy-two demon pillars and the ancient king of magic, King Solomon."

At the same time, at the moment when Yubstak Hat destroyed the Holy Grail system, all the 13 existing Masters participating in the Holy Grail War felt it.

The command spell on the back of my hand began to burn, as if it appeared, and then gradually faded away.

The next thing I sensed were the heroic spirits.

The connection of the magic power was cut off, the connection of the Holy Grail system was gradually suspended, the things that maintained their arrival were disappearing, and most of the heroic spirits were quickly driven back to the 'Sea of ​​Heroes'!

In Weber's base, King Arthur and Mordred, who were still fighting for food, had a meal at the same time and looked at the spirit fluorescence rising from their bodies in astonishment.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

The King of Conquerors, who was drinking on the side, was also stunned and looked towards the sofa: "Webber..."

Weber's expression was extremely ugly: "That's true. The goal is to destroy the operation of the Holy Grail system, and it has been successful!"

"Hey, isn't it?" Shishi Jie murmured beside him: "I seem to have been eating and sleeping since I came to Fuyuki City, and it's over like this? Marisbili didn't even guard against this kind of thing?!"

"Hey! What are you two mumbling over there?!" Seeing that the fluorescence on his body was getting heavier and heavier, Mordred said anxiously: "I haven't finished my meal yet. This happened." What? Who is causing trouble?!"

Arturia, who was across the table, also frowned slightly and looked at Ji Xing at the door of the kitchen. She was familiar with this feeling after having experienced it once.

"We...are being deported back."

During the battle, Jin Shining and Arjuna, Heracles and Achilles, Diarmuid and Cu Chulainn, each faced the same situation and temporarily stopped their fighting.

Heroic spirits with the ability to act alone feel like they have lost their master, and they can still last for a while, but more like Mordred, they feel that they are about to disappear.

When I asked the masters, they were also in a panic, and no one knew the reason.

Only Aozaki Orange made a guess and said: "Maybe the system of the Holy Grail War was destroyed, and 'those people' did it."

Bazett opened his eyes in surprise: "Destroy the Holy Grail system? Why? Don't you want to use the universal wishing machine to make wishes?!"

She looked anxiously in the direction of her idol ancestor, Cu Chulainn shook his head helplessly, saying that there was nothing he could do, and then said to Diarmuid, who had been fighting fiercely with a gun for a while: "Can you hold on for a while? It seems we have to decide the winner as soon as possible, Diarmuid."

Diarmuid looked at Aozaki Orange. His wish was to be loyal to his master for once, but he wanted to interrupt it in this way?

Aozaki Orange waved to him: "In that case, here's the final order, defeat the Black Lancer opposite you before disappearing!"

Diarmuid was startled and gave Aozaki Orange a grateful smile. He held two guns in both hands and said with an upright attitude: "Since it is the Lord's order, then please forgive me for being rude, senior!"

Cu Chulainn lowered his center of gravity, held the gun with both hands, and said with a smile: "Do you think you can win?"

A large hollow beneath Yuanzang Mountain.

"I modified the Holy Grail system. Destruction can only lead to the death of the old and the birth of the new."

If anyone else had said such a thing, Ubstadt would have just scoffed. It was the result of thousands of years of research by the Einzbern family. The system jointly constructed with the Tohsaka and Matou families had reached the limit in every aspect.

But these words came from the mouth of King Solomon, who created magic, but Ubstakhat could not have any doubts. In other words, when he saw King Solomon appear in front of him, he already knew that all his thoughts and plans were in vain. .

"...Why?" Ubstarkhead just asked incomprehensively: "Magic has no secrets for you, and no magic can affect you! You can be restrained by the Holy Grail and the Command Seal. If you ignore it, why would you cooperate with a mere clock tower and even condescend to secretly modify our Holy Grail system?"

"I also have a wish, and I need the Holy Grail to fulfill it." King Solomon said without any emotion in his tone: "And I have received the revelation."


Yubstuck Hatt fell silent.

Legend has it that King Solomon could hear the voice of heaven and use his sixth sense to choose the most suitable way to act. This was a revelation from heaven to him.

King Solomon only received one revelation in his life, which allowed him to create the phenomenon manipulation technique, that is, magic - based on this, magic - before that, magic was completely the domain of God!

Now...could it be the second time?

Just thinking about this kind of thing, Ubstak Heit seemed to see a huge wave up to a thousand meters high, called the 'Torrent of the Times', which would ruthlessly wash away everything in its way!

So he sighed deeply, stopped making any struggle to resist, and allowed King Solomon to do whatever he wanted.

The other Heroic Spirits and Masters didn't know what was happening here. They just felt that this Holy Grail War would really end in an abrupt and anticlimactic way, which was absurd...but also disappointing.

"What, what is this?" Mordred looked at the dishes in front of him, and then at King Arthur opposite, the corners of his eyes and mouth sank.

King Arthur also looked at Ji Xing for confirmation, hoping that his extraordinary master could find a solution, but all he got in response was Ji Xing's stern face and a heavy shake of his head.

Is there no other way?

