Jeff remembered that the last time he discussed magic knowledge with others was more than 20 years ago, when he was at the Mildion Academy of Magic.

Ever since the curse in his body destroyed the entire academy unconsciously and took lives one by one unconsciously, he never went to human towns anymore, and lived in the wilderness. He might only have a short sentence with other humans in a few months Communicate, and soon flee anxiously.

But this time was different, Ji Xing was able to resist his 'death hunting', so he didn't have to worry about killing Ji Xing by mistake without knowing it.

Moreover, Ji Xing's magic knowledge gradually showed him very surprised.

On the surface, Jeff is only seventeen or eighteen years old, but his actual age is over 40. In addition to his unparalleled magical talent, he has mastered all the magical talents in the academy during his time in the academy. The research is several eras ahead of ordinary wizards.

Although half of Ji Xing's face was blocked by bandages, it was not difficult for Jeff to recognize from his eyes that Ji Xing was only about 20 years old, but he was able to fully follow his train of thought.

Even he needs to remember and understand the unpopular knowledge that is occasionally brought up.

Communicating with mages of the same level is a kind of enjoyment, and for Jeref, being able to communicate with others is already a kind of enjoyment.

The accumulation of the two kinds of enjoyment allowed him to find a happy emotion that he hadn't found for many years.

It's a pity that this happy mood caused the cursed power in him to radiate more frequently, and this happy time only lasted for more than half a month, so Ji Xing asked him to leave.

Very sad, very lost.

But there is no reason to stay.

"We...will see each other again?"

When seeing off, the expression on Jeref's face was not at all like the legendary black mage, but like a wronged child who was about to be abandoned.

"You won't die, and I won't die. We will meet again one day." Ji Xing said, "But remember to study magic well. Next time we meet, don't be without magic knowledge that you can exchange with me."

Jeff forced a smile: "I know."

"In addition." Ji Xing said again: "Magic is omnipotent. Didn't the professors in your college teach you this sentence? You have stronger magical power and magical talent than anyone else. You can even create life. How can you still create magic?" How long will you be weak?"

Jeff was taken aback.

"Suicide is the stupidest way to escape. If the curse can't be undone, it's better to try to solve the guy who used the curse." Ji Xing left such a sentence and disappeared from Jeff's sight.

Leaving Jeff standing still.

Solve the guy using the curse?

Impossible, that is Anxelam, the god in charge of life and death, the oldest and most powerful god, don't talk nonsense, be careful that you will also be cursed by it...

Thinking this way in his heart, Jeff's mood was hard to calm down for a long time.


The West West Fortress is a magical fortress located in the southwest of the Doragunov Kingdom.

It was established only a few months ago, and it is stationed with an elite group of magical soldiers from Doragunov, and four dragons have been stationed in rotation for a long time.

After the dragon attack that devastated the mainland eight months ago, Doragunov, who gathered a large number of relatives and dragons, automatically became the center of the mainland to resist the cannibal dragon, and there were constantly wandering wizards who lost their homes. To vote, there are also ordinary people who migrate here and want to change to a safer place to live.

One of the goals of the fortress is to identify and settle these people, and another goal is naturally to prevent the dragons from the Western Continent from sneaking in.

In addition to the four-headed dragon warning, on the walls of the magic fortress, there are also magic crystals facing the outside world that can identify unknown magic power.

After a few months, nothing happened. The dragons in the Western Continent were all stopped near the coastline, and the number of wars broke out was not many, which made the interior of the fortress somewhat lax. Therefore, when the magic crystal glowed red, the patrolling soldiers were stunned. few seconds.

"Red... this is..." With a bang, he was knocked away by his captain's shoulder. The captain rushed to the magic crystal to check, and soon the shout resounded: "Everyone is on alert! An unknown dragon is coming !"

Unknown dragon? !

The fortress became chaotic in an instant, and the magic guide soldiers formed a nervous team, and went to notify the four dragons stationed separately, and soon the four giant dragons also rose into the air, showing an attitude of being ready for battle.

In the end, he didn't see the dragon, but only saw a meteor flying across the sky.

" it a human?"

"It seems to be... celestial magic?"

"The magic crystal captured him?"

The soldiers were puzzled.

The four dragons also wag their tails and look at each other.

There's a dragon chasing him?

Or...could it be him...

"I'm Dunant Ispadelli."

Ji Xing hovered a hundred meters in front of the fortress, and said directly, "Take me to see Queen Irene."

...Dunant Ispadelli?

Dragon Slayer? ! still alive? !


Magic brings various conveniences, and communication is one of them.

The news that Dunan the Dragon Slayer was still alive and had come to Doragunov in the West West Magic Fortress spread quickly.

Lost audio for nine months.

In the eyes of most people, the two dragon slayers, Ji Xing and Igor, can already be confirmed dead, and some people even proposed to build a grave for them for future generations to worship and pay respects to.

The coffin, which was more than half covered, was opened.

This is by no means a thriller.

But surprise, ecstasy!

"It is said that when he appeared in West West Fortress, the magic crystal even mistook him for Jackie Chan!"

"What kind of huge magical power is it?"

"Hahaha, it's a matter of course, without such a huge magical power, it is impossible for him to defeat or even kill a dragon!"

"He should be the strongest human magician in the mainland. Although the current four holy magicians are also very strong, they have not yet defeated the power of the dragon."

"Yeah, there is probably only another dragon slayer, Mr. Igor, who can be compared with him?"

"By the way, Master Igor, why..."

All kinds of discussions filled the block, full of joy and festive atmosphere, a young man with a mustache and a bit of vicissitudes heard the news, his body trembled faintly.

It's Conte.

The most frustrating thing is probably not having talent, no matter how hard you try, you can't see a way out.

Ji Xing, who was a magic student in the same class as him, became a professor and could fight dragons. This kind of talent is only one in the whole continent. Grai, who was also a student in the same class, quickly became an associate professor and a professor. The magic legion of the kingdom, the strength and status are not bad.

But he didn't even graduate until the dragon attack happened, and he was left farther and farther behind.

I can't catch up no matter what.

After Amidian Academy of Magic was rebuilt in a certain town in Doragunov, he did complete his graduation, but Ji Xing and Igor's failure to return made many people in the academy gradually lose their hearts.

Doing research will not save humanity.

They want to contribute to the war and pay homage to all those who were killed or injured in the dragon attack!

Some joined the Magic Legion, and some left the academy to do other jobs.

He also left the academy and relied on speed magic to do some logistics and transportation work, but he lived a dull and boring life every day.

I don't know what the meaning of learning magic is, and I don't know if I shouldn't learn magic from the very beginning without talent!

At this time, he was very happy.

With magic, he can run fast, travel across town, and deliver news of Dunan's return back to the academy as fast as he can!

Talkative, he held back his stomach and wanted to say something.

But exhausting his mana and physical strength, he returned to the academy at the fastest speed all the way, but bumped into the mages who came out in a group at the door.

"Xue, Professor Xuelin? Professor Raoul, Associate Professor Bev... Also, Mr. Hesu and Pip, you, you are not..." Several of them, he remembered, also left the academy.

"Yo, Conte." Pip exhaled a smoke ring: "Long time no see. It's just in time to come back, and we are going to find Professor Dunant together."

Let's find Dunan together... am I running slow? Obviously you've tried your best. Sure enough, my magic ability is really bad.

Conte was startled, but smiled instead.

Come back, everyone is back!

At the same time, Ji Xing was introduced into the palace of Doragunov Kingdom.

The next chapter will be late, and the daily life is too small.

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