Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 249 Seven Gods Association


With shiny headlights and exquisite curves, a magic car passed by Ji Xing at high speed, creating a breeze.

Ji Xing stood among tall buildings and looked around in admiration.

The development of this world did not disappoint him.

Integrate all magic knowledge, move forward, guide the direction, and formulate a suitable system and guild to manage mages. After four hundred years, magic has indeed advanced to several levels.

Compared with another normally developing world, this is where magic is truly integrated into every aspect. Whether it is transportation or communication, it seems to be more convenient than modern society.

The popularity rate of magic is also amazing. Ten people passing by, eight of them are magicians. Of course, most of the magic power is very low.

The remaining two probably really don't have the talent to practice magic, and it's even difficult for them to meditate.

Walking around the block, listening to the magic room, most of the information collected is useless. After all, few people will talk about big things in small talk. They can only help Ji Xing to confirm that this is still the Doragunov Kingdom, and has already ruled the entire Yixiu Cal, and Irene have been queens for more than 400 years.

Although the current queen has delegated power to many institutions, she still holds the supreme ruling power, and even Berserion has been forced to live in seclusion for the elderly.

And it's easy to get more information. Just passing by a magic elementary school, Ji Xing stole a history book for elementary school students.

After reading it, I secretly stuffed it back into the desk of the primary school student who was reprimanded by the teacher for not bringing a book.

"Sure enough."

With a flash of his figure, he disappeared into the block, and soon arrived outside the magnificent palace in the center of the capital.

In the palace, Queen Irene was communicating with someone: "Have you found the third passage, and has it appeared in the area you checked? It can be confirmed that the two worlds are continuing to contact, and there will be more and more passages in succession." Appear.

Three passages appeared on Doragunov's land, and it might be the same in several other continents. Will there be any changes in the Seven Gods recently? Those people said they didn't say when they would arrive? "

The other side replied: "No abnormality was found. Of course, this is also the biggest abnormality. As for several holy wizards, they are coming by train. The slowest one will arrive at the capital in about two days."

"In two days?"

As Irene spoke, her eyes suddenly narrowed, and she said in a deep voice, "Who came here uninvited!"

"Why, there are other impolite guys in your palace who can come uninvited?" Ji Xing appeared in front of her, and said with a smile: "Because I don't want everyone to know my return for the time being, I didn't inform the Queen in advance , is really rude."

Irene's pupils dilated instantly, and she was stunned for several seconds before she slowly stood up and looked at Ji Xing with a smile like a flower, just like 400 years ago: "Master God of Magic, welcome back."


On the other hand, after a few days of fermentation, the Senate and the Kingdom of Fiore have gradually believed in the existence of another world. Of course, the most important evidence is that they discovered a world passage!

Fairy Tail is in a meeting right now.

"That channel is located underground in the capital of the kingdom. The king has already sent people to make a preliminary test, and confirmed that the opposite side is also in the sewer of another world, so this channel has not been discovered and mastered by the other party yet."

Makarov said: "Because of the fear of uncontrollable consequences from rash contact, the Senate has blocked the corresponding passage. Now, within the scope of the entire kingdom, we must select wizards to conduct preliminary explorations of other worlds, and we elves As Fiore's first guild, you can send a three-person team to participate in the selection."

"Let me go! Old man!" Naz immediately raised his hand.

Makarov ignored him: "This exploration requires prudence, very prudence, so for the time being, I have only confirmed Erza. In addition, I am still recalling Miston Gang. If he is willing to participate, it will be two people." , as for the third person...

First generation president, do you have any comments? "

"Me! Me! President! The first generation!"

Mebis glanced at Naz, shook his head slightly, and then looked around at all the mages: "I'm not familiar enough with everyone, or... I will go?"

Makarov's eyes lit up, yes, the first generation who looks like a child must be suitable!

Naz, who was repeatedly rejected, lowered his head dejectedly, but his eyes turned quietly, and he exchanged glances with Gray Erza, with a big smile on the corner of his mouth.

Early the next morning, Makarov looked at a letter on the table, and his whole body collapsed.

‘Sorry, President, because we have already agreed with Natsu and Gray, we will act privately this time. After all, I still have more trust in my guildmates than going to the capital to participate in the selection and act with other guilds or mages from the kingdom.

Having said that, with Naz's character, even if you don't let him go, he will go secretly. I can restrain him together with him, please rest assured that we will not mess around. ——Eluza'

"And you still said you won't mess around?!"

The angry magic fire burned the letter, and Makarov walked out of the guild with his head down.

Someone worried and asked: "President! Where are you going? If you want to chase now, you won't be able to catch up, right?"

"Where else can I go, to make amends for those three bastards who injured the soldiers of the council." Makarov sighed, as a father, what else can he do?

Mavis covered his mouth and smiled.

That's great, guild. Those three children should also be reassuring.


"So handsome! So powerful!"

Standing between the tall buildings, Naz looked around in amazement: "But by the way, why are there so many vehicles?"

Just looking at it made him want to throw up.

"Be low-key, Natsu, don't act like you haven't seen the world!" Lucy stared at the magic decoration shop with bright eyes, and reminded: "Also, Gray, don't take off your clothes. Haha Bi, you also pretend to be a decoration for me!"

"I know." Gray said, "Just take care of Naz. In other words, it still surprises me that you will come here with me."