The King of Conqueror took a big gulp of wine, and the wine flowed down the sides of his beard. He didn't finish the bottle in his hand before slamming the empty bottle on the table: "This... is really a pity."

"Sorry, I should have thought of it earlier."

Weber was the saddest: "If I could have noticed earlier, maybe..."

"The regrets I'm talking about are not those." The Conqueror King laughed and said: "Weber, have you been in trouble these past two days? In addition to the lack of Penglai Gunslinger in this Holy Grail War, there are more monsters. Do you want to Together with me, I galloped on the battlefield and fought happily, but found that my strength was insufficient.

He used strategies to instigate others to kill him to gain profit, but he was worried that the king would be dissatisfied, so he could only be a spectator and live in this base. "

Weber was silent, indeed.

This time he wanted to win with the King of Conqueror, but he found that there were too many heroic spirits outside the standard. He fought with people. He trusted the power of the King of Conqueror, but fighting with gods... He was still an average magician after all. .

"Don't worry about that. My wish has long since changed." The Conqueror King shook his head: "After you said what happened ten years ago, my wish is no longer to obtain a body and conquer the world."

Weber was startled.

"Isn't it boring to see the same scenery twice? Although I failed midway last time, I really want to see what the finish line looks like, but even using a 'second chance' to reach the finish line is not in line with the king's domineering attitude. !" The King of Conqueror said with a broad voice: "On the true road of conquest, no one will give you a second chance!"

"...I am still not qualified to be your subordinate after all." Weber murmured.

"No, I passed the test. I am very happy to be your follower!" The Conqueror King smiled and said: "The regret I am talking about... refers to not being able to live in this era for a few more days and taste more dishes that this boy has mastered. I didn’t even have time to challenge the King of Heroes who I failed to challenge last time.”

This pair of masters and servants opened their hearts when they parted, which also affected King Arthur.

She looked at the dissipating spirit on her body and sighed softly: "Mordred, it seems that this is the end of it this time. I'm sorry that I didn't have time to teach you more, but... you may actually I have what it takes to become a king, but I was blinded by some external objects and had no time...and no desire to teach you."

"...Maybe?" Mordred snorted in dissatisfaction and gritted his teeth: "It's so unpleasant! It's so unpleasant! Why did it end like this! Master, think of something!"

Lion Jie helplessly spread his hands on the side.

Mordred lost his momentum, stared at King Arthur, then looked away and said: "It doesn't matter whether you have the qualifications to become the king or not. I... don't want to be the king anymore."

Artoria was startled: "Don't want to?"

"...It's just because of you." Mordred's voice became a little softer and said: "It's just because, father, you are the king, I just..."


The fluorescence on his body increased, and Mordred felt that time was running out, so he stamped his feet fiercely, closed his eyes and shouted happily: "In fact, in these two days, I can fight for food with you, my father, and sleep in the same room with you." Room, I am very happy to be taught by you and recognized by you!"

After the words fell, the air was quiet for three seconds. Mordred opened his eyes evasively, saw Artoria's smile, and felt suddenly relieved.

"It would be nice if it wasn't here and it wasn't so short." She snorted softly and said hesitantly and awkwardly: "Since it's the last time...can I give you a hug, Father?"

Arturia turned the table and gently held Mordred in her arms. Mordred felt extremely peaceful in his heart for a moment, and his eyes were a little red, and he forced himself to look at the ceiling.


Amidst the loud laughter of the Conqueror King, the escape of the spirit particles from the three heroic spirits became more and more obvious.

Weber and Shishi Jie looked at each other, sighing that although this ending was abrupt, it... seemed to be quite satisfactory. As for Ji Xing, he was watching all this with a slight smile. It was hard for anyone to tell that there was a hint of 'badness' in his smile.

Until, reconnect!

The disappearing command spell returned, and the escape of the spirit son ceased. Weber lowered his head in shock: " everything okay? Was Marisby prepared for it?!"

"Ah?" Lion Jie scratched his head in confusion. We were all in a state of emotion. A feint?

Mordred even dumbly relaxed his arms that were tightly hugging Artoria, and looked at Artoria at close range for three seconds.

Is everything okay again?

No! Die quickly!

I don't want to live anymore!

It's not just here.

The fluctuations of the Holy Grail network, disconnections and reconnections have obviously caused trouble to more people.

The arrogant Kama, who had just hugged his arms and scolded the two sisters with great satisfaction, "That shiny golden idiot will disappear soon, and it will all depend on my performance." He shrank his neck and carefully told the two sisters: "Don't tell him. …”

Illya, who was hugging Hercules' thigh and crying with a little face, raised her head in ignorance. Suddenly feeling the unkind eyes, she looked at the Pentel brothers and murmured: "... I will be scolded by Kiritsugu. He has warned me many times. You absolutely can’t come out.”

The most serious problem is at the port.

The strong bodies were intertwined, and the sharp spears pierced each other's chests, destroying each other's spiritual cores. Cu Chulainn and Diarmuid looked at each other with confused expressions.


Extraordinarily accompanied soft calls came from the mouths of the two servants and the two masters at the same time.

I risked my life and reconnected? !

4k, still available at 12 o'clock.

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