Lucy smiled slightly, recalling the appearance of catching the sneaky trio and what her mother said last night, she puffed her chest out and said, "Of course, how can the strongest team lack me? And how could I not be willing to come to such a beautiful different world? "

"Don't talk about other worlds." Erza walked back from a short distance, and said solemnly: "Don't cause trouble for me."

"Yes!" The three stood at attention in unison.

Erza nodded, walked side by side with the three of them on the block, and said in a low voice: "The magic here is really developed, but the popularity is countless times ahead of us.

Large and small magic schools cover almost every corner of the country, and any child of the right age can enter and study. "

"As expected of Erza, did you collect so much information so quickly?"

Erza shook her head: "This information is very popular and open, and there is also a Magisters' Guild here, but the Guild is an organization that manages all wizards like the Senate.

And compared to the Senate, the Magisters Guild is more... meticulous? They will help the magician to grade, from low to high, no level, A level, S level, SS level, and the highest holy magician. "

"Hey? Holy Magician, president?" Natsu subconsciously responded, then shook his head again: "Much better than the president, that uncle..."

Erza nodded: "As an S-level mage of the guild, it's not too strange that I'm only A-level or even non-level here."

"Even Erza..." Lucy shrank subconsciously: "Then let's go next..."

Erza said: "Because of the popularization of magic education, some information that we consider important may not be as difficult to obtain as expected. Next, we will find a way to learn more."

An hour later, the four of them sat down by a flower bed and looked at each other with surprised expressions.

"I didn't expect it to go so smoothly."

"It cannot be said that people in this world are not defensive, but that their law and order are too good."

"Black mages basically don't exist."

"But it can't be said that there are no risks."

"By the way, why is there such a life-and-death Anxelam god here?"

Natsu was the most excited: "There are dragons! There are many dragons in this world!"

"Wait a minute, Natsu." Erza comforted him, and concluded: "The magic in this world cannot escape a name—the god of magic, Dunan Isbadli, but the god of magic has died It disappeared more than four hundred years ago and can be ignored for the time being.

The key figures now are the ten holy wizards, Nine Dragons, and the Seven Gods, and the twenty-six recognized powerhouses, and the most dangerous ones to us should be the Seven Gods and the Seven Gods Association. "

Gray said: "Twelve years after the disappearance of the god of magic, that is, 395 years ago, Anxelam, the god in charge of life and death, disappeared, and the boundary between life and death became blurred. Magic survives for a longer period of time, with a lifespan of hundreds or even thousands of years, which further promotes the popularity of magic."

Lucy added: "Because the boundary between life and death has become blurred, other gods that once died have gradually recovered due to worship and belief, causing chaos on the mainland. In order to better eliminate them, many wizards contacted the extermination Divine magic."

Natsu muttered: "How can you remember so many things? I don't know which one is better, God Slayer Magic or my Dragon Slayer Magic?"

"Don't think about it, at least you can't beat them now." Lucy complained, and continued: "When destroying the gods, seven ambitious god-killing mages devoured the gods with corresponding attributes, and became both With the power of magic and the power of gods, the Seven Gods Association was established."

Erza said: "They established a kingdom on the northern continent, linked up with some evil dragons in the western continent, and always wanted to shake Doragunov's rule, collect more power of faith, and enhance their power of gods .”

"The power of faith..." Gray said: "In other words, they need more believers. If they find a channel, they will definitely invade our world!"

Lucy shrank her neck: "Seven Gods, is this guy who can't even be dealt with by the mages of this world? A mage as strong as my uncle who can resurrect my mother, or even a stronger mage..."

Erza also had a solemn face: "I'm afraid that is a force we can't resist at all, and we must prepare early. Then...the key person should be the queen who rules this country, and is also one of the twenty-six strong Nine Dragons. Queen Lin."

"Speaking of which." Lucy said: "A few people seemed to be surprised that Erza, you look like Queen Irene? It's a coincidence that the queen has the same hair color as Erza."

Erza shook her head, her eyes suddenly became serious, and she said, "Shut up, magic guard!"

Not far away, a group of patrolling magic guards passed by, and the faces of the four of them changed. They stopped talking and turned their heads around one by one, as if admiring flowers.

As unnatural as possible.

The team of magic guards didn't want to notice them. Sure enough, the leader of the team looked at them, his expression changed, and he walked over.

'Oops! ’ The four shouted in unison.

How to do how to do?

Take it easy, take it easy!

We haven't done anything yet.

"It's... Natsu-sama?"

The four of them were taken aback by the guard's question, and when they looked up, Natsu was even more confused.

The guard looked serious, and stood up straight and said, "It's really you, Fire Dragon Naz-sama! Are you here to attend the Saint Magus Conference? Are your friends by your side? Please come with me!"

Natsu muttered: ""

The guard thoughtfully said: "I understand, I don't know how to use transportation, we will activate the space teleportation magic circle for you, and take you directly to the palace!"


Natsu didn't understand the situation at all.

Erza coughed, "Ah, that was really hard work, hard work..."

She doesn't know what's going on, but now... I'm afraid there's no way to refuse.

The dazed four followed the guards tremblingly, and at the same time, Ji Xing had just boarded the land in the north that belonged to the Seven Gods Association.

3600 words.

